Sunday Post #407

Posted October 4, 2020 by Lola in Sunday Post / 12 Comments

sunday post

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

What happened this week?

This was a tiring week and very busy, but also with some good bits. It was a bit of a stressful week at times and I ended up with a major headache later in the week, which was a pain and I was happy when it finally went away. It was a good week for work and I got a lot done and I am glad work is so busy.

I am losing even more hours of assistant work starting next year, so that’s the less good news, but there’s also a bright side of having more time to work for new authors and I hope to focus more on tour work. It’s a bit of a complicated situation and I won’t go into details here, but we decided this was for the best. I am both sad as well about losing this work as well as excited to find new authors to work with. I am also hoping to focus more on my tour work going forward and I have some exciting plans for the future for Lola’s Blog Tours. I hope to work on some of that in the coming few months.

In other work related news. I worked hard to put 3 more sign-up posts live this week for upcoming tours. I had hoped to also get a fourth done, but I couldn’t find the time to fit that in. So that one will go live next week. I also wrapped up some assistant work from last month and made a start on this month’s work. I have a few new tasks for one of my authors which is great timing as well as one of my new authors I will start working for this month. I also replied to a few request for assistant work that I saw in a Facebook group I am part of, but haven’t heard back the decision about those yet.

Most of the week was work focused. I also finished some great reads. And bought a non-fiction writing book bundle for which I am really excited as I love reading non-fiction books lately. My boyfriend had his last week of work this week and will start looking for new work. The computer problem is a bit better as it crashes less often, but we’re not fully done yet with updating drivers. It’s slow going as I don’t have as much time to spare in a day and we don’t want to risk doing them all at once and having it crash during updating. My new mouse finally arrived, seems something went wrong and after I emailed them it got shipped shortly after that. I still have to try it out, hopefully next week. My arm is still doing well for now luckily.

Here in Netherlands the corona rules are all stricter again. Masks are now encouraged, but they can’t make it obligatory from what I understand. Last week when I did grocery shopping I saw almost half of the people wearing a mask, so that’s good to see. We’ll see how that continues. I also took to wearing my mask everywhere unless I am at home or walking outside.

I tried out some new recipes this week. A recipe for peanut butter balls, which turned out great. As well as a vegan lentils enchiladas recipe, which was a total flop, they tasted very bland. Picture of the peanut balls below.

What did I read this week?

My heart and Soul Maybe a MermaidDamned Souls and a SangriaChecked In

This was a good reading week with 4 books I finished. My heart and Soul was a fun series ender with plenty of cameo appearances from previous couples, but I didn’t fully feel the romance in this one. Maybe a Mermaid was an awesome audiobook. The narrator was great and I really enjoyed this story about friendship and the vacation theme. Damned Souls and a Sangria was a great ending to the series packed full with action and high stakes and an awesome epilogue. Checked In was another solid read in this paranormal suspense series. The mystery was a good one and I liked seeing more of the characters.

This week I blogged about:

Review: Candy Slain Murder by Maddie Day
Review: Heart & Soul by Melody Sweet
Review: Damned Souls and a Sangria by Annette Marie

Review: Candy Slain Murder by Maddie DayReview: Heart & Soul by Melody SweetReview: Damned Souls and a Sangria by Annette Marie

What to expect next week on the blog:

– Review: Ghost of a Gamble by J.E. McDonald
– Review: Seashells and Murder by H.Y. Hanna
– Review: Maybe a Mermaid by Josephine Cameron

Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:

Review Opportunity: The Jade Rebellion by Alanna MacKenzie
Review Opportunity: The Time Capsule by Connie Lacy
Review Opportunity: Midnight Temptation by Shari Nicholls
Review Opportunity: Missing by A.D. Hay
Review Opportunity: Spooks by Athena Flores
Bookstagram Blitz: The Trapped Daughter by Jay Kerk – 5 till 11 October
Book Blitz: The Waltz of Devil’s Creek by Justine Carver – 26 October till 8 November – New!
Book Blitz: Fire Dancer by Elizabeth Howell – 9 till 15 November – New!
Blog Tour: Indigo by Paula Berinstein – 9 till 22 November
Blog Tour: The Haunting of Gallagher Hotel by K.T. Rose – 1 till 15 December – New!
Blog Tour: The Flyght Series by S.J. Pajonas – 7 till 11 December

Book Haul:

I bought this non-fiction book writing/ marketing storybundle. It includes 17 books, so I didn’t want to go through that and list them all.

how was your week?


12 responses to “Sunday Post #407

  1. Peanut butter balls sound good. Masks are mandatory here or they won’t let you into the business or store. There are people that go to different businesses and stores to make sure it’s being followed and if it’s not the stores get a fine so they are making sure people follow the rules.
    Mary Kirkland recently posted…Apartment Life #222My Profile

    • The peanut butter balls were great! It’s nice to see more people wearing masks here. I don’t think they can make the masks mandatory here yet, not sure why, maybe that will happen eventually.

  2. Our rules are stricter too, the way things are I wouldn’t be surprised if they get even stricter. Masks are mandatory in most places now, you have to wear them in shops or they won’t let you in but some people still seem to be getting away with not wearing them. I’m acquiring a nice collection of patterned ones!

    Have a good week.
    Heather recently posted…The Sunday Post #77 – 4th October 2020My Profile

    • I also wouldn’t be surprised if the rules get even stricter in the future. I am hoping to buy some more masks as I don’t have as many reusable ones yet.

  3. The peanut butter balls look yummy! I love peanut butter and chocolate.

    I’m sorry about the author work, but it sounds like it was a mutual decision and may ultimately be for the best. Good luck finding new authors to work for! And good luck to your boyfriend with his job hunt.

    I wish things could be super strict everywhere – I know it would be hard but I also feel like we have so many people not taking things seriously and ruin it for the rest of us. It’s like I’m in school all over again and the bad kids keep ruining my day. Lol!!

    Anyway, have a great week. I hope the computer keeps improving for you ❤️

    • Same here, peanut butter and chocolate is such a great combination 🙂

      Yes it was a mutual decision and I think it’s for the best, it just will be a bit though with needing to find new work.

      I think having things super strict for a while would be good, so we can get the cases down and keep them down.

      No luck with the computer troubles yet, but hopefully soon.

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