Sunday Post #405

Posted September 20, 2020 by Lola in Sunday Post / 20 Comments

sunday post

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

What happened this week?

This week was still tiring and a lot of the problems I am working on haven’t improved, but there were some good pieces as well this week, which was nice.

You probably noticed the slightly different look of Lola’s Reviews. I hadn’t planned to work on my theme this week, but suddenly I decided to do so. It took a while to get all the settings and colors how I wanted them, but I am glad it’s done now. I am happy with how the new theme turned out. My old theme didn’t work correctly anymore after the most recent wordpress update, so I had to switch to a new theme. I plan to use the same theme for my Lola’s Blog Tours site, but I am still working on that one as that design it a bit more difficult to get right. I plan to change up my design there a bit to fit the new theme and I did the blog one first I am not quite finished with the tour site one. Hopefully later this month.

As for more good news. I found a new author to work for, we’re still discussing things and starting off with just a bit of work, but I am excited to have found a new author to work for! I also contacted some other authors that I heard were searching for a PA through a Facebook group, but no such luck so far. An author who booked some social media posts might be interested in more regular work, so I keep my fingers crossed for that. And I am running a discount on my social media posts service! I already got some authors interested in that, so I hope that brings in some new work.

As for the other things I’ve been dealing with. Still no improvement on my computer issues, which is a real pain as it interrupts everything when it suddenly stops working. I think I’ve finally figured out what’s causing it and it’s a hardware/ driver issue probably. So updating my drivers is the next step and then hoping it won’t crash while updating and ruin my computer completely. My arm has been doing surprisingly well this week, but I have no clue why so that’s not very helpful. I got a new mouse mat for my birthday which finally arrived this week, as my old one was getting very old, so maybe that’s what helped? My new mouse isn’t here yet as the delivery got delayed and no news yet on when it will arrive.

Social Media Discount

What did I read this week?

Balanced on the Blade's EdgeSource MageCocktails and Murder

Balanced on the Blade’s Edge was a great fantasy romance read. I liked the main characters and was happy to have tried another series by this author. I’ll definitely be continuing this one. Source Mage was a DNF unfortunately. I just couldn’t get into the story. Cocktails and Murder was a fun cozy mystery read, the mystery didn’t really grip me in this one and some events were a bit over the top/ ridiculous. But it was still a nice read overall and I like the Florida vacation theme/ setting.

This week I blogged about:

Review: By Fairy Means or Foul by Meghan Maslow
Review: My Unexpected Boyfriend by Melody Sweet

Review: By Fairy Means or Foul by Meghan MaslowReview: My Unexpected Boyfriend by Melody Sweet

What to expect next week on the blog:

– Review: Silver Bound by Jody Wallace
– Lola’s Kitchen: Babka with Chocolate Filling Recipe

Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:

Review Opportunity: The Jade Rebellion by Alanna MacKenzie
Review Opportunity: The Time Capsule by Connie Lacy
Review Opportunity: Midnight Temptation by Shari Nicholls
Review Opportunity: Missing by A.D. Hay
Review Opportunity: Spooks by Athena Flores
Bookstagram Blitz: The Trapped Daughter by Jay Kerk – 5 till 11 October

Book Haul:

No new books this week! Yes I am surprised too.


20 responses to “Sunday Post #405

  1. Well you have had some good things this week and that’s encouraging. You just have to keep building better a bit at a time. I like the new theme set up. I find when updating or trouble shooting computer changes it is important for me to keep a log so I know what I tried, what worked / what didn’t and what versions and so forth of drivers I have installed. I hope that goes well.

    Anne – Books of my Heart Here is my Sunday Post
    Anne – Books of My Heart recently posted…Read-along & Giveaway: Silence Fallen by Patricia BriggsMy Profile

    • It was nice to have a few good things this week. I am glad you like the new theme. I hope I can fix the computer issue soon, I am still working on it.

  2. The good with the difficult, but you’re hanging in there with it all and that is the important thing. Yay for a new author and several interested. Your new theme looks great and I noticed it when I stopped by earlier this week. Hopefully the new mouse will make your hand hurt less.
    Too bad about the DNF, but glad your other two were good reading.

    Have a great week, Lola!
    Sophia Rose recently posted…Review: Architects of Memory by Karen OsborneMy Profile

    • I was so happy with the new author and got 2 more this week. I am glad you like the new theme. My new mouse still hasn’t arrived, I’ll have to contact the vendor soon.

  3. Congrats on the new author pick- up, and I like the new theme. The background is nice and pleasing to the eye. Hope it works out for you going forward, there are so many blog platform changes going on!

    Hope your arm continues to feel better, and be well this week!

    • Thanks! I am happy with the new author and my new blog theme. Now that I changed my theme everything seems to be running smoothly again. Now I only need to update my tour site as well.

    • I haven’t updated to block editor either as I prefer the classic editor, so I’ll stay using that for as long as I can. It is a bit of a hassle to set up a new theme, my blog one was easier to switch over, but my tour site is so heavily tweaked and set-up that it’s hard to get a similar look with the new theme. So I just go for a slightly new look there instead probably. It’s a shame when they change things and your current set-up won’t work anymore.

    • Thanks! I am happy with the new look and that it’s up and running with no issues. Now only I still have to switch over my tour site, but that might take longer as it’s harder to get the look right and I’ll probably get a new banner as I ran into troubles with my current one. Luckily I can use the same theme as my blog as I can use it on multiple sites, so I’ll save money there at least.

    • I am really happy with the new theme. It’s a bit harder for my blog tour site as I ran into some troubles there, but hopefully I’ll have that up in a few weeks too.

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