The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
Itโs a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
What happened this week?
This was a pretty good week, with a few less good things. My boyfriends work schedule was pretty consistent this week which was nice. Grocery shopping was still a pain and still no flour unfortunately. I did my usual assistant work for this week. I got a nice surprise package from one of my authors that contained some delicious chocolates.
I had an author approach me this week who asked about a task I don’t offer on my site, it sounded like something I could do, so I agreed to do so. It was fun and exciting to work on something new and I might even consider adding it as a service to my site eventually. I drafted an upcoming Lola’s Blog Tours newsletter and did a bit of the usual tour work as well.
I managed to do a bit of blogging as well. I scheduled some more reviews and wrote another recipe post. I hope to do some more tomorrow. And I have a giveaway upcoming next week for 2 e-copies of First Flyght which will be posted during my review for Silent Flyght, book 5 in the series.
We did a bit of spring cleaning around the house. Cleaning things up and sorting a few things out. There’s still plenty more that cane be done, but it was nice to get some cleaning done at least.
We had some beautiful weather this week and I took some nice walks outside. I love seeing all the trees become green and the flowers starting to bloom. We could open the windows most days as well.
As my flour reserves are getting low I made some cookies that used semolina as well as normal flour this week. They turned out great! And it was nice to be able to bake cookies and not use all the flour I had left to do it. These have a different texture than most cookies, but really good too. And these had cardamon in them, which was a nice addition. Picture below.
What did I read this week?
Wolf’s Curse was a great second half of the story that started in Wolf’s Bane. I enjoyed following the twins around as they solved the mystery, landed in some adventure and there was some romance too. The Last Warrior has an interesting set-up and I liked the start and end, but I struggled through the middle a bit. I also didn’t feel the romance as much at first and the male main character was a bit unlikable at first. Jumping the Bull is a short fun read, while the pace is fast it does tell a complete story and I liked how we still got a good feel for the characters. I liked these two together and the unique shifter types and way they had some shifter behavior sin their human form as well, was well done.
Food Corner
In case anyone else is running out of flour, but wants to bake. I thought I would feature some recipes that I shared on my blog for sweets that don’t require any flour.
This week I blogged about:
– Review: Hunting Fiends for the Ill-Equipped by Annette Marie
– Review: Crochet and Cauldrons by Nancy Warren
– Lola’s Kitchen: Orzo Soup Recipe
What to expect next week on the blog:
– Review: Jumping the Bull by Jenn Burke
– Review: Silent Flyght by S.J. Pajonas
Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:
– Review Opportunity: Never Date a Siren by Byrd Nash
– Review Opportunity: Indigo by Paula Berinstein
– Review Opportunity: In The Heart of Babylon by SGD Singh
– Book Blitz: Ultra Squad by Julia DeVillers – 20 till 26 April
– Book Blitz: Flaca by Leslie DJ – 20 April till 3 May
– Blog Tour: Spent Identity by Marlene M. Bell – 4 till 24 May
Book Haul:
Nacho Average Murder is the next book in one of my favorite cozy mystery series. I hit request the second I saw this one pop up on netgalley and luckily I got requested. A Sprinkling of Murder and Still Knife Painting I both got through netgalley as well, they caught my attention for different reasons. A Sprinkling of Murder seemed such a fun and unique concept for a cozy mystery with someone who sells fairie gardens and has a paranormal helper as well. Still Knife Painting is the first book in a new series by an author I already know and I am curious about this new series A Tine to Live, A Tine to Dine is the first book in one of Maddie day’s other series under her other open name Edith Maxwell and has been on my wishlist for a while now. Someone mentioned Audio for Authors last week in a reply to my Sunday Post, I thought it sounded like an interesting read and bought a copy. It was discounted to 99 cents this week, so I bought a copy. I’ve been enjoying one of Chris Fox’s non-fiction books, so I decided to buy Six Figure Author now while it was still 99 cents.
