Sunday Post #376

Posted March 1, 2020 by Lola in Sunday Post / 14 Comments

sunday post

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

What happened this week?

All things considered this was a pretty decent week, but I had a few days were I felt a bit off. We’re settling into our new routine, but it’s still getting used to things at times and my sleeping schedule isn’t fully adjusted yet. One evening I am very tired and the other night I can’t sleep. It’s strange.

It was a good week for work. My review opportunity discount just ended and I got a good amount of new review opportunities booked, which makes me very happy. I am now working on getting them all on my site. I put two new review opportunities live this week, one for a YA/ NA fantasy book Never Date a Siren by Byrd Nash and one for a time travel romance/ historical romance book Indigo by Paula Berinstein.

I visited my mom this week and had lunch with her and my sister. We had a nice time eating and drinking and catching up on some happenings.

And as February has ended, let’s have a look at my reading stats. I read 12 books this month. Sadly I had two DNF’s this month as well as one book that got a 2 star rating, but also 8 books that got a 4 star rating and one book with a 3 star rating. My stats show the cozy mystery mood that hit me this month with 5 books being cozy mystery books. I also read 3 Fantasy Romance books, 2 Contemporary Romance books and a Women’s Fiction book. My favorite read this month was probably Fractured Girl vs Reckless Boy, but Aurora Blazing and the first Dragon Mistress book were really good too. I got through two audiobooks this month, as I found some extra time to listen and listened to a shorter read after the 12 hour long Aurora Blazing. I also had a nice mix of sources again with 5 review books, 2 audiobooks through a subscription service and 5 books I bought.

What did I read this week?

Crochet and CauldronsEclairs, Scares & Haunted Home Repairs Anna's Guide to Getting Even

Crochet and Cauldrons was a fun paranormal cozy mystery read. I liked the mystery and this series is great in audio format, I like the narrator for these. Eclairs, Scares & Haunted Home Repairs was such a fun read, I like reading about these characters. I had some minor issues, but I really enjoyed reading it. I am just not sure what to think of the ending. Anna’s Guide to Getting Even was a DNF sadly. I made it till 24% until I put the book down as it was just too sad and depressing. One really bad thing after another really bad things happened to the main character and it got me down just reading about it all. When I started skimming trying to get to a more positive part I decided to just DNF it instead. I also finished a story from the Pets in Space 4 anthology, I am still slowly making my way through it. You can read my reviews of the stories I read so far here.

Food Corner

For today’s food corner I put the spotlight on dishes with green beans in them. I am not a big fan of beans, but green beans are one of the few beans I like (as well as lentils and edammame beans). So I thought it would be fun to list some recipes that I posted on my blog that have green beans in them. I made the Sajoer Beans dish as well as Shepherd’s pie this week, which gave me this idea. What are some of your favorite dishes with green beans in them?

Sajoer BeansShepherd's PieNoodle SoupGreen Beans with Chicken

This week I blogged about:

Review: Steeped in Murder by Kristen Weiss
Lola’s Kitchen: Shrimp Udon Recipe

Review: Steeped in Murder by Kristen WeissLola’s Kitchen: Shrimp Udon Recipe

What to expect next week on the blog:

– Review: Arkadian Skies by Lindsay Buroker
– Review: Upside Down by N.R. Walker
– Review: Fractured Girl vs Reckless Boy

Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:

Review Opportunity: The Christmas Walk Caper by JB Michaels
Review Opportunity: Fighting Hearts by Annabeth Saryu
Review Opportunity: Never Date a Siren by Byrd NashNew!
Review Opportunity: Indigo by Paula BerinsteinNew!
Book Blitz: Chloe Rose and the Enchanted Maze by Veronica Elle Butler – 25 till 31 March
Book Blitz: Selah’s Stolen Dream by Susan Count – 18 till 31 March

Book Haul:

Hidden IntentIvy Granger Box set

I bought tow new books this week. Hidden Intent is the next book in a series that I really enjoy, so I bought a copy on release day. The Ivy Granger box set was only 99 cents and I liked the sound of the premise, so I decide to give the series a try.

