The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
What happened this week?
This was a pretty decent week. I got a lot done, but then later in the week I got sick and I slowed down a bit then. The week started off great with lots of work. I had two tours I organized running this week and a media kit for a tour starting next week that I sent out. I put the sign-up post live for a cover reveal later this year. I also did some other Lola’s Blog Tours work and some assistant work for my authors.
I also managed to defrost and clean out my freezer this week, which was really necessary as the ice had build up quite a bit in places. It was nice to have that done and the freezer looks so clean now. I still felt fine Thursday morning and most of the afternoon while I cleaned the freezer, but then slowly started to feel worse and by evening I felt pretty sick. I think I caught a flu. My boyfriend had been sick most of this week too. Friday was the worst of it I think as I am already feeling a lot better now Saturday evening while writing this, but still pretty snotty. I hope that trend continues and I feel better again today.
Friday evening I baked a carrot cake that turned out great. I spend most of Saturday catching up on some minor work things and then spend some time in the kitchen. I made some cheese puff pastry sticks and then garlic naans and pumpkin curry for dinner. Even though I am sick and can’t fully taste everything, it was delicious.
I figured out some extra moments to listen to audiobooks this week and easily got through my current audiobook this week as it was a short one and already started the next one. I also finished an ebook and made progress on my current reads.
What did I read this week?
Two great reads that I finished this week. Broken Girl vs Fix-it Boy was a great sequel, I enjoyed reading about these characters and I can’t wait for the next book. The Queen’s Gambit is a fast paced science fiction story with plenty of action and romance, I had fun reading this one and already started on book 2. The narrator did a solid job with this book.
Food Corner
For today’s food corner I want to focus on “Stampot” dishes. Stampot is a dutch word for a type of dish that contains mashed potatoes and usually at least one other vegetables. Most commonly either sauerkraut, kale or onion and carrots. I have shared a few stampot dishes on my blog. These are perfect for the colder weather.
- Hot Lightning
- Potatoes and Pumpkin Mash
- Mashed Potatoes with Carrots and Onion
- Mashed Potatoes with Sauerkraut and Lentils
- Sauerkraut Casserole
- Hot Lightning
This week I blogged about:
– Review: Valiant Heart by Eliza Sinclair
– Review: Relic of Sorrows by Lindsay Buroker
What to expect next week on the blog:
– Review: Eff this Meditation by Liza Kindred
– Review: Broken Girl vs Fix-It Boy by Jordan Ford
– Lola’s Kitchen: Tomato Pumpkin Soup Recipe
Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:
– Book Blitz: Let It Be Me by Laura Chapman – 21 till 27 October
– Book Blitz: Once Upon a Time Bitches by Branden LaNette – 21 till 27 October
– Blog Tour: Grimworld by Avery Moray – 26 October till 8 November
– Cover Reveal: Coven of Fire Series by Sierra Cross – 12 December – New!
Book Haul:
Mistletoe Mishap I got for review from the author, this sounds like it will be a fun read. Wolf’s Bane I bought on release day, I enjoyed the Otherworld series, even tough I haven’t read all the novella length stories. I am curious about the twins their story in this duology. Slaying Monsters for the Feeble I got for review form the author and I am really curious to see how this story continues. I really like the world this author has created and I am looking forward to reading book 2 in the spin-off series. The Book Review Companion I got for review form the author. It’s from the same author who managed to book reviewer yellow pages, I always had my blog listed there and I was curious to see what this non-fiction book would advice about reviews.
That icky sickness is really getting around. My husband has been sick all week and had to go to the doctor’s finally when the infection got worse.
Your stampot recipes would be a hit with me. I’m a fan of most potato dishes. I dragged out an old corn and cheese recipe to make for a work potluck dinner. It was good.
Yay for getting some work and reading done in spite of feeling ill. Glad you could find a way to fit in more audio time and finish your book.
Nice haul. I’ll bet you have a good time since a few are from series you already love.
Have a good week, Lola!
Sophia Rose recently posted…Review: Once Upon a Hallow’s Eve by Danielle Garrett
It seems everyone is getting sick around now, it’s really getting around. Sorry to hear about your husband being sick.
I am a big fan of potato dishes too. Your corn and cheese recipe sounds good.
It’s been nice to get some more audio time fit in my week. I am making good progress on my current listen.
I am sorry to hear that you are sick Lola! It seems that nearly everyone I visit is or has been sick! It’s the season I guess. I hope your next week will be better!
Sophie recently posted…When you are the white flag bearer because your family is full of Drama Llama… The Sunday Post 10/20/2019
It does seem to be the season for sickness indeed. I was sick this whole week, so it was even worse than last week 🙁
Sorry to hear you got the flu that sucks. The carrot cake sounds really good though.
Mary Kirkland recently posted…Apartment Life #103
Glad work is good, but sorry you weren’t feeling well. I hope that has passed. I am eyeing your holiday titles and recipes! Hope this week is good for you Lola.
Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer recently posted…Sunday Post #391 It’s Cold, No, It’s Hot
It’s been nice to have a solid stream of work. Sadly I stayed sick for this whole week.
I keep reading that people are feeling sick! 🙁 What’s crazy is that everyone lives so far apart, so it’s really “going around.” I hope you’re right and that trend you’ve noticed towards feeling better has you feeling excellent today!
I hate cleaning the fridge/freezer, but I always am so happy after I’ve done it. I’m sure you’re thrilled, especially if there was build up.
Have a great – healthy! – week 🙂
Berls recently posted…Sunday Post with Berls | Babies are Hard!
It really seems to be going around. I hear lots of people who are feeling sick lately too.
I actually got sick again after starting to feel better.
Same here, I never want to start with cleaning the freezer, but I am always so happy once it’s done.
I am so sorry that you have been feeling poorly. I hope you and your boyfriend soon feel a lot better. Our freezer is seriously overdue for a defrost – and now the weather is a lot cooler, it’s the ideal time, so long as it stops raining long enough! I like the stampot recipes – we call mashed potato meals ‘hash’.
Have a good week, Lola:)
My boyfriend is feeling better, but I am still feeling sick sadly :(.
That’s what I was thinking too, now with the cooler weather it’s the ideal time to defrost.
I wasn’t sure if that had a term for mashed potatoes dishes in other countries. Good to know you call them hash, I didn’t know that.
Ugh, I’m so sorry to hear you were sick last week! What a pain. But I’m also glad to hear you’re recovering so quickly. That’s excellent news. I have the Queen’s Gambit on my Kindