Sunday Post #598

Posted June 2, 2024 by Lola in Sunday Post / 10 Comments

sunday post

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

What happened this week?

This week was a bit of a mixed one, the first half was a struggle and then slowly it got a bit better. I struggled with my mental health early this week with a lot of anxiety and then had a panic attack. I hadn’t had a panic attack in a while and I hate having them, they completely wipe me out and make me feel drained. I could take a nap afterwards to recover a bit and luckily afterwards it went a bit better. After years of living with way too much stress and then some of that stress falling away just left me feeling off and I am still struggling. I am trying to take my mental health even more seriously. I am pretty sure I haven’t recovered as well from my burn out (or whatever the tiredness ans stress plaguing me is) as I thought and I am trying to take it easier as I obviously need more rest. I also started a non-fiction book about Toxic Productivity that I got for review, so I hope that will be informative and helpful.

We still haven’t fully resolved our mosquito problem either. Not sure whether what we thought would be the solution didn’t help or that these mosquitos were already in our house. We spotted a lot of them during the day, but I did sleep badly two nights in a row with multiple mosquitos both nights. I am covered in bites again and I am allergic to mosquito bites so they swell quite bit and feel really bad for a few days before they get less.

On the positive side I baked some yummy cookies. I ate some good cookies at my mom’s last week and she gave me the recipe, so I tried making them this week and they turned out great if not as pretty as those my mom made. I also bought a new video game and it was exactly the type of game I was in the mood for.

I did a few smaller things around the house this week as well as a few small works tasks. I checked some new review copy requests from reviewers and sent out review copies. I also wrapped up this month’s assistant work for one of my authors.

What did I read this week?

Love Across the TabletopCursed

This week I blogged about:

Review: Her Son’s Secret Father by Casey Dawes
Review: Shifter’s Escape by Laura Greenwood and Arizona Tape
Review: Breaking the Alien Love Curse by Veronica Scott

Review: Her Son’s Secret Father by Casey DawesReview: Shifter’s Escape by Laura Greenwood and Arizona TapeReview: Breaking the Alien Love Curse by Veronica Scott

What to expect next week on the blog:

– Review: Slaying at the Saloon by Beth Dolgner
– Review: Wanted by Lindsay Buroker
– Review: Mage Assassins & Other Misfits by Annette Marie and Rob Jacobsen

Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:

Review Opportunity: The October That Changed Everything by Connie Lacy
Review Opportunity: Magical Elements of the Periodic Table by Sybrina Durant
Review Opportunity: Brave Women at Work – Lessons in Leadership

How was your week?


10 responses to “Sunday Post #598

  1. Have you tried peppermint oil? I swear by that stuff. I can’t use it in the house with the animals but the pure oil will get rid of a lot of critters. I have it in my attic for bugs (chinese lady bugs and spiders) it’s also great for mice which so far we don’t have. I guess it would be something to try if you are running out of options!

    Sorry about the stress, I know how you feel. It can completely throw off your day and your balance for doing anything, Totally draining, I have been struggling myself and trying to find a better balance but it’s been a struggle.

    Have a great week, Lola! Happy Reading! oxoxo

    • It’s nice hearing from you 🙂

      Thanks for the tip! Unfortunately I am very sensitive to smells, so a lot of those type of options don’t work as it bothers me as well as the mosquitos. Maybe if we know were they enter the house it could be applied there, but we’re not sure were they’re coming from as we don’t usually have this many in the house.

      Sorry to hear you’ve also been struggling with stress and finding balance. I hope you can figure things out!

  2. I’m so sorry you’re still having so much anxiety. I think it’s frustrating to know you have issues and what could work, but it doesn’t always work with our minds/bodies. Especially one little thing messing you up. Ugh to mosquitos! I’ve had more spiders in my house since I cleaned out a spider web in the garage last year that I’d left up since I’d moved in back in 2019. I feel like it’s my own fault for clearing that out, like before we had a truce, lol. I hope you have a better week! I need to check out your review of Love Across the Tabletop because that caught my eye!
    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted…Weekly Wrap-Up #172 – June 2nd, 2024My Profile

    • The lack of sleep really messed things up and then that panic attack this week. It’s hard to get at a comfortable place when things like that keep happening.

      The mosquitos are a pain, we never had many, but something broke last year which closed the access to pipes and I think that’s how they got it. We’re seeing less now, so fingers crossed that worked. I am sorry to hear about those spiders, what a strange occurrence you have more now after clearing that spider web in the garage, I wonder if it kept the others out.

      Love Across the Tabletop was great and I liked it, except for some conflict toward the end.

    • The cookie baking was so fun and I am glad I got that done, really cheered me up. The panic attack, bad sleep and mosquitos really put a damper on the week.

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