Your cookies look tasty. And I’m here wondering what task you did for the author?! I’m glad you enjoyed doing it, and I agree it’s fun to try new things.
Trish @ Between My Lines recently posted…The Sunday Post : Get your bookish news โ Easter in Lockdown
Thanks! The cookies turned out great. I wrote some twitter pitches for a pitch contest for her, it was fun work to do. I never thought of offering that as a service before, but now that I’ve done the work for this author I might add it to my site as well eventually.
Lola it seems that everyone has taken a liking to baking with the Covid! That’s what they explained on the news as the shops are missing flour on our side as well. Or at least the baking type flour because flour used to make bread is not missing here.
I am glad that your boyfriend has a steadier schedule now. Stay safe! And have a good week!
Sophie recently posted…Great news and humor this week! Happy Easter! The Sunday Post 04/12/2020
It’s nice that everyone’s baking, I always find baking and cooking quite relaxing so I understand the urge, but at the same time I just wish there was some flour left so I can bake too. Here we use the same flour for baking and for bread usually. And almost all types of floor are gone, semolina and coconut flour were the only two I was able to get this week. I think the steady schedule was only this week sadly, but it was nice for a week.
I’m glad you’re doing well, and that the confinement is rather open for you as well, Lola. It is so very nice to see nature continuing as usual – even if I’m sneezing a lot these days ๐
Your cookies look delicious! I can’t really bake much, as there’s no baking powder, and no yeast to be found anywhere. I’d exchange some of my flour for yeast ๐
Have a good week ahead, stay safe and healthy, and happy reading ๐
Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms recently posted…Weekend Wrap-up #309 โ Spring Break Staycation
I really enjoy being able to go out for walks with this beautiful weather. So far the confinement is still rather open here as well indeed. I luckily still had plenty of baking powder and yeast left, but it’s no use when I am almost out of flour. I would happily exchange some of my yeast for your flour ;). Guess I’ll just have to make some things that don’t require any flour next.
Yum.. all of your sweets look good. Glad you are trying new things with the business. Be safe, enjoy your new books and happy baking!
Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer recently posted…Sunday Post #416 Hoppy Easter ๐ฐ
Thanks! I hope the new things I have planned for my business will work out well. I think I’ll have to make something without flour next week until I can get my hands on some flour.
Our bake aisle at the grocery store is pretty much cleaned out, too. Fortunately, I had just bought a five-pound bag of flour before it all started since I finished off the last of the old one with holiday baking. Neat that you’re finding baking recipes that take less flour.
Glad your boyfriend’s schedule has smoothed out and that you could enjoy some mild spring weather on walks and airing out your home. I’m doing some spring cleaning projects too and it feels great to have things so clean and sparkling. ๐
Nice week for reading even if the one was slow in the middle. Great haul and finding some good cozies to grab. I picked up five for review this past week and already read two of them.
Have a great week, Lola!
Sophia Rose recently posted…Review: A Ghostly Demise by Tonya Kappes
That’s good timing you had just bought a five pound bag of flour before this al started. I made cheesecake this week to conserve more flour.
It is nice to have things be clean and sparkling.
I look forward to reading the new cozies I got. That’s nice you already got through 2 of the new review books you got this past week.
Your cookies look great. We did a bit of cleaning here as well. I think a lot of people are getting cleaning done since there’s not a lot of other things to do.
Mary Kirkland recently posted…Apartment Life #198
I am happy with how the cookies turned out out. That’s nice you did some cleaning too.
Yes… our baking plans came to a sudden halt when we ran out of flour and couldn’t get hold of any more. I haven’t done any cleaning whatsoever, I keep hoping the house elves will step up, but so far they haven’t shown willing. I hope the coming week is a good one, Lola.
I have found some almond flour and coconut flour that I might try to use instead, still no normal flour. I made some cheesecake this week as that only required very little flour.
