The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
What happened this week?
Another busy week. Again there was a bunch of time sensitive assistant work tasks that needed to be done this and I put quite some hours in that this week. Then there was my other assistant work for other authors and Lola’s Blog Tours work as well. I had two tours I organized run this week and I put a new sign-up post live. I also had two more headaches and some shoulder pain to deal with this week.
Besides the work, I made sure to fit in a bit of reading, listening and gaming in each day, but not as much as I hoped. I did manage to make some good progress with my audiobook. Next week will still be busy as well probably.
I tried out a new recipe for butter chicken masala for my boyfriend that turned out well. I also made a no fish version of the shrimp noodle dish that I made a few weeks ago and added broccoli and vegetarian minced meat instead of shrimp, which tasted great. Pictures are below.
My boyfriend had his last week at his current job and will be starting a new job soon, so that will be a bit of a change, but hopefully a good one. And we’re playing a bit of the game Outward again, which is fun.
I again ran into the weird issue where my display port cable for my computer monitor stops working for some reason, I’ve had this happen before and then ended up buying a new cable which fixed the problem. There are some possible explanations on the internet, for now we solved it by plugging in a hdmi cable instead. What a pain these things always happen in the weeks when you’re already busy. Luckily it was an easy fix to still be able to use my monitor as I knew the hdmi cable would probably work as that’s what I did last time. But the hdmi is looking a bit different than the display port and that’s bothering me too. I have some possible solutions to try to make the display port cable work again, so I plan to give those a try when I have some time. And if that doesn’t work it’s time to buy another new display port cable again.
What did I read this week?
Dear Writer, You’re Doing it Wrong was another awesome read, I really like this series of non-fiction books. Very informative, filled with good advice and focus on individual different. Steeped in Murder was a bit of a mixed read, I didn’t really care for the main character and the mystery didn’t grip me and I figured out who the murderer was quite easy. But I did like the characters like Hyperion and the main character’s grandfather. The setting and the tea and tarot shop also were interesting, so I might just give book 2 a try too.
Food Corner
For today’s food corner I wanted to talk about how do you find new recipes? For me my main sources of new recipes are recipe magazines, Pinterest and Youtube Channels. The two grocery stores I come regularly both have a monthly magazine, which is partly promotional and party filled with recipes. I always like going through them and marking any recipes I might want to give a try. Pinterest is also a big source of inspiration for me, I follow a lot of food boards on there and sometimes go through my home page on search for new recipes, usually I then pin them to one of my boards and/or print them out for trying. Or I have an idea of something I like to make and input a few keywords in Pinterest and see what comes up. I also have my own boards where I pin recipes I want to try and sometimes I go through those checking for recipes I haven’t tried yet and see if any jump out at me. I also have some Youtube channels about food and recipes my boyfriend and I like to watch where we get some inspiration and discover recipes we want to give a try. How do you discover new recipes?
This week I blogged about:
– Review: Dear Writer Are you in Burnout by Becca Syme
– Review: A Royal Guide to Monster Slaying by Kelley Armstrong
What to expect next week on the blog:
– Review: Cleon Moon by Lindsay Buroker
– Review: Catalyst by Jody Wallace
Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:
– Review Opportunity: Brimstone by Justine Rosenberg
– Review Opportunity: The Christmas Walk Caper by JB Michaels
– Review Opportunity: Fighting Hearts by Annabeth Saryu – New!
– Book Blitz: Chloe Rose and the Enchanted Maze by Veronica Elle Butler – 25 till 31 March
Book Haul:
Time of my Life I got from the author. I liked the sample and am looking forward to listening to this one. Exile I bought as it was only 99 cents and I liked the sound of it.
Sounds like a busy week! And of course the computer would give you trouble when you have a lot of work to do! I’m glad you were able to find an easy work around, but still, how frustrating.
Good luck to your boyfriend with his new job. I hope it works out to be a good change.
I always forget about pintrest for recipes! I do baisc google searches and I also find recipes in magazines. I tend to repeat a lot do the same things though, so I don’t go recepie searching often.
Have a great week!
I don’t get why things like that always have the worst timing, luckily we managed to fix it on Sunday.
I hope his new job turns out to be a good change too, thanks!
I actually rarely use a basic google search, not sure why. I just always go to Pinterest instead. I also repeat a lot of the same things, but like to try new things with some regularly as well. if they go well, they might join my repeat recipes.
That noodle dish looks really good. I find most of my new recipes online. FB people will sometimes post recipes that look good and I’ll save them to my recipe folder to make later.
