Sunday Post #435

Posted April 18, 2021 by Lola in Sunday Post / 12 Comments

sunday post

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

What happened this week?

I had hoped that this week would be better now I got all those appointments (doctor and dentist) out of the way last week. Unfortunately this week didn’t go smoothly either. There were some minor things going wrong this week as well as some big things. I also spent half of the week with a horrible shoulder pain and headache. The worst of it is gone now I think, but I am still tired. Then our dishwasher broke when I was about to switch it on, so we had to order a new one. Luckily that should be here shortly.

On a more positive note I tried a new recipe for a vegan cinnamon role cake that turned out really good. The cake is so soft! I also read a great mystery book this week and make progress on my other reads. I also finally felt like reading non-fiction again and picked up my first non-fiction book in weeks.

It was a solid week work wise even tough I didn’t get as much done as I had hoped. I got a good amount of assistant work done and I had two new sign up posts going live. I am excited to be busy with tours again at the moment. I have a new blog tour live, as well as a new review opportunity. And both have review copies available in multiple formats, ecopies, audiocopies and paperbacks. I listed both of them below.

Replaced Parts book cover

Bea's Witch tour banner

I also put a new blog post live on my Lola’s Blog Tours site. This one has a big list of ideas for giveaway prizes that authors can give away. I enjoyed writing this one and I hope it is helpful for authors. Which giveaway prizes do you like most?

List of giveaway ideas for authors graphic

What did I read this week?

Fronds and EnemiesVangie Vale and the Strangled Strudel

Fronds and Enemies unfortunately was a 2 star read, this one sadly didn’t work for me, but I enjoyed the rest of the series. Vangie Vale and the Strangled Strudel was awesome, the mystery was really good and I enjoy spending time with Vangie.

This week I blogged about:

Review: One Poison Pie by Lynn Cahoon
Lola’s Kitchen: Chicken with Parsley and Mushrooms Recipe

Review: One Poison Pie by Lynn CahoonLola’s Kitchen: Chicken with Parsley and Mushrooms Recipe

What to expect next week on the blog:

– Review: Black Queen Shadow by Lidiya Foxglove
– Review: The Protector by Jordan Ford

Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:

Review Opportunity: Mu by Lyla Oweds
Review Opportunity: Death Island The Discovery by Kelsey Ketch
Review Opportunity: Sheltering Spirits by Lori Allison
Review Opportunity: Replaced Parts by Stephanie HansenNew!
Blog Tour: Bea’s Witch by Daniel Ingram-Brown – 21 June till 11 July – New!

Book Haul:

Of Kindness and KilowattsThe Trouble with Order

How was your week?


12 responses to “Sunday Post #435

  1. Sorry that you have had a rocky week, Lola. And yes – I thoroughly enjoyed The Daydreamer Detective and I look forward to reading more in this series:)). I hope the coming week is a lot better.

    • I am glad to hear you enjoyed The Daydreamer Detective, I really enjoyed that series. I also hope next week is a better one.

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