Every first Saturday of the month I interview a blogger. For today I interviewed Jamie from the blog The Perpetual Page Turner.
Hi Jamie welcome to Lola’s Reviews!
Why did you decide to start blogging?
I started becoming an avid reader again in 2008 (after an unfortunate break in high school/college) when I discovered Goodreads. I was on Goodreads and got really into the groups function and just really everything about it. I met a few people on there who were book bloggers (April from Good Books and Good Wine) and my eyes were opened to this whole new world. I had always loved blogging since the days of Xanga and so I decided it would be a good fit for me. Who would have thought over 3 years later I’d still be doing it?? NOT I!
How did you come up with the name for your blog, The Perpetual Page Turner?
By repeatedly banging my head on my desk. JUUUUST KIDDING. But it felt that way. It was so hard to come up with something that was either 1) not already taken or 2) not super lame. Then it came to me one day after Will, then boyfriend and now HUSBAND, said something like, “you say just one more page and then keep on going” and then I said “get used to it..this is going to be for the rest of your life.” And then it just kinda fell into place…a whole life of perpetual page-turning.
How old is your blog now?
My blog turned 3 in June!
What do you enjoy most about blogging?
Honestly it’s the people. I think I would have given up a long time ago had it not been for the community of book nerds I interact with daily. I love everything interactive about blogging — Twitter, the responses to my blog posts, the back and forth emails with readers and visiting other peoples blogs. Books are so personal and they are just this great catalyst to really get to know the people behind the blog and I love that!
What do you enjoy the least about blogging?
UGH the behind the scenes things like updating my review archive (thank god I don’t have to do this anymore thanks to the Ultimate Book Blogger plugin), formatting posts, answering emails that aren’t sparkly and awesome, crossing posting my reviews to Amazon/Goodreads.
How did you decide on this design for your blog?
Honestly, I just change it a lot. The one I have up now is kind of just a placeholder one until I finish the real design I’m working on. My graphic design skills are beginner status so it’s taking a while. I just go with colors I’m feeling at the moment and what kind of vibe. I like clean designs, no clutter and fab colors. I like it to feel bright and inviting and happymaking.
What is your favourite place to curl up with a book?
Honestly I love reading outside by my pool but unfortunately I only get to do that for like 3 months out of the year so my ALL TIME YEAR ROUND fave is the tub. Second to that is my bed.
What is your favourite food and drink to have with a good book?
Drink = tea hands down! No matter the weather I always love to read with a hot cup of tea. Hmm food…that’s hard because I love so much food but TRY not to eat messy foods while reading. I do love a good bowl of ice cream while reading though.
Which are your favourite book genres?
Definitely contemporary YA. I’m also a sucker for dystopian novels.
One of the things I like about your reviews is how you always end with the Book Review on a post-it (for those of you who don’t visit her blog, it’s basically a summary of her review, presented on a post-it). How did you come up with the idea to do Book Review on a post-it of every review?
Every time I would give a book to a friend or my sister I would put a post it on it and write a little something. Not a review but my feelings. I was trying to think of a way, on my reviews, to give my readers a “snapshot” of my review if they didn’t want to read the WHOLE review but still know my overall thoughts..so I connected the dots and Reviews on a Post-It was born. I’ve gotten great feedback and have even had a teacher email showing me how she used the idea in her classroom. BEST MOMENT EVER.
You can find Jamie and her blog here:
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