The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
What happened this week?
This was a bit of a messy week, being all over the place with productive days to days with all these little things popping up that had to be done and that didn’t feel as productive. My boyfriend is doing a lot better, after the first few days his sickness got less and turned into a persistent but mild cough. The cough then slowly got less and he is feeling almost fully back to normal now. There were some things that had to be done this week which made the week feel a bit messy, as well as the weird work times again my boyfriend had. I tried to get work done when I could. I am working on a new tour and the sign-up post for that went live yesterday, I had two tours I organized going on and did quite some hours of assistant work
And guess what? I finally found flour in the grocery store! I was so happy it was finally there. Only 3 bags were left on the shelf and while I was tempted to grab them all, I decided to be considerate and buy only one bag, it’s not like I can use more in a week or two anyway. This was great timing as earlier in the week I tried to adjust a recipe and use semolina instead of flour and it totally failed. The cookies turned out super flat instead of the thumb print type cookies I wanted and they didn’t really taste as good. Which was frustrating and the lack of flour was really getting to me and then when I went grocery shopping the flour was there again, which was great and made me happy. I like experimenting with new recipes, but it’s less fun when the reason is because you really are running out of flour. And now I have flour again, yay!
Grocery shopping was again a bit frustrating, but I was happy to see a few customers nicely follow the social distancing in the grocery store. There are still plenty of people who don’t, I had to jump out of the way when someone almost brushed past me, but it’s nice to see some people who do take it seriously. It’s just sad not everyone takes it seriously.
My current non-fiction read is all about audio for authors and also addresses podcast. I am hoping to try out more podcasts and have a few I want to listen to already and one that’s basically a podcast on Youtube that I already follow. Do you listen to podcasts? Are there any podcasts you recommend?
April 27 is King’s Day here. It’s a day to celebrate the king’s birthday here in the Netherlands. The whole country turns orange and there are flea markets everywhere, although I assume not this year with the corona virus situation. This weekend we ate an orange “Tompouce”. Tompoucen are a pastry quite common here in the Netherlands. It’s two layers of puff pastry dough with a yellow pastry cream type of filling between and icing on top of the top layer and sometimes whipped cream on top as well. As the picture below makes perspective a bit weird, these are about as long as your hand. I really like these and it’s even more fun when they are a different color. Our local bakery makes some of the best Tompoucen I’ve ever eaten, so I ordered a few and we enjoyed them yesterday. Below is a picture.
My giveaway for two e-copies of First Flyght (or later book in the series if you already read First Flyght) is still going on. This is one of my favorite sci-fi romance series, so I hope you’ll enter the giveaway for a chance to win a copy.
What did I read this week?
I only finished reading one book this week, but it was an awesome read and I made good progress on my other current reads. Starcrossed was an awesome read. I like the well done blend of paranormal, romance and historical elements. The characters are likable and awesome to read about and they make for a great couple.
Food Corner
For today’s food corner I wanted to keep it simple. As I share quite some recipes on the blog it might be easy to lose track of them among the other post, but there are a few easy ways to find my recipe posts. Either go the My Recipes page on my blog, click on the Lola’s Kitchen tag (I also have a cookies, baking and cooking tag for those categories) or visit my Pinterest board for Lola’s Kitchen. What do you find the easiest way to see all my recipes?
- My Recipes page
- Lola’s Kitchen category on my blog
- Cooking tag on my blog
- Baking tag on my blog
- Cookies tag on my blog
- Lola’s Kitchen Pinterest board
This week I blogged about:
– Review: The Great Witches Baking Show by Nancy Warren
– Review: The Simple Wild by K.A. Tucker
What to expect next week on the blog:
– Review: Murder at the Mushroom Festival by Janet Finsilver
– Review: How to Howl at the Moon by Eli Easton
Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:
– Review Opportunity: Never Date a Siren by Byrd Nash
– Review Opportunity: Indigo by Paula Berinstein
– Review Opportunity: In The Heart of Babylon by SGD Singh
– Blog Tour: Spent Identity by Marlene M. Bell – 4 till 24 May
– Book Blitz: Mac and Millie Mysteries series by JB Michaels – 18 till 24 May – New!
