Category: Fantasy

Waiting on Wednesday # 6: With all my Soul (Soul Screamers #7) by Rachel Vincent

Waiting on Wednesday # 6: With all my Soul (Soul Screamers #7) by Rachel Vincent

Waiting on Wednesday is a meme hosted by Breaking the Spine that spotlights upcoming releases that we’re eagerly anticipating. Today I choose as my WoW pick: With all my Soul (Soul Screamers #7)by Rachel VincentRelease Date: Macrh 26, 2013 Blurb from Goodreads:  What does it mean when your school is voted the most dangerous in America? It’s time to kick some hellion butt… After not really surviving her junior year (does “undead” count as survival?), Kaylee Cavanaugh has vowed to take back her school from the hellions causing all the trouble. She’s going to find a way to turn the […]

Posted March 6, 2013 by Lola in Fantasy / 10 Comments

Review: Out of the Dark (grey Wolves #4) by Quin Loftis

Review: Out of the Dark (grey Wolves #4) by Quin Loftis

Out of the Dark (Grey Wolves #4) by Quinn Loftis Blurb: Darkness has descended on the Transylvanian Alps. Four packs of the powerful Grey wolves – in a rare show of cooperation – had joined together here in an effort to help their pack members find true mates. Then they were betrayed by one of their own – an Alpha hell-bent on becoming the most powerful of the Canis lupis. And though the wolf’s assassination attempt on the currently-reigning Romanian Alpha failed, his plans to get Decebel, the Romanian Beta, out of the picture were coming together even as his […]

Posted March 1, 2013 by Lola in Fantasy, Review, Romance / 0 Comments

Cover Reveal: Imaginable (Intangible #2) by J Meyers

Cover Reveal: Imaginable (Intangible #2) by J Meyers

Today I have an awesome cover to share with you. It is the second book in the Intangible series by J Meyers. So here is the cover of Imaginable (Intangible #2) by J Meyers: Blurb:Twins Sera and Luke Raine’s unusual abilities are growing. Sera is healing vampires now, making them human again. And, at times, Luke can actually change the future he Sees. But Sera’s healing has dangerous consequences, and though Luke is altering the outcome of more visions, he can’t control them yet. Now Sera is in danger as the dark creatures of the Realm seek to use her. […]

Posted February 25, 2013 by Lola in Cover Reveal, Fantasy / 2 Comments

Cover Reveal: Tied (Fire Born #1) by Laney McMann

Cover Reveal: Tied (Fire Born #1) by Laney McMann

Today I have a cover reveal of a first book in a series. Before I got the e-mail about the cover reveal from JTaylor Publishing I had never heard of this book. So here is the cover: I actually have no idea what to think of this cover. I do like the colours, but that person that seems to get pierced and that strange gargoyle like creature on the front are a bit strange. It looks a bit scary. Also that red colour is a bit in conflict with the peacefull looking water and sky. I think the cover is […]

Posted February 25, 2013 by Lola in Cover Reveal, Fantasy / 1 Comment

Review: The Deamon Whisperer (The Liminals #1) by Candice Bundy

Review: The Deamon Whisperer (The Liminals #1) by Candice Bundy

Deamon Whisperer (The Liminals #1) by Candice Bundy I got a copy for review Blurb from Goodreads: Genre: Horror/Urban Fantasy/Paranormal Romance/Erotica. Contains graphic violence and explicit sexual situations. Recommended for readers 18+. Meriwether Storm discovered the grisly remains of her parents when she was only fourteen—the result of a failed daemon summoning. Meri immediately swore vengeance on the daemon who’d killed her parents, but there was only one problem: she had no idea which one had committed the atrocity. Before their untimely deaths, her parents trained her intensively in the arts, which Meri used to follow in their footsteps, ever […]

Posted February 21, 2013 by Lola in Erotica, Fantasy, Review, Romance / 4 Comments

Waiting on Wednesday #4: Eden South (Eden #3) by Janelle Stalder

Waiting on Wednesday #4: Eden South (Eden #3) by Janelle Stalder

Waiting on Wednesday is a meme hosted by Breaking the Spine that spotlights upcoming releases that we’re eagerly anticipating. Today I choose as my WoW pick: Eden South (Eden #3)by Janelle StalderRelease date: somewhere in 2013 (and hopefully soon) Blurb from Goodreads: The betrayal that tore a family apart. Two brothers bent on destroying the other. A whole world on the brink of war. Aiden has been through his second battle in the magical world of Eden. The victory is short lived and Aiden is sent racing toward his friends in the Capital. After being back in Eden with the […]

Posted February 20, 2013 by Lola in Fantasy / 2 Comments

Review: Days of Blood and Starlight (Daughter of Smoke and Bone #2) by Laini Taylor

Review: Days of Blood and Starlight (Daughter of Smoke and Bone #2) by Laini Taylor

Days of Blood and Starlight (Daughter of Smoke and Bone #2) by Laini Taylor Blurb: Once upon a time, an angel and a devil fell in love and dared to imagine a new way of living – one without massacres and torn throats and bonfires of the fallen, without revenants or bastard armies or children ripped from their mothers’ arms to take their turn in the killing and dying. Once, the lovers lay entwined in the moon’s secret temple and dreamed of a world that was a like a jewel-box without a jewel – a paradise waiting for them to […]

Posted February 19, 2013 by Lola in Fantasy, Review / 3 Comments