I am really excited to be part of the New Adult blog tour organised by the awesome Faye from A Daydreamer’s Thoughts. Today I’ll be featuring from the blog Fabulous Book Fiend and she wrote an awesome quest post about the New Adult genre. And there is an awesome tour wide giveaway, you can scroll to the bottom of this post for that. You can see the whole tour schedule here.
Okay so here is Catriona her guest post!
I only really discovered the New Adult genre last year when another blogger gave me a copy of the fabulous Losing It by Cora Carmack. I literally devoured this book and luckily Faking It was just about to be released. That too, I read in just a day. As you can see, I find New Adult a very easy genre to read, the books are so compelling that I literally can’t put them down and so I think that the main reason that I read NA is that it allows me to be a bit of a lazy reader. It turns me into a lazy reader because I find the characters easy to relate to, the problems they face are those that I can completely identify with and there isn’t too much sex or drama to get through as there is in adult fiction or young adult fiction respectively.
Your college/university years are the best of your life. You’ll often here this said and whilst I don’t agree that they are definitely the best time, who knows, the best could be yet to come, they certainly were an awesome period of my life. I spent five years at university in Glasgow I loved it so much. The majority of New Adult fiction deals with college or university age protagonists and so I think that this is another reason I really enjoy this genre. It allows me to relive what was a particularly enjoyable period of my life. I can totally identify with Bliss in Losing It being in College and trying her best to lose her virginity whilst still trying to play it cool and act like an adult!
You have less responsibility in your early twenties/late teens. This is another reason I feel I prefer the characters in New Adult books. They don’t have as much responsibility as characters in adult fiction. They tend not to have mortgages or too much debt hanging over them. Generally there are no divorces or kids to contend with and so their problems tend to either be to do with developing their life further or that someone special they’ve had their eye on. I enjoy reading about this as sometimes it’s nice not to add a fictional characters life problems to your own life problems in your head. There didn’t seem to be any fighting over whether the dishwasher had been loaded or not in Abbi Glines’s Fallen Too Far.
And yet these characters are still grown up enough to take responsibility for their actions and do something with their lives. Generally I have trouble with characters in Young Adult fiction being a little on the whiny side, a little needy and immature. Despite the fact that I know they are teenagers and they are meant to act this way, some of the characters still grate on me. Characters in NA fiction tend to be more mature and don’t whine about things so much, they can go out on their own and make adventures happen without having to have a sidekick or their parents’ permission. I like the fact that they have less responsibility but still more than a younger person would do, I find this much easier to read!
So the plain fact is that I read New Adult because it is an easy genre for me to read and allows me to be a lazy reader truly indulging in the wonderful escapism of a good book. I would definitely say that Faking It by Cora Carmack is my favourite New Adult book but I am looking forward to discovering more New Adult titles in 2014.
About Catriona:
I am a busy teacher but just love to escape with a fabulous book and a cup of coffee. I enjoy reading new adult, contemporary, young adult and chick lit novels although I can always be tempted to try something a bit different!
I love finding new authors, and giving/receiving recommendations from friends as well as discovering something new from one of my favourite writers. When I have time, I like to travel and I love to eat so I enjoy books which cover both of these subjects too!
You can find Catriona here:
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And for those who want to participate in the scavenger hunt, you can read more about it here
My gateway NA book was The Vincent Boys by Abbi Glines which led me to Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire and a whole new slew of books to read. 🙂
My first NA read was Beautifull Disaster and that was before NA even was a genre. I loved it then, but I am not sure whether I would still love it as much if I where to re-read it as I have read much more contemporary romance books now, both YA and NA.
I still haven’t read anything by Abbi Glines, but heard a lot of good things about her books.
I really enjoyed Carmack too! I need to get back and read the rest of that series. She really was a fun one.
I have read the other books in the Losing It series so far, although book 3 was my least favourite so far. Losing It is the funniest one of the 3.