Review: Daughter of the Earth and Sky (Persephone # 2)

Posted December 19, 2012 by Lola in Fantasy, Review / 6 Comments

cover of daughter of the earth and the skyDaughter of the Earth and Sky (Persephone #2)
by Kaitlin Bevis

I got a copy from the author for review

Blurb from Goodreads: Some vows can never be broken.

Persephone thought she could go back to her normal life after returning from the Underworld. She was wrong.
The goddess Aphrodite is born among the waves with more charm than she can control. Zeus is stalking Persephone and her loved ones, and Thanatos is no longer content with Persephone’s silence.

He wants her soul.

Persephone can’t tell anyone about Thanatos’ betrayal, and it drives a wedge between her and Hades. Her mother is still keeping secrets, and Melissa’s jealousy of Aphrodite threatens to tear their friendship apart.
Alone, Persephone turns to a human boy for comfort. But will their relationship put him in danger?
Sacrifices must be made, and Persephone must choose between her human life and her responsibilities as a goddess. If she doesn’t, she could lose them both.
But will either life be worth choosing once Zeus is through with her?

My Review:
When I started this book I doubted that it could be better than the first book, because in the first book Persephone learns about who she is and I had no idea how this book could top that. I was wrong, this book was even better than the first book!

Now Persephone knows who she is the story focuses more on new problems and Persephone struggling with the consequences of a decision she made at the end of book 1. I really liked where the story went, although I also got annoyed at a few places.

The characters develop more in this book and I like Persephone more and more, she really shows her strength in this book and I really think that beside a few stupid decisions she made many good ones as well. She really shows her strength and determination in this book. I also liked reading more about her and Hades, I really like their romance. Also a new character is introduced in this book, although I wished we would get to know her better. She is interesting and I would like to know more about her, but the focus of this book is really on Persephone and her problems.

The story is fast paced and interesting. I really liked it and just wanted to keep reading to know what happened next. I was really surprised a few times by the turn of events and the story ends in a cliffhanger and I really can’t wait to read the next book.

To conclude: this book surprised me by being even better than the first book. I liked getting to know Persephone better and I really like her strength.


You can find this book on Goodreads

This book will be releashed December 21 so it isn’t on Amazon and such yet, so I will share the link to Kaitlin Bevis her author page on those sites:


6 responses to “Review: Daughter of the Earth and Sky (Persephone # 2)

    • Good luck with your report tomorrow! I actually don’t know that much about myhtology and don’t read that much mythology books, but I really like this series! I can’t wait to read the next book in this series (especially after that cliffhanger ending).

  1. Great review!! I’m delighted to hear that this one is even better than the first book, because I LOVED the first book! I’ll be reading this one soon. 🙂 I can’t wait! Thanks for the review!

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