It sounds like you had a productive week. Those cookies look delicious! Maybe I’ll have to talk my daughter and husband into doing a little baking next weekend. Wolf’s Curse sounds like something I would like. I will have to look for the first half too. I really enjoy Kelley Armstrong’s work. I hope you enjoy your new books. Some of those cozies look really good! Take care and stay safe and well.
I am happy with how the cookies turned out. I hope you can talk your daughter and husband in doing some baking. I really enjoyed the series. Wolf’s Bane is the first book. I really enjoy Kelley Armstrongs books as well. You stay safe too!
Hey Lola! Same here with grocery shopping- ugh not fun. So many things gone and just the general hassle, not to mention the anxiety of going to the store in the first place!
The cookies look yummy!
Your books look fun! Hope you guys have a safe and healthy week! ๐
Greg recently posted…Song Lyrics
Exactly, it’s stressful to go to the store and then the general hassle there as well and products that aren’t available.
I am glad these cookies turned out well and that I could use some semolina in these, so I still have a bit of flour left.
I havenโt been able to get flour for six weeks, itโs very frustrating!
Iโm making myself a lemon cheesecake for my birthday tomorrow:)
Wishing you a great reading week and good health
Same her,e I think it’s been close to 6 weeks here as well. I had some in storage when this all started, but I am almost out now.
I hope your lemon cheesecake turned out well. Sounds like a good cake for your birthday. And happy birthday!
I was lucky and grabbed a 10 lb bag of flour before all the craziness started. Although, I can’t seem to get a big bag of chocolate chips since they’re all sold out, so there’s always something. We’ve been laughing about some of the things that are totally sold out, like popcorn and bacon. I’m looking forward to the day when I can go to the store and actually get what I want. I missed so much over February and March when life was crazy, so I missed your events and will go check those out. I hope you have a good week, Lola, and thanks for stopping by!
That’s good timing you got such a bit bag of flour before this all started. It seems we all have something we can’t find at the moment. There sure are strange things sold out, here vinegar was sold out for weeks. I also look forward to that day when I can just reliably get everything I want. Thanks for checking out my events!
The cookies look so yummy, I’ve always been a fan of your cooking posts.
Beena recently posted…Queenie | Review
Thanks! I am glad to hear that you like my cooking posts ๐
Sounds like a pretty good week. It’s crazy that the flour is still not on the shelves. I really don’t get the whole flour part. Is everyone baking bread themselves or something? Sigh..
And good luck with the new author thing. It’s always nice to start something new ๐
Staf safe and happy rading.
Maybe they’re baking indeed or when the virus first hit the bread was sold out too, so maybe they bought it then to bake their own bread. I don’t know. I just hope the flour comes back again soon.
It was fun to work on a new project and hopefully I can offer it for other authors as well eventually.
Omg look at all the chocolate in your photos! I’m dying! It all looks soooo good. I’m so touched that you’re giving away a few copies of First Flyght! Thank you! And I’m also glad to hear that the weather is nice there. It really helps to open the windows when you’ve been stuck at home for a long time. Have a great week!
It seems all my non flour recipes are either chocolate or cheesecake. All the other baking recipes had flour.
I had the giveaway planned a month or so ago already after I did my first giveaway for another book, Smashwords makes it so easy to give books away and when I saw you put your books on Smashwords I knew I had to give away some copies of First Flyght with my next review :). I hope the giveaway is a success. I love this series and want to spread the love.
The lack of flour is becoming a major annoyance as I love baking! I managed to get a MASSIVE bag (like, 16kg?) of strong flour in Costco a couple of weeks ago which is great for cinnamon rolls, pretzels and pizza dough but not for much else beyond bread… Or so I thought! I’ve started googling trying to work out if I can use it as a substitute for all purpose flour and, if so, how so we’ll see if it works! ๐
Hope this week has been a good one!
Same here I love baking and the lack of flour is making it difficult. I usually just buy 1kg bags as that’s all they sell here. Now I am wondering why you all can buy those massive bags and why we don’t have those here. I hope you can use your flour as a substitute for all purpose flour.