Mary Kirkland recently posted…Apartment Life #117
I don’t follow as many FB people or pages who post recipes, that’s a good idea too.
That dratted computer cable! Glad you had a quick fix ready until you can deal with the cord since you’ve got so much work to do. I’m glad your business is going good, but hope you get a little break from the really heavy work soon.
Neat that your boyfriend enjoyed the new recipe- I love Chicken Marsala- and wish him well as he begins a new job- always stressful even if a good thing. You’re so good at taking recipes and making them work for your needs.
Hmm, I find new recipes mostly from our grocery store mailer, friends, and some from Pinterest and visiting the food product websites. I haven’t bought a recipe book in a long time. I did sign up for a non-fic publishing house’s reviewer newsletter and they put out a lot of recipe books so I might end up reviewing a couple of those a year.
Have a great week, Lola!
Sophia Rose recently posted…Review: Diamonds Are a Ghost’s Best Friend by Danielle Garrett
Luckily I managed to fix the computer cable issue on Sunday and it was an easy fix, it was just a bit of a hassle and bad timing.
I am glad business is going well and next week should be a little bit less pressure as most of the urgent deadline work should be over then.
Thanks! I really hope the new job is a good change, although it’s always a bit stressful to change too.
Interesting to know your grocery stores also send out recipes. I don’t usually go to a lot of food product website, but that is a good idea too. I don’t buy a lot of recipe books anymore either, although I do own a few. That non-fic publishers newsletter sounds neat with the recipe books.
Such a busy week for you! It must be so annoying to have that data cable poop out on you AGAIN. Hmmm, how do I find recipes? One of three ways usually. (1) I have an ingredient that I bought that I want to use, so I will search on Pinterest for some recipes that use that ingredient. Like I have sour cream in the fridge right now, leftover from burrito night. But I never have sour cream in the fridge, so I thought that making some muffins with it would be nice. So I searched Pinterest and found a banana bread instead that looks nice. (2) I follow some cooking blogs. When they have stuff I like, I pin it to a board on Pinterest (all my recipe boards are private). Then I look at the board now and then to get inspiration, buy ingredients, and try something new. Or (3) I have a lot of cookbooks! Sometimes I’ll just sit down and read them and get inspired that way. 🙂
S. J. Pajonas recently posted…Sunday Update – January 26, 2020
It sure was bad timing with the data cable issue, luckily I managed to fix it on Sunday.
I usually plan my week menu before I do grocery shopping, so I rarely end up with an ingredient and only then search for a recipe, but I have had sometimes felt like a particular ingredient and then look up a recipe for that before I go to the store. I also follow a few cooking blogs, mostly on Pinterest and some on Facebook. I like paging through cookbooks, but actually rarely do that. I do have a few cookbooks.
It sounds like a very busy week. Why is it that items break when you don’t have the time to really mess with them?! Glad you were able to get your monitor working. I use recipes to bake but I really don’t use them to cook very often. When I do want to make something specific, I usually end up on or Even when I have a recipe, I don’t usually follow it. It drives my husband nuts that nothing tastes the same as it did the last time I made it 🙂 I hope you have a nice calm week!
Carole’s Random Life in Books recently posted…Stacking the Shelves #205
It sure seems like things like that always go wrong when you don’t have the time to fix it. I managed to fix the whole problem on Sunday and luckily it was an easy fix, but still inconvenient.
I do divert from my recipes at times and when I find a recipe online I often adjust it to my taste.
Computers – ughh
I belong to a couple of budget family recipe groups on Facebook, I’m cooking for 6 on a single income so i don’t have a lot of opportunities to be creative. Which reminds me the free recipe keeping app I’ve been using for years has decided to move to a subscription model so I have to find the time and means this week to transfer all my recipes elsewhere. I’m not happy about it at all.
Wishing you a great reading week
Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out recently posted…It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? #IMWAYR #SundayPost #SundaySalon
Luckily I managed to fix the problem last Sunday.
Oh that sounds tough cooking for so many people on a limited income. That’s too bad about that app suddenly switching to a subscription model. What a pain to have to switch all your recipes on such a short notice. Good luck with that!
It certainly was a busy week for you, Lola – and frustrating with that computer cable. I hope you manage to see the end of such a glitch as it clearly makes a real mess of any game you’re trying to play! I hope the coming week is a good one – hopefully with no more headaches!
The computer cable was frustrating, but it has been fixed now :). No headaches this week luckily. Thanks!