Sunday Post #401

Posted August 23, 2020 by Lola in Sunday Post / 17 Comments

sunday post

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

What happened this week?

This was an okay week, some things that didn’t go as smoothly, but it was a productive week in which I got a lot of work done. The temperatures went down a bit this week luckily, the slightly lower temperatures are a lot easier to deal with than the heat wave we had before this.

This was a productive week work wise. I sent out the media kit for a tour starting next week and fit in some extra assistant work where I could. The discount that ran earlier this month ended on Tuesday, so I closed that. I got a new tour request in this week that I’ll be working on soon and should have live on the site next week. The last few months I didn’t make as much as usual from my business, so I am working hard to make this month better. I am doing some extra social media posts and working ahead with assistant work when I can, so I have more time to work on tours when they get booked.

I’ve been listening to a lot of podcasts lately and I am really enjoying them. My current favorite is the Six Figure Author podcast and I am working my way through both the newer and older episodes.

My boyfriend got the news this week that once his current job contract ends he won’t get a new contract, his employer can’t prolong contracts or hire new people due to covid. So he will be searching for a new job once this one ends, he still has one month and a half or so left here. I hope he’ll be able to find a good new job after this.

What did I read this week?

Wild SkySeashells and Murder

Wild Sky is an awesome fantasy book with dragons and dragon riders and this greta slow burn romance. It’s probably the longest book I read in a long time and it was greta to be stuck in the same world for so long. Seashells and Murder was a fun cozy mystery, I liked the mystery and it kept me guessing and the key lime bake competition was a fun addition as well as the vacation resort setting.

This week I blogged about:

Review: Time of my Life by Laura Heffernan
Review: I Dare You by Jordan Ford
Review: My Leap of Faith by Melody Sweet

Review: Time of my Life by Laura HeffernanReview: I Dare You by Jordan Ford Review: My Leap of Faith by Melody Sweet

What to expect next week on the blog:

– Review: Wild Skye by Zaya Feli
– Review: Chili Cauldron Curse by Lynn Cahoon
– Lola’s Kitchen: Udon Noodles with Vegetables Recipe

Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:

Review Opportunity: The Jade Rebellion by Alanna MacKenzie
Review Opportunity: The Time Capsule by Connie Lacy
Review Opportunity: Midnight Temptation by Shari Nicholls
Review Opportunity: Missing by A.D. Hay
Review Opportunity: Spooks by Athena Flores
Bookstagram Blitz: Beautiful by Leigh Hatchmann – 27 August till 2 September
Bookstagram Blitz: The Trapped Daughter by Jay Kerk – 5 till 11 October

Book Haul:

GatebreakerMy Steadfast KnightMy Unexpected BoyfriendSelf Published UnboxedBooked for Murder

Gatebreaker, My Steadfast Knight and My Unexpected Boyfriend were books I got for review. The other two I bought.


17 responses to “Sunday Post #401

    • Here it’s still pretty humid, but with the lower temperatures it isn’t as bad. I hope my boyfriend can find a better job after this.

  1. I’m sorry your boyfriend’s job is ending – it seems to be happening a lot here, too:(. Glad to hear that you are very busy and that the cooler weather has made it so much easier to work. I hope the coming week is yet another one:)

    • Yeah we kinda expected this would happen as a lot of other employees were laid off as well and it seems to be happening everywhere. The cooler weather really has made it a lot easier to work.

  2. Glad for lower temps and a productive work week for you. Tough about his job, but hopefully there will be someone right away who needs his experience and skills. Nice haul of new reviews and bought books.

    Have a good week, Lola!

  3. Yay for the cooler weather – I hope that continues for you! I’m sorry to hear about your boyfriend’s job – I hope he’s able to find something before the month is up.

    I’m glad you were able to have such a productive week. I hope this week is even better!

    • So far it seems the cooler weather is here to stay, it almost feels like autumn already now. I hope he can find something new soon.

  4. Sending all of my positive thoughts to your boyfriend that he finds a new job/contract soon. I’m glad you guys got some cooler weather and you had a productive work week. 🙂

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