Review: Shards and Ashes

Review: Shards and Ashes

Shards and Ashes by Melissa Marr, Kelley Armstrong, Veronica Roth, Kami Garcia, Margaret Stohl, Rachel Caine, Nancy Holder, Beth Revis and Carrie Ryan  Blurb from Goodreads: Gripping original stories of dystopian worlds from nine New York Times bestselling authors, edited by Melissa Marr and Kelley Armstrong. The world is gone, destroyed by human, ecological, or supernatural causes. Survivors dodge chemical warfare and cruel gods; they travel the reaches of space and inhabit underground caverns. Their enemies are disease, corrupt corporations, and one another; their resources are few, and their courage is tested. Powerful original dystopian tales from nine bestselling authors […]

Posted March 12, 2013 by Lola in Dystopia, Fantasy, Review / 4 Comments

Review: Snowed Over by Angie Stanton

Review: Snowed Over by Angie Stanton

Snowed Over by Angie Stanton Blurb from Goodreads: To college student, Katie Brandt, ‘Home for the Holidays’ sounds like hell. When her parents separated, their holiday traditions shattered like a dropped ornament. What could be worse than celebrating Christmas with her suddenly single mom and mom’s new boyfriend? Alex Walker, an engaged 20-year-old, dreads going home for his own reasons. He has a daunting task ahead of him and wishes he could skip the holidays altogether. So when a friend of a friend needs a ride north, Alex finds that having beautiful Katie seated by his side proves to be […]

Posted March 11, 2013 by Lola in Contemporary, Review, Romance / 2 Comments

Sunday Post # 13

Sunday Post # 13

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to  share news. A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received and share what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. This week nothing interesting happened. Although it was a busy week on my blog again and I managed to have a blog post every day :). This week I posted about:– Review: Wait for You by J Lynn – 4 stars– About Me #5: What to do with Spoilers– Waiting […]

Posted March 10, 2013 by Lola in Sunday Post / 10 Comments

Blogger Interview Saturday: Para Days

Blogger Interview Saturday: Para Days

Every Saturday I interview a blogger. This week I interview Sonnie from the blog Para Days.I know Sonnie for quite some time and actually only recently found out that she had a blog, so then I just had to interview her. Hello Sonnie!Welcome to Lola’s Reviews! I am so excited to have you on my blog today. -Thanks Lolita! I’m glad to be here! Why did you decide to start blogging?-I had played around with the idea of starting my own book review blog back in November of 2011. I didn’t actually do so though until a month later while […]

Posted March 9, 2013 by Lola in Blogger Interview / 0 Comments

Review: Elixer (Convenant #3.5) by Jennifer Armentrout

Review: Elixer (Convenant #3.5) by Jennifer Armentrout

Elixer (Convenant #3.5) by Jennifer Armentrout Blurb from Goodreads: Aiden St. Delphi will do anything to save Alex. Even if it means doing the one thing he will never forgive himself for. Even if it means making war against the gods. My Review: Elixer starts of soon after Deity ended only froma different point of view. We finally get to read a bit from Aidens pov, which is really interesting. I haven’t read Appolyon yet, but I do think that this novella is a must read if you like this series, because lots of things happen in this short story […]

Posted March 8, 2013 by Lola in Fantasy, Review / 2 Comments

Review: Deity (Convenant #3) by Jennifer Armentrout

Review: Deity (Convenant #3) by Jennifer Armentrout

Deity (Convenant #3) by Jennifer Armentrout Blurb from Goodreads: “History is on repeat, and things didn’t go so well the last time. ” Alexandria isn’t sure she’s going to make it to her eighteenth birthday–to her Awakening. A long-forgotten, fanatical order is out to kill her, and if the Council ever discovers what she did in the Catskills, she’s a goner… and so is Aiden. If that’s not freaky enough, whenever Alex and Seth spend time “training”–which really is just Seth’s code word for some up-close and personal one-on-one time–she ends up with another mark of the Apollyon, which brings […]

Posted March 7, 2013 by Lola in Fantasy, Review / 2 Comments

Waiting on Wednesday # 6: With all my Soul (Soul Screamers #7) by Rachel Vincent

Waiting on Wednesday # 6: With all my Soul (Soul Screamers #7) by Rachel Vincent

Waiting on Wednesday is a meme hosted by Breaking the Spine that spotlights upcoming releases that we’re eagerly anticipating. Today I choose as my WoW pick: With all my Soul (Soul Screamers #7)by Rachel VincentRelease Date: Macrh 26, 2013 Blurb from Goodreads:  What does it mean when your school is voted the most dangerous in America? It’s time to kick some hellion butt… After not really surviving her junior year (does “undead” count as survival?), Kaylee Cavanaugh has vowed to take back her school from the hellions causing all the trouble. She’s going to find a way to turn the […]

Posted March 6, 2013 by Lola in Fantasy / 10 Comments