Sunday Post #90

Posted September 7, 2014 by Lola in Sunday Post / 24 Comments

sunday post

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

What happened this week?
This week seem was busy again. I had quite some work for Lola’s Blog Tours, with a new tour starting and a cover reveal this week as well as some e-mail correspondence for future tours. Beside that my sister has started with her internship, it was the last week of my boyfriends vacation and we’re trying to settle in a new schedule. It mostly led to me being annoyed often, being busy with work and trying to adjust to cooking every day for 3 people.

Thursday we finally decided to take our rat Pita to the vet ever since Skittles died she sometimes made sound while breathing, which sounded like the respiratory infection she had earlier this summer. Her symptoms weren’t that bad, but got worse this week so we went to the vet with her. She has again a respiratory infection, she probably carries the bacteria or whatever causes inside her and the stress activated it again. She got two different antibiotics and now we’re struggling every day again to make sure she eats her medicine. Pita is a bit of a stubborn rat and she can be a pain in the ass when she doens’t want to eat her medicine. Or she just doesn’t want to get out of the cage at all when it’s time for her medicine and we have to coah her out of the cage with candy, which still takes a lot of effort.

We also went to the opticen as my boyfriend his eyes started to feel weird and sometimes hurt at the end of the day, which usually means he needs new glasses again. So that took up a chunk of friday. We lunched close by the opticen and then it was back home, working, cooking dinner and then playing Fate with friends. It now seems that something might be not completely right with the new glasses as my boyfriend mentioned his right eye felt weird and hurt a bit. So we probably will go back to the opticen this monday to make sure everything’s okay.
The Fate session was ncie, but as I was a bit tired I couldn’t 100% focus on it.

Beside that it was just a busy week, every time something else seemed to pop up that took some extra time and it just felt like a stressful week. I felt rushed and like there wasn’t enough time in a day.

Random Picture of the Week:
 photo SAM_8385_zps3f570d1b.jpg
New clock on the wal in our bedroom. We where walking past some shopws to pass time while my boyfriend got used to his new glasses and then I saw this adorable penguin clock. I love penguins and my boyfriend bought it for me. It’s so awesome!

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Smarties eating her hazelnut

Games I played this week:
I didn’t play any games this week.

This week I posted about:
Book Blitz: Follow (Social Media #1) by JA Huss
Review: Someone Like You by Karen Rock
Release Day: Induction
Cover Reveal: Willows of Fate by Suzanna J Linton
Book Blitz: Promises Under the Peach Tree by Joanne Rock – tens list
Coyer Summer Vacation recap
My To-Be Read List #1: poll

What to expect next week on the blog:
– Review: Follow by JA Huss
– Cover Reveal: Just Desserts
– Re-release day blitz: Darkness and Light by JA Belfield
– About Me: How do you keep track of review books?
– Cover Reveal: Ricochet by Keri Lake
– My To-Be Read List #1: chosen book

Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:
Review Opportunity: Chills: a short story collection by Sahar Sabati – sign-ups open till further notice
Review Opportunity: Flawless by Jennifer McGill – sign-ups open till further notice
Review Opportunity: Paranormal Keepers by Jen Naumann – sign-ups open till further notice
Review Opportunity: The Luthier’s Apprentice by Mayra Calvani – sign-ups open till further notice
Review Opportunity: Daughter of Isis (Descendants of Isis #1) by Kelsey Ketch – sign-ups open till further notice.

Cover Reveal: Willows of Fate by Suzanna J Linton – sign-ups open till 2 September
Cover Reveal: Cross Me off Your List (Saturn #2) by Nikki Godwin – sign-ups open till 28 September

Book Blitz: Ghost Heart by Ripley Patton – sign-ups open till 19 October
Book Blitz: Promises Under the Peach Tree by Joanne Rock – sign-ups open till 1 September

Blog Tour: Fairytale Apocalypse (The Verge #1) by Jacqueline Patricks – sign-ups open till 21 September
Blog Tour: Willows of Fate by Suzanna J Linton – sign-ups open till 2 October
Blog Tour: On the Move by K.V. Flynn – sign-ups open till 30 September
Blog Tour: The Sonar Series by B Truly – sign-ups open till 5 October.

Book Haul:
Boil (Salem’s revenge #2)
by David Estes

Format: e-copy
Source: for review
You can find Boil on Goodreads

“The Walking Dead for teens, with ruthless witches instead of bloodthirsty zombies.” –Katie Reed, agent at Andrea Hurst & Associates

Revenge. That’s all that’s left for witch hunter Rhett Carter. The magic-born have stripped everything from him—killed his friends, cursed his warlock father, shattered his future—leaving him bare and broken, but not dead. Their mistake.

