The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
What happened this week?
This was a busy week. On Tuesday the pipes below our kitchen sink got replaced, it’s nice to have that done now. Then later in the week my boyfriend tried out a new medication. He got side effects from the previous one and while they did a test they couldn’t find anything wrong, so it was time to try a new medication. He ended up getting severe side effects again and stopped with those immediately. He’ll have a call next week to discuss the next option. So that was quite stressful.
Work wise, I put a new book blitz live for a non-fiction book. I also did some assistant work. And I wrote a new blog posts for authors about Goodreads that goes live next week.
What did I read this week?
This week I blogged about:
– Review: The Falcon and the Bluestocking by Laura Greenwood
– Review: Mousse Hysteria by Gretchen Allen
– Review: Latte Love by Andrea Cumbo
What to expect next week on the blog:
– Review: Once a Rogue by Allie Therin
– Review: Party hats for Sweet Minotaurs by Laura Greenwood
– Review: Succulents and Spells by Andi C Buchanan
Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:
– Review Opportunity: Brave Women at Work Lessons in Confidence
– Review Opportunity: Brooke’s Win-Win Pony by Susan Count
– Adventures of Takuan from Koto by Ryu Zhong
– Book Blitz: The Final Haunt by Kat Mayor – 18 till 24 September
– Book Blitz: Burning Secret by RJ Lloyd – 2 till 7 October
– Blog Tour: The Jade Labyrinth by Alanna Mackenzie – 2 till 15 October
– Blog Tour: Pets in Space 8 – 3 till 16 October
– Book Blitz: God Ordains Marriages by Dr. Brenda Harper – 9 till 15 October – New!
So sorry to hear of your boyfriend’s difficulties with his medication and I hope they quickly sort it out. Have a better week, Lola:).
I hope so too, it’s been stressful having him test out different ones and having all these concerning side effects.
Feels good to tick house projects off your list and yay for getting some work done. Hope the doctors can find the right meds that don’t cause a reaction for your boyfriend. 🙂 Cute titles on those Laura Greenwood books.
Have a good week, Lola!
It was nice to get one of the house projects fully finished now. I really hope they can find the right meds or dosage that works for my boyfriend. I really like that Laura Greenwood series, I am now reading the next book already :).
I’m really sensitive to most medications and get really sick for so many things. I’ve had to find the medications that I can take through trail and error. Maybe that’s what he’ll have to do too.
Mary Kirkland recently posted…Happy Raturday!
I think that’s what he’ll have to do too, try multiple and different dosage to figure out what works well. I am sorry to hear you’re so sensitive to most medications and get sick so easily, that sounds tough.
Side effects from meds can be scary! I recently had to take a steroid for a short time and the side effects were no fun. I hope they can find a good alternative for your boyfriend.
Tanya @ Girl Plus Books recently posted…The Sunday Post #350 | September 17, 2023
It sure is scary and stressful figuring out which medication works and doesn’t give any concerning side effects. I hope they can find an alternative soon.
That’s so frustrating with the meds. I hope he finds something that works soon. Have a great weekend!
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