My To-Be Read List #2: Poll

Posted October 4, 2014 by Lola in My To-Be Read List / 14 Comments

Because reading is better than real life

My To-Be Read List is a meme hosted by Because Reading is Better Than Real Life where at the beginning of the month visitors can choose which book I’ll be reading this month. On the first saturday of a month the poll will be up, then on the second saturday of the month I’ll announce the book that won and later that month my review will follow.

I wil be busy reading two reviews books this month and am not sure whether I can even get around to reading another book, but I had so much fun participating last month, that I decided to participate again this month
Okay below are are the 3 books on which you can vote this month, all 3 are books are sequels that I am really looking forward to reading:

second daughterSecond Daughter (The Dharian Affairs #2)
by Susan kaye Quinn

Find Second Daughter on Goodreads

The sequel to the steampunk fantasy romance Third Daughter (The Dharian Affairs #1) is here!

Assassins, skyships, and royal intrigue…

With plans for a second skyship exposed, Third Daughter Aniri fears her sister, Seledri, will be caught in a war between the three Queendoms. Seledri is the Second Daughter of Dharia, which means she had no choice in her arranged marriage to the First Son of Samir—a country with whom they may soon be at war. As Aniri fights to free her sister from a husband and a country she does not love, she questions her own rushed betrothal to Prince Malik, the noble barbarian who controls the skyship—and whether a love pledged in the heat of adventure can survive the looming threat of war.

Second Daughter is the second book in The Dharian Affairs trilogy (Third Daughter, Second Daughter, First Daughter). This steampunk-goes-to-Bollywood (Bollypunk!) romance takes place in an east-Indian-flavored alternate world filled with skyships, assassins, royal romance and intrigue.

From the author of the bestselling Mindjack Trilogy, The Dharian Affairs is a new series filled with equal doses of action-adventure and romance, meant to appeal to fans of Mindjack.

visionsVisions (Cainsville #2)
by Kelley Armstrong

Find Visions on Goodreads

As #1 New York Times bestselling author Kelley Armstrong’s new Cainsville series continues, Olivia’s power to read omens leads to the discovery of a gruesome crime with troubling connections to her new hometown.

Omens, the first installment in Kelley Armstrong’s exciting new series, introduced Olivia Taylor-Jones, daughter of notorious serial killers, and Gabriel Walsh, the self-serving, morally ambiguous lawyer who became her unlikely ally. Together, they chased down a devious killer and partially cleared her parents of their horrifying crimes.

Their success, however, is short-lived. While Olivia takes refuge in the old, secluded town of Cainsville, Gabriel’s past mistakes have come to light, creating a rift between the pair just when she needs his help the most.

Olivia finds a dead woman in her car, dressed to look like her, but the body vanishes before anyone else sees it. Olivia’s convinced it’s another omen, a sign of impending danger. But then she learns that a troubled young woman went missing just days ago—the same woman Olivia found dead in her car. Someone has gone to great lengths to kill and leave this young woman as a warning. But why? And what role has her new home played in this disturbing murder?

Olivia’s effort to uncover the truth places her in the crosshairs of old and powerful forces, forces that have their own agenda, and closely guarded secrets they don’t want revealed.

silver shadowsSilver Shadows (Bloodlines #5)
by Richelle Mead

Find Silver Shadows on Goodreads

Sydney Sage is an Alchemist, one of a group of humans who dabble in magic and serve to bridge the worlds of humans and vampires. They protect vampire secrets—and human lives.

In The Fiery Heart, Sydney risked everything to follow her gut, walking a dangerous line to keep her feelings hidden from the Alchemists.

Now in the aftermath of an event that ripped their world apart, Sydney and Adrian struggle to pick up the pieces and find their way back to each other. But first, they have to survive.

For Sydney, trapped and surrounded by adversaries, life becomes a daily struggle to hold on to her identity and the memories of those she loves. Meanwhile, Adrian clings to hope in the face of those who tell him Sydney is a lost cause, but the battle proves daunting as old demons and new temptations begin to seize hold of him. . . .

Their worst fears now a chilling reality, Sydney and Adrian face their darkest hour in this heart-pounding fifth installment in the New York Times bestselling Bloodlines series, where all bets are off.

Now it’s time to vote!

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14 responses to “My To-Be Read List #2: Poll

    • I think that’s a great way to decide for which book to vote, I often do the same on other blogs during this meme ;). It’s a bit unfortubnate I have a different cover edition of Visions, but as I liked this one best I used this one on my blog.
      Lola recently posted…My To-Be Read List #2: PollMy Profile

    • Kelley Armstrong is one of my favourite authors, I love her writing style. I loved the first book, so I am hoping I would like this one as well. Thanks for stopping by and voting!

    • I am really eager to read Silver Shadows as well! I really like the Bloodlines series so far and after that ending of the previous book I am really wondering what will happen next!

    • I love Kelley Armstrong! Visions is one of the few books I haven’t read by her yet. If you haven’t heard of Susan Kaye Quinn I would like to recommend to chekc out her books on amazon, most of the first books in her series are free! I am enjoying the Bloodlines series so far, I am curious do you have an issue with just Bloodlines or did you also didn’t like Vampire Academy?

    • I just stopped by your site to vote :). I really enjoyed the first Cainsville book, so I really looking forward to read Visions, but with all the review books lately I just haven’t gotten around to it yet :(. So I decided I wanted to read a non-review this month.

    • I always enjoy Richelle Mead her books, so I am pretty sure I’ll enjoy this one as well. I just haven’t gotten the time to read it yet, it makes me sad as I really want to read it.

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