It’s time again for Coyer! Coyer is a reading challenge hosted by Michelle from Because Reading is Better Than Real Life, Berls from Fantasy is More Fun and Stormi from Books, Movies, Reviews Oh My!. I am so excited another Coyer is almost here, I always have a lot of fun with this challenge.
This time I am not going to set any goals. I am already doing really well with my reading challenges goals, except for the Blogger Shame challenge. So during summer I want to focus on reading the books I want to read and probably still read a lot of new releases and review copies as well. So at the end I just list how many books I read during coyer that count for each challenge and how many review copies. I also hope to be able to participate in some of the social media fun.
During summer Coyer there are no rules, so every book you read will count. I am looking forward to the start of Coyer as I always have a lot of fun with this reading challenge!
I saw the relaxed summer rules and thought this would be the best time for me to finally go for it with this challenge. So we’ll be challenge buddies. 🙂 Good luck, Lola!
Sophia Rose recently posted…Rock Courtship by Nalini Singh #AfternoonDelight
Yes winter is always more strict and summer is very relaxed with the rules. I hope to get mostly review copies read even though others also count. I am so glad you’re joining this challenge and we’ll be challenge buddies! Looking forward to the start of the challenge!
Lola recently posted…Sunday Post #180
I love summer COYER’s relaxed rules. 🙂 Can’t wait to see what you will read.
Stormi Johnson recently posted…Book Review: City of the Lost by Kelley Armstrong
Thanks! I also like summer coyer the relaxed rules as then every book will count for coyer.