When Rhett and Laney are suddenly thrust in different directions, Rhett must decide who to trust and who to kill. Backed by his trusty canine sidekick Hex, Rhett will embark on his deadliest mission yet, one that will lead him directly toward those who want him dead, pushing his unique resistance to magic to the edge and back again as he tries to remove his father’s curse.

Separated from Rhett, Laney seeks to understand the strange changes to her sister, Trish, who’s believed to be the last living Clairvoyant, and what role she’s destined to play in the future of humankind.

Wrapped around everything are four major groups: the Necromancers, the Changelings, the witch hunters, and New America, the remnants of humanity. When the major forces are brought together for an epic battle, the fate of the world hangs in the balance.

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24 responses to “Sunday Post #90

    • Thanks Anna, I hope so too. The vet thinks she now carries this virus or whatever it is with her and everytime she get’s stressed it can come back :(. This is the second time already and the last time was only two months ago, so I hope it won’t be a regular occurance. It sounds terrible to hear her make sound when breathing.
      Lola recently posted…Sunday Post #90My Profile

    • We where doubting for a few weeks whether something was wrong with her or not and then when it finally got worse it was finally obvious that somethign was wrong with. I am glad we got to the vet with her. And indeed they can’t tell you they’re sick, that’s the difficult part. And as rats are prey animals they usually don’t show they are sick until they are pretty sick already. I hope the antibiotics help and she’ll be back to normal soon!

    • I hope next week is slightly less busy. And I hope they can fix his glasses, it sounds like something went wrong somewhere, so I hope they can figure out what and fix it. I hope Pita is doing better next week, I really worry about her :(.

    • Luckily most of those posts I had schedule in advance, so they didn’t take much time this week. That reminds me I still have to make soem posts for next week.

    • Thanks Michelle! I hope Pita feels better soon and her antibitioics kick in soon. She has some good moments and often in the evenings she seems a bit worse.
      My boyfriend got new glasses last year, but his eyes already got worse now.

    • It’s probably a smart idea to have your eyes checked then, blurring visions doesn’t sound good.

      I always had a plain clock with a red border, so I am really happy with this penguin clock. It’s so cute and I get happy every time I look at it!

    • One of the meds we just put on a ‘beschuit’ and then it sort of soakes into it and then I take her with me and she eats it. I just hope that just like last time she doesn’t get enough of the ‘beschuit’. The difficult thing is that she needs two different meds twice a day. The other medicine we just force into her mouth or let her lick it off our fingers. It’s a struggle, but at least it still works for now.

    • Pita seems okay, she still acts normally, so that’s at least a good sign. let’s hope she’s better next week!
      And thanks I really like my new clock, it’s so cute!

  1. Ugh. I hate weeks where I feel like I’m just running in circles and that sounds like it’s the kind of week you had. Hopefully next week will be a little less stressfu. Hopefully Pita will be feeling better soon so you can be done giving her her medicine. Giving a cat a pill is next to impossible so I can’t imagine it with a rat! I do love the penguin clock though! So fun! Have a great (and calmer) week!
    Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library recently posted…This Week in Reading – September 7My Profile

    • Yeah exactly it seemed like I didn’t got anything done and so many things came up. I always had assumed giving a cat medicine would be a bit easier as they are bigge,r but I guess that also means they are more difficult to contain. Luckily so far she has eaten all her medicine and I notice it’s important for her to have some routine so she knows what to expect.
      The penguin clock was certainly one of the highlights of this week!

    • Thanks Trish, luckily Pita seems to be doing okay beside from the occasional sound when she’s breathing, so we think she’ll be okay.

  2. Woah you’ve been seriously busy! I can understand being so so tired! I hope your rat gets better and there’s nothing to badly wrong with your boyfriend’s eyes. 😐 Everyone in my family has glasses now but me. *sigh* I hope it stays that way. I like seeing fine. But with all the books I read…eep. I need to be careful.
    Thanks for stopping by @ Notebook Sisters!
    Cait @ Notebook Sisters recently posted…Falling Into Place by Amy Zhang || woot! for teen authors!My Profile

    • Yeah I hope things get a bit less busy this week, I need a break. Pita seems to be doing better already, so I hope it stays that way. She’s already getting annoyed with us giving her medicine though.
      Most people in my family have glasses as well and I once did an eye test a few years ago (maybe I should do another one) and they told me I would probably need glasses when I get older. I really don’t want glasses as I hate seeing the corners of glasses in my vision (I once wore ski goggles), although my boyfriend says you’ll get used to that.

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