What’s the best book you read in February?


14 responses to “Sunday Post #376

    • Sorry to hear you’re so tired often. Glad to hear you like the look of the green bean dishes, It was fun checking which recipes I had posted with green beans in them.

  1. Your time with family sounds wonderful. I need to find some time to spend with mine. My work schedule is crazy right now though. My dog wakes me up in the middle of the night barking. He’s deaf now and I believe he thinks he hears or sees something outside. And I work two jobs so sleep is at a minimum. LOL

    • I hope you can find some time to spend with your family soon. Sorry to hear about your crazy work schedule with two jobs and your dog waking you up. It doesn’t sound like you get much sleep that way.

  2. Hallo, Hallo Lola,

    I can definitely relate to your sleeping patterns! I have waves of insomnia myself – last night which seemingly felt like a normal night, the cats went absolutely bonkers and if I hadn’t staid up to separate them and calm them down, I’m unsure what good it would have been to attempt sleeping as they would have been super hyper! I spent the morning hours blogging my Sunday Post (earlier than expected!) and somewhere that became a soul lift because I had originally felt that February had ended on a hard note but it actually ended rather lovely!

    I had a joyful #unboxing to share about a Middle Grade Fantasy novel I had won whilst I also updated everyone about being a book ambassador for the Once Upon A Book Club box; further, I was able to showcase two Historical Fantasy Feminist writers this past week on my blog which gave me a heap of random joy! Especially as one was a vlog interview and the other was dearly engaging and conversational about the author’s style and world-building. I loved them both equally and as I pulled my thoughts together I realised that my perspective was stunted by the cold that wrecked my hours of the last fortnight!

    Mind you, my reading as on an unscheduled hiatus – I pulled out a few reads but overall I couldn’t deal with reading and the cold which brought a hefty migraine, too! Plus, my ears! I never had a cold that just knocked out my ears in such pain but audios were definitely a non-starter!! 🙁

    I’m going to see if I can get the Nancy Warren series on audio – I have been wanting to find more Cosies of this genre and this one just feels a bit cheeky and fun! Right up my bookish street! Thanks for the recommendation!!
    Jorie recently posted…#TheSundayPost VIII | From the misery of a cold to a revival of random bookish joy! [with a bit of an #unboxing reveal for #FindingEsme!]My Profile

    • I am sorry to hear about your waves of insomnia. Glad to hear your February ended on a high note.

      It’s always great when you win a book, I hope it’s a good one.

      That sounds like a horrible cold you had. I hope you’re doing better now and can read again.

      The Nancy Warren series is great on audio. I read the first book, but I am glad I switched to audio for book 2 as I enjoyed it more that way. I hope you get the chance to listen to it.

  3. Ashley Montgomery

    I’ve been on a cozy kick myself lately. Here’s to more great reads for the new month!

    • I read some great cozies last month and just got two new ones form netgalley, so hopefully I can read some cozies as well this month.

  4. Yes, hopefully, your schedule will settle soon and you get some sleep. Fun that you got to meet your family for lunch. I got to have lunch with my in-laws last weekend and some friends this weekend. Yay for all the reviews you got from your sale.

    I enjoy green beans, too. You have some delicious dishes to enjoy them.

    That’s a good break down of reading and I was not surprised that cozies were your biggest group. I think mine was historical mysteries. Glad you’re really enjoying those Vampire Knitting Clubs and the Aurora Rising.

    Have a good week, Lola!
    Sophia Rose recently posted…Review: A Ghostly Grave by Tonya KappesMy Profile

    • It’s been tough to settle on a new sleep schedule, just when I think it’s going decently I have some bad nights of sleep again. Hopefully it settles soon. That’s neat you got to have lunch with your in-laws recently and some friends as well.

      There are some great way to eat green beans. Good to know you like green beans too.

      I was in quite the cozie mood this month, so i wasn’t surprised to see they were my top genre for the month. I hope you read some great historical mysteries. I don’t think I’ve read any of those yet.

    • Everyone likes different things. I like peas too. I should use those for another food corner soon.

      same here I think cozies are comforting.

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