Review: Centaur Legacy (Touched #2) by Nancy Straight

Posted June 11, 2014 by Lola in Blog Tour, Fantasy, Mythology, Review, Romance / 3 Comments


Leading up to my blog tour stop for the Touched series by Nancy Straight on 13 June when I’ll be posting my review of Centaur Redemption (Touched #4), I’ll be posting my reviews of this series. Today I’ll review Centaur Legacy (Touched #2) by Nancy Straight.
You can read my reviews of the previous books here:
Review: Blood Debt (Touched #1) by Nancy Straight

centaur legacyCentaur Legacy(Touched #2)
by Nancy Straight

Camille and Drake are on the run from the head of the Centaur Council, seeking the mythical pasture of Thessaly and a family heirloom that may keep them safe. As their journey progresses from the rolling hills of Ireland to the snow covered forests of South Dakota, Cami learns more about her mother’s secrets, including a twin brother and a Centaur legacy that puts a death warrant on her entire family.

Camille and Drake don’t know who to trust or where to hide. Camille’s family is quick to come to her aid, but who among them can be trusted?

A supernatural benefactor forces Drake to choose between being the man he wants to be and the Centaur warrior Camille needs him to be.

My Review:
I received a copy in exchange for an honest review

I loved the first book in this series Blood Debt, but for some reason after reading it I never got around to picking up the rest of this series. So when the author told me about a tour she was doing for this series and I got the chance to read and review the rest of the series, I immediately jumped on the chance.

Centaur Legacy surprised me just like Blood Debt did, I knew I loved Blood Debt, but I had forgotten how much until I got back into this world. The idea behind this story and the world building is done so well and is so original. There was exactly the right amount of recap to remind me of what happened in the first book without having to re-read it and I was quickly pulled into the story. The first part was a bit slow in comparison to the rest, but then it really picked up speed and I couldn’t put it down anymore. It’s such an addictive story and it’s so wel written.

Camille is even more awesome then in the first book, she’s really coming into herself and her powers in this book and it was incredible to see her change. And while she may have her doubts she keeps believing everything will be alright and she keeps fighting for what she wants. She’s such an awesome main character. I also liked Drake, but Daniel and Beau where characters that really surprised me in this book. They both showed so much strenght and determination and I was almost as invested in Beau’s story then I was in Camille her story. I loved the multiple point of views and how it allowed us to see the point of view of some other characters as well. I especially liked the chapters from Bea’s pov and I think he’s a great character, he makes a very hard descision in this book and it made me like him even more.

The world building is developed some more in this book, carefully building on what already has been established in the first book. And I have to say I just love the world Nancy has created. Th idea of centaurs living among humans and their whole society with the rules and how they live. It is al so thought out and I loved learning more about it.

To conclude: I have no idea why I didn’t pick this book up earlier. This book surprised me just like the first book did and made me fall in love with this series all over again. The story quikcly pulled me in and after a slightly slow start the pace really picks up. There are some big surprises and revelations in this book. And Camille grows a lot in this book, I loved seeing her grow into her powers. This book really made me like Beau, he is such a great character and his strenght to make the descision he did in this book really impressed me. The world building is done really well and I liked learning more.


You can add Centaur Legacy to your to-read list on Goodreads

You can buy Centaur Legacy here:



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