Pre-release post: The Roche Hotel by Mysti Parker

Posted October 10, 2014 by Lola in Contemporary, Romance / 0 Comments

The Roche Hotel Promo
Today I am featuring The Roche Hotel by Mysti Parker. The Roche Hotel is a serial romantic comedy. As soon as I read the blurb for this book, I was intrigued. I love reading about settings or places or jobs you normaly don’t learn anything about and a book that takes place in a hotel sounds exactly like the kind of book I like.

The Roche Hotel Cover_FinalThe Roche Hotel: Season One
by Mysti Parker

Release Date: October 15, 2014

After her husband ditches her for a blonde actress wannabe, Jane Seymour needs a job that pays the rent. The struggling Roche Hotel needs a miracle. With the former owner’s wife butting her nose into the renovations and new owners who are in way over their heads, Jane may be the answer to their prayers. Sure, she can handle The Roche Hotel’s quirky staff. But, can this skittish divorcee keep it all together when handsome Henry the Donut Guy makes his first delivery? This collection of serial fiction stories is a Tudorific romantic comedy that will leave you laughing out loud and hungry for more.

You can add The Roche Hotel to your to-read list on Goodreads

You can pre-order The Roche Hotel season one here:

The Story Behind the Stories
THEY say a lot of things, don’t they? Like don’t wear white after Labor Day or don’t fry bacon with your shirt off (that’s probably good advice, come to think of it). Most of what THEY say goes right in one ear and out the other. But, in terms of writing, when THEY say “write what you know”, it makes a lot of sense. So, that’s where The Roche Hotel got its start—from my own experience working in a hotel way back in the ‘90s.
Many of these first 10 episodes are based on some very real incidents that happened during my days as a front desk clerk in a little mid-priced hotel. Sure, a lot of stuff’s made up purely from my crazy imagination, but there were 5:00 AM donuts—delicious being fresh from the bakery. Henry the Donut Guy—not real, but I wouldn’t have argued one bit if he had been! Among the many other true-to-life items that appear at the Roche Hotel are a popcorn machine, a Muzak (think elevator music) that never played at the right volume, at least one “lady of the night”, and a dead body.
To discover all those things for yourself, from now until release day on October 15, you can pre-order your copy of The Roche Hotel, Season One for just $0.99 on Amazon Kindle! After that, the price goes up to $1.99, so make your reservation now and save a buck!
Click here to Pre-Order The Roche Hotel, Season One.

And the author is hosting a release day party on Facebook, October 15 from 6-9 PM EST.
You’ll get a chance to win a hotel-themed gift basket which includes:
• Robe
• Shampoo
• Conditioner
• Lotion
• Tiny soap bars (so cute!)
• Ghirardelli chocolates
• Signed postcards
There will be fun and games! Click here to Join the Facebook Release Day Party!

misty parkerAbout the Author:
Mysti Parker (pseudonym) is a wife, mom, author, and shameless chocoholic. She is the author of the Tallenmere standalone fantasy romance series. Her other writings have appeared in the anthologies Hearts of Tomorrow, Christmas Lites, Christmas Lites II, The Darwin Murders, Tasteful Murders and EveryDayFiction.
Other writing pursuits include serving as a class mentor in Writers Village University’s seven week online course, F2K. She finished her first historical romance this spring and has one children’s book (Quentin’s Problem) soon to be published, with one more waiting for illustrations, and many more stewing in her head.

When she’s not writing fiction, Mysti works as a freelance editor and copywriter. She also reviews books for SQ Magazine, an online specfic publication, and is the proud owner of Unwritten, a blog voted #3 for eCollegeFinder’s Top Writing Blogs award. She resides in Buckner, KY with her husband and three children.

You can find Misty online here:


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