Book Haul:
I am enjoying my current non-fiction book and bought two new non-fiction books: How to write a series by a new to me author and How to Market your Book by the same author of my current non-fiction book. When I read Wolf’s Curse I realized I missed a story in the universe and I think Atoning is that story. Here Today, Gone Tamalas sounded like a fun cozy mystery with a theme I haven’t read about before a Tex-Mex restaurant.
Yeah, we also always has someone at the grocery store not paying attention to other people, and actually coming way too close. I need a mask where it says something about that.
I’m glad you found flour! I had flour, but I didn’t find any yeast until yesterday. I’m craving cinnamon rolls, and now, I can finally make some 🙂
Have a wonderful week ahead, Lola. Stay safe and healthy.
Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms recently posted…Weekend Wrap-up #311 – Spring, Sun and Confinement
I usually encounter at least a few of those people who come to close when grocery shopping, but it’s nice to see some people who are being careful. Yay that you finally found yeast, I remember you mentioning this a few weeks ago how you had yeast and no flour and I was the other way around. I am happy we both have yeast and flour now. Oh cinnamon rolls sound good! I might have to make those soon now I have enough flour again.
I’m glad you were able to find flour. The market that we go to had been fully stocked lately and there’s hardly any people in it most times.
Mary Kirkland recently posted…Apartment Life #200
I am so glad the store had flour again. That’s nice that the market you go to has been fully stocked lately and not as many people too.
But LOla you are my neighbor!!! I don’t know why but I never paid attention where you live and I thought it was England LOL I am glad to know that your boyfriend is feeling better and that you found flour! yay!!!
Sophie recently posted…My husband that hero! He single handedly saved my blog this week. And no I don’t share! The Sunday Post 04/26/2020
Where do you live? Germany? Somewhere in Europe I assume because of that comment. I actually don’t really talk about the Netherlands a lot, but I like sharing some tidbits sometimes when I can :).
I am so glad we found flour and my boyfriend is feeling better.
Your Tompouce sounds similar to our Vanilla Slice, which I love.
I found flour for the first time in six weeks too! I made ANZAC Biscuits:)
Wishing you a great reading week, be well x
Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out recently posted…It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? #SundayPost #SundaySalon
I had to google vanilla slice as I never heard of that before and yes that does look similar to our tompouche. Yay that you also found flour finally 🙂
Glad your boyfriend is feeling better. I had a sinus infection for a few days and was glad when it went away. Your King Day sounds fun and I love that you have a special orange Tompouncen cake to celebrate the holiday even if you couldn’t get out to the rest. Yay for scoring some flour finally. It is always a 50/50 shot of getting bake goods or not when I go and yeah, there is always those oblivious types who get too close or stand and chat at each other so you can’t get through and still keep a safe distance. LOL
Nice haul! Neat that you’re finding so many non-fic that feed your interests. I’ve been reading some good health and nutrition ones and might try some of those writer help ones you found.
Have a good week, Lola!
Sophia Rose recently posted…Review: Beginnings by Laurie R. King
I am glad my boyfriend is doing better. And that you’re doing better too. The orange tompouchen is one of my favorite parts of King’s Day so I am glad to got to buy some of those. I am so happy I could get some flour this week.
I am really enjoying some non-fiction books lately, I don’t post all of them on my blog, but if you need some recommendation let me know :). I also have a page on my blog tour site where I list my favorite writing related books so far.
That Tompoucen pastry looks so yummy! Glad you found flour and that you only took what you needed. We haven’t had a flour shortage here, or at least not that I realized. I will admit we’ve bought a bag each month because we are baking a lot more now. Usually I buy a bag every few months.
Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer recently posted…Sunday Post #418 Scary Times…
The tompouchen are really good :). Here the flour shortage lasted since this started, everything else has been back in stock for a few weeks now. So I was really happy to finally found flour now. I usually buy about a bag a month, but our bags aren’t as big only 1kg (2.2 lbs I think).
