Review: Fear’s Touch by Emma L. Adams

Posted January 21, 2015 by Lola in Coyer, Fantasy, Review / 2 Comments


fears touchFear’s Touch(Darkworld 0.5)
by Emma L. Adams

This is a standalone novella, intended as a prequel to the Darkworld series. As it takes place one year before the events of Darkness Watching, it doesn’t contain any spoilers (although it does hint at things which will come into play later in the series).

Freakish powers and staring demon eyes aren’t part of Claudia’s plans for the future – and neither is ending up stuck at the gloomy, isolated University of Blackstone. But bad life decisions are the least of her problems, when a split-second decision to help out another magic-user puts her in the crossfire of both the shadow-beasts and the creepy organisation which hunt them down.

Claudia’s never had to worry about making the right choice before, but every decision matters when you have a Darkworld connection. Soon, she’s going to have to make a choice: turn her back on the crazy and try to live a normal life, or take the monsters down.

But in a world where everyone seems to have secrets, can she really trust her fellow magic-users – or even herself?

My Review:
I received a copy in exchange for an honest review

I got both this one and the second book in the series for review, so I decided to start this one first to get back into the world of the Darkworld. It’s been awhile since I read the first book, so I really liked getting back into the series with this novella. I couldn’t really remember Claudia and which exact role she had in the first book, but that didn’t matter and this book was easy to follow and understand and as the book progressed I remember more about the first book. It was fun to read about Claudia her introduction to the dark World and how she deals with it and how that’s different from Ash. This novella takes place one year before the first book.

The the start of the book felt a bit off, like there was a recap of past events and only then the story starts about how she goes to university and it got better. While the recap was nice, it felt a bit too much like a recap. The pace didn’t feel rushed though and I felt like a novella was the right length for this story.

I thought Claudia was a fun character to read about and I liked how she did her best to become friends with Berenice even though she wasn’t always pleasant to be around. She also was a helpful person who got way more involved with the magic aspect then she hoped, but it fit her. We also meet some characters from the first novel here as well. And there was a character named Lola, it’s always fun and a bit weird when a character in a book has the same name as you, especially when you’re nothing alike. Although I do have a four poster bed just like her, lol.

There not much that this novella adds in terms of world building, but it does add some background and gives a new insight into Claudia as a character and her past. It’s a nice addition to the series and it was a fun read.

To conclude: This was a fun and short novella and a nice addition to the series. The first part of the book felt a bit like a recap, but after that it got better. I liked seeing more from Claudia and her part of the story.


You can add Fear’s Touch to your to-read list on Goodreads

You can buy Fear’s Touch here:

Other books by this author I read and reviewed:
– Emma L Adams – Darkness Watching (Darkworld #1) – 4 stars


2 responses to “Review: Fear’s Touch by Emma L. Adams

  1. Hmm, not familiar with the series, but it does sound interesting with the magic element.

    Prequels are interesting these days and seem to serve a variety of purposes and not just the obvious- a story before the first book. Nice that it gives a bit more character development to the the characters and their story even if it doesn’t really introduce anything new in the worldbuilding.
    Sophia Rose recently posted…Claimed by the Enemy by Shauna Roberts #reviewMy Profile

    • It’s a fun series and the whole world building and magic is pretty original. I think the author had meant this preguel so you could read it as a standalone as well, so the world building only adresses the basic things that also in book 1. I really liked seeing more of Claudia, she’s a side character in the series, so it was nice to see part of her story.

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