Review: Let’s Connect by Kelly Jensen

Posted November 4, 2020 by Lola in Contemporary, Review, Romance / 2 Comments

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Let's ConnectLet’s Connect
by Kelly Jensen

My Rating: 3 stars

Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age Category: Adult
Type of romance: MM

A year after his divorce, Daniel Stroman has decided that he’s too young to die—or fuse permanently with his couch. But when he downloads the dating app “Let’s Connect” and starts dating, his success/fail ratio isn’t encouraging until he gets a connection request from Robin.

Everything about Robin’s profile is different, from the bright little bird he’s using as an avatar to the long and thoughtful answers he’s written for the standard questions. He’s witty, funny, and easy to talk to. Robin could be his perfect match. But Robin is holding something back.

Then again, so is Dan—beginning with the seven-year crush he’s carried for his best friend, Trevor. Sadly, except for one brief moment, they’ve never been single at the same time.

Or have they?

My Review

I received a free copy from the author and voluntarily reviewed it.

Let’s Connect was a fun short read. It follows the point of view of Dan who tries dating again a year after his divorce. he has a string of bad dates, until he gets a connect request from Robin. This was a fun read about online dating, connecting, best friends and finding your place in life. I had fun reading this one, but something was lacking to really fully pull me into the story.

Let’s Connect started with the focus on Dan’s dates, none of which goes well until he meets Robin. He instantly feels a connection with Robin. Then there’s his best friend Trevor who he tells about all his bad dates and for whom he still has feelings. I liked following this story and seeing Dan find love. There is a bit of of an unexpected twist in the story. While I liked the twist I do think it would’ve worked a bit better if the story had been slightly longer as now I felt like I didn’t get to know the love interest as well.

It also felt a bit off somehow as I kept guessing who was the love interest and who Robin was in real life and it takes until almost the end of the book to get those answers. I did like how Dan handled the whole situation once he made up with mind.

I did feel like we got a good feel for Dan’s personality. Just like Kelly Jensen’s other books I liked the writing style of this one and honest and realistic tone the story has. I liked getting to know Dan with all his quirks and habits. I liked the dinner date he had with Robin. And it was fun to see how close he is with Trevor, whose always there for him. I also like the fact that this story follows an older main character who is around 50 as you don’t see that often in romance books. It also was interesting to get to know Robin through chats and what he told Dan in those chats. It was fun to still get a feel for his character that way. The dating app premise also was a nice touch.

I struggled feeling the romance a bit due to how the story progressed. I liked following their conversations in chat form, but wanted to see a bit more of how they interact in real life. Add to that the wondering about who the love interest would be and who Robin really is. The only part where I really felt the romance was in the epilogue when we get the point of view of the love interest. The epilogue was awesome and had all that feeling, emotion and romance that I look for in a romance book. I just would’ve liked to see a bit more of that earlier. I also was happy to see that a certain side character will get their own story as I kept wondering what happened to him.

To summarize: This is a fun and sweet romance story that follows 50 year old Dan who’s dating again after his divorce. After a string of bad dates his luck improves when he connect with Robin. he also has a great friend Trevor whose there for him. I liked seeing how the romance developed, but couldn’t fully feel the romance, until the epilogue, which was great. I liked the tone of the story, but the twist and the wondering about the love interest and who Robin really was made it hard to really feel the romance.

3 Stars


You can also read my review on Goodreads and Bookbub.

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