Cover Reveal: Flawed Perfection (Beautifully Flawed #1) by Cassandra Giovanni

Cover Reveal: Flawed Perfection (Beautifully Flawed #1) by Cassandra Giovanni

Today is the cover reveal for Flawed Perfection, when I read the blurb it piqued my interest, so I signed-up for the cover reveal. Let me show you the cover first: I like this cover, especially the fact that there is only one character on the front and not a couple that’s (almost) kissing. And there is just something about black and white covers that I like. I also like how the model is staring away from the camera and I am sort of curious where he is staring at. Flawed Perfection (Beautifully Flawed #1) Cassandra Giovanni Publisher: Show N’ot […]

Posted February 7, 2014 by Lola in Contemporary, Cover Reveal, Romance / 0 Comments

Book Blitz: Immagica by KA Last

Book Blitz: Immagica by KA Last

Today I am part of the book blitz for Immagica by KA Last. I really like the sound of this book and I was also part of the cover reveal. In this post there is some more information about this book, an awesome guest post by the author in which she explains the magic in Immagica, an excerpts of the book and there are two giveaways, one giveaway for an e-copy of Immagica and a blitz wide giveaway for 3 signed swag packs. Immagica by K.A. Last Publication date: January 31st 2014 Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult Blurb: Immagica… Where anything […]

Posted February 6, 2014 by Lola in Blog Tour, Fantasy / 4 Comments

Review: I See London by Chanel Cleeton

Review: I See London by Chanel Cleeton

I See London by Chanel Cleeton Blurb: Maggie Carpenter is ready for a change— and to leave her ordinary life in South Carolina behind. But when she accepts a scholarship to the International School in London, a university attended by the privileged offspring of diplomats and world leaders, Maggie might get more than she bargained for. When Maggie meets Hugh, a twentysomething British guy, she finds herself living the life she always wanted. Suddenly she’s riding around the city in a Ferrari, wearing borrowed designer clothes and going to the hottest clubs. The only problem? Another guy, the one she […]

Posted February 4, 2014 by Lola in Contemporary, Review, Romance / 2 Comments

Blog Tour: Taut by JA Huss

Blog Tour: Taut by JA Huss

Today is my stop during the Taut blog tour. I’ll be sharing some information about the book with you and my review! You can view the whole tour schedule here . Taut: The Ford book by JA Huss Blurb: Ford Aston is known for many things. Being an emotionless, messed up bastard, a freakishly smart social outcast, and a cold, domineering master who keeps “pets” instead of girlfriends. And after Rook broke his heart, he plans to keep it that way. Ashleigh is known for nothing, and that’s exactly what she’s got going for her. She’s broke, stranded in the […]

Posted February 3, 2014 by Lola in Blog Tour, Contemporary, Romance / 6 Comments

Sunday Post #59

Sunday Post #59

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog. What happened this week? Last Sunday I spend the day at a theme park, it was really cold, but it was also fun even though I didn’t went in that many rides. I hate everythign that goes too high, fast etc, so then there usually there aren’t that many rides that I […]

Posted February 2, 2014 by Lola in Sunday Post / 8 Comments

Blog Tour: Nogiku series by SJ Pajonas

Blog Tour: Nogiku series by SJ Pajonas

This is my stop during the blog tour for the Nogiku series by SJ Pajonas. This blog tour is organized by Lola’s Blog Tours . The blog tour runs from January 20 till February 2, you can view the complete tour schedule on the Nogiku series blog tour page on the website of Lola’s Blog Tours. So far this series contains two book: Removed (Nogiku series #1) and Released (Nogiku series #2).I’ll share links to my reviews of both books and the author has written an awesome tens list/ guest post about bento boxes and her ten favourite things to […]

Posted February 1, 2014 by Lola in Blog Tour, Post-apocalyptic, Review, Romance, Sci-Fi / 4 Comments

Blog Tour: The Replacement by Rachael Wade

Blog Tour: The Replacement by Rachael Wade

Today is my stop during the blog tour for The Replacement. As soon as I got the tour invite for this book I knew I had to read, the original cover and the blurb attracted me to this book and I am glad I could be part of this blog tour as I really enjoyed this book. I’ll share some information about this book with you and my review of this book! The Replacement by Rachael Wade Blurb: *Contains sexually explicit content and mature subject matter, including language and elements of abuse.* A gritty New Adult drama about a young […]

Posted January 30, 2014 by Lola in Blog Tour, Contemporary, Review, Romance / 8 Comments