Sunday Post # 20

Posted April 28, 2013 by Lola in Sunday Post / 10 Comments

sunday post meme pictureThe Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to  share news. A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received and share what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead.

This week I posted about:
Cover Reveal: Crossroads (a Demos city novel #1) by Jonathan Lister
Review: The Gathering (Darkness Rising #1) by Kelley Armstrong – 5 stars
Review: The Calling (Darkness Rising #2) by Kelley Armstrong – 5 stars
Review: The Rising (Darkness Rising #3) by Kelley Armstrong – 5 stars
Book Blitz: Awakened (the Legends of Elyndia #1) by Kriston Johnson
–  Cover Reveal: Adorned (Trinity of Souls #1) by Georgeann Swiger

What you can expect next week:
– Blog Tour: Elsker (The Elsker Saga #1) by ST Bende
– Book Blitz: The Debt Collector by Susan Kaye Quinn
– Cover Reveal: You Are Mine
– Blog Tour: The Best Man by Ana Blaze
– Cover Reveal: Sleeper (Toy Soldiers #1) by S.M. Johnston
– Blogger Interview: Winged Reviews

Book Haul:

– Mr Right by Ana Blaze – e-book – free for download on smashwords
– Sworn to Raise (Courtlight #1) by Terah Edun – e-book – for review from NetGalley
– Data Runner by Sam A. Patel – e-book – for review from NetGalley
– Shucked by Megg Jensen – e-book – bought it myself
– Full Blooded (Jessica  McClain #1) by Amanda Carlson – paperback – bought it myself
– Fragments (Partials Sequence #2) by Dan Wells – paperback – bought it myself
– Caged (Holloway Pack #3) by JA Belfield – e-book – for review
– Only You by Lorna Peel – e-book – for review

Current Giveaways:
– win 1 e-copy of Awakened (The Legends of Elyndia #1) by Kriston Johnson


10 responses to “Sunday Post # 20

    • I signed up for a book blitz for shucked and the cover and blurb drew me in, so I decided to buy it. Full Bloodied has been on my to buy list for so long and I am so glad I finally bought it, I hope it’s as good as everyone says it is. I just finished Caged, I have to collect my thoughts and then I will write a review.

    • I just finished Caged and it was really good, although it had some slow moments. I hope I can start Full Blooded soon, it sounds really good and I’ve heard many good things about it.

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