Author: Lola

Book Blitz: The Red Sector chronicles by Krystle Jones

Book Blitz: The Red Sector chronicles by Krystle Jones

Today is my stop during the book blitz for the Red Sector Chronicles by Krystle Jones. There is a guest post about building a dystopia world and a character interview the author did with her main character Sloane. There is also a giveaway on this blog for the Red Sector omnibus and there is a book blitz wide giveaway! The Red Sector Chronicles by Krystle Jones Genres: Dystopia, Paranormal Romance, Young Adult Blurb:The strength of Sloane’s heart is about to be put to the ultimate test. After the Eclipse – the night vampires began openly slaughtering human victims – everything changed. […]

Posted November 14, 2013 by Lola in Dystopia, Fantasy, Romance / 2 Comments

Review: Ghost Hold (PSS Chronicles #2) by Ripley Patton

Review: Ghost Hold (PSS Chronicles #2) by Ripley Patton

Ghost Hold (PSS Chronicles #2) by Ripley Patton Blurb: Olivia Black is back. Only this time she’s not the one in need of rescue. Samantha James, rich, popular, and an award-winning composer at age seventeen, is the next target on the CAMFers’ list. In order to convince Samantha to come with them, Olivia and Passion must pose as cousins, blend into the most affluent high school in Indianapolis, and infiltrate a mysterious cult known as The Hold. Olivia doesn’t expect it to be easy, even with the PSS guys backing them up. But what she discovers over the course of […]

Posted November 13, 2013 by Lola in Fantasy, Review / 0 Comments

Cover Reveal: Camp Christmas (Camp Boyfriend #1.5) by JK Rock

Cover Reveal: Camp Christmas (Camp Boyfriend #1.5) by JK Rock

Today is the cover reveal for Camp Christmas! I am so excited for this novella and the cover is great: I really like the winter feel of this cover and I can’t wait to read it! And I love how the sideline is red and white, christmas colours! Camp Christmas (Camp Boyfriend #1.5)by JK RockRelease Date: December 17, 2013Publisher: Spencer Hill Contemporary Blurb:Hannah never meant to be a mean girl – at Camp Juniper Point or at her high school. It just sort of happened during one painful year when her parents split and her life fell apart. Who knew […]

Posted November 12, 2013 by Lola in Contemporary, Cover Reveal, Romance / 0 Comments

Cover Reveal: Honeysuckle and Jasmine by Liz Grace Davis

Cover Reveal: Honeysuckle and Jasmine by Liz Grace Davis

Today is the cover reveal for Honeysuckle and Jasmine by Liz Grace Davis. I’ll show you the cover first and then tell you more about the book. I kinda like this cover. It is just a tad different from most contemporary romance covers and I like the colours on the cover, it’s a bit nostalgic and melancholic feeling at once. I also like the fact that the models face isn’t on the cover itself. And the road, which seems to hint at travel in maybe more than one sense of the word? It makes me curious about this book. Honeysuckle […]

Posted November 11, 2013 by Lola in Contemporary, Cover Reveal, Romance / 0 Comments

Sunday Post # 47

Sunday Post # 47

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to  share news. A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received and share what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. This week I started with my Netgalley November challenge! This month I plan to read a lot of Netgalley books and so far I am doing quite well I have already read 2 books and am reading my third now. This week I posted about:– Netgalley November  – Book Blitz: […]

Posted November 10, 2013 by Lola in Sunday Post / 10 Comments

Blog Tour: 1000 Sleepless Nights by Connie Ann Michael

Blog Tour: 1000 Sleepless Nights by Connie Ann Michael

 Today is my stop during the blog tour for 1000 Sleepless Nights by Connie Ann Michael. There is an excerpt and a tour wide giveaway with awesome prizes! 1000 Sleepless Nightsby Connie Ann Michael Genre: Contemporary Military Romance Blurb: Can you choose between fighting for your life and fighting for your heart?Twenty-two year old Corpsman Emme Sawyer doesn’t follow rules. She’s always been the best and no one will die if she has anything to say about it. Emme refuses to hang around the hospital waiting for the wounded to come to her and joins a Marine unit heading into […]

Posted November 9, 2013 by Lola in Blog Tour, Contemporary, Romance / 2 Comments

Review: Ruin (Summer in Winter #1) by CJ Scott

Review: Ruin (Summer in Winter #1) by CJ Scott

Ruin (Summer in Winter #1) by CJ Scott Blurb: Kate Bell isn’t perfect. Not even close. The things she got up to in college would cause her parents to fall off their pedestals in shock. Home for the summer vacation, Kate settles in for a long, boring break in the tiny backwater of Winter with folks who still treat her like she’s twelve. Then Ben Parker arrives and suddenly Winter gets interesting. He’s hot, mysterious and good with his hands. Kate falls for him instantly, but her cop father warns her to stay away. But how can she stay away […]

Posted November 8, 2013 by Lola in Contemporary, Mystery, Review, Romance / 0 Comments