I haven’t been to the supermarket, but Himself says the best ones are those that have instigated a one-way system. My daughter has taken the decision only to shop in those, as she has to take the baby with her. Glad you managed to find flour, again. And glad that your boyfriend is recovering. I hope that you have a peaceful, healthy week:)
I don’t think I’ve seen any stores here with a one-way system, only some that have one direction to go in or out the store, but that’s about it. I am glad you have some of those one-way system stores that your daughter can shop in more safely. I am really happy I found some flour this week and that my boyfriend is doing better.
Oh my gosh, I also finally found flour this past week! Our stores in town have been completely out lately, but I commute about 45 minutes to work to a very small and I decided to go to one of their grocery stores just to check. My dad had also told me that there’s a flour factory nearby and he thought maybe they’d have stock since it’s close by, and they did! They had a bunch of the smaller bags and they even had a couple huge ones! I was so surprised! Anyway, I obviously grabbed one of the giant 25 lbs bags. Lol. Ah, the things we get excited over nowadays. Lol.
Have a great week!
That’s awesome you finally found flour as well. We don’t have flour in such large bags here, I only got a 1kg bag, that’s 2.2 lbs I think. This week it was but of stock again, so I was really happy I managed to grab a bag last week.
I’m glad you were able to find flour! Such weird times, that we are excited to find flour (or toilet paper). I hope your Kings Day is fun, even though it won’t be the same with social distancing!
I’m glad your boyfriend is feeling better. Stay safe and have a good week!
Berls recently posted…Sunday Post with Berls | COVID Quarantine Week 6
I am pretty sure I’ve never been this happy to find flour. I’ll just be staying home this year for King’s Day and I am happy I had my orange tompuche at least.
I hate weeks like that that feel hit or miss. Glad you were able to find flour though. It’s the little things now, right? Shopping is iffy here too, with some people respecting social distancing and others… not so much.
Tompoucen looks good. I always like learning about other countries’ traditions and unique foods. Sounds neat.
Have a great week!
Greg recently posted…Song Lyrics 41
I was so happy when I finally found the flour, it’s definitely the little things sometimes that can make you happy. It really varies form person to person how serious they take social distancing.
Yay for finding flour! Grocery shopping is so stressful these days, isn’t it? I’m glad that some people were practicing social distancing. I’m excited to read Starcrossed, so I’m glad you liked it! I LOVED the first book. 🙂
Things that made me happy this past week: working on a craft/painting, virtual book club, virtual cardio hip hop, sunny days where I can sit outside and read, cuddling with my cat, the TV show Psych.
ShootingStarsMag recently posted…What I Like About Me + DIY Journal Ideas
It sure is stressful to do grocery shopping these days. I am happy at least some people follow the social distancing guidelines.
I also really liked the first book and Starcrossed was just as good, so i hope you’ll enjoy it too :).
Sounds like you have some great things that made you happy this week :).
I’m so glad you found flour!! That’s fantastic!! And that pastry you got looks soooooooo good right about now. Gah. I am craving sweets like mad. Are you reading Joanna Penn’s Audio for Authors? I have that book and need to read it soon.
S. J. Pajonas recently posted…Sunday Update – April 26, 2020
I am so happy I found flour, this week the shelves were empty again, so i really was there at just the right moment. The pastry is delicious :).
Yes I was reading Joanna Penn’s Audio for Authors books, after you mentioned it a few weeks ago i bought it and finished reading this week. It was good and quite informative. I hope you like it as well.
Some of the bakeries near us are selling flour 🙂 A friend of mine lives in Aruba now, so she had posted about the King’s birthday too. You’ve made baking sound like something fun to do this week – my kids will be thrilled – thanks! Stay safe 🙂
Becki recently posted…Sunday Post – 26 April 2020
That’s great you have some bakeries near you that are selling flour. I didn’t realize they celebrated King’s Day in Aruba as well, how fun you heard about it through your friend who lives there. I hope you can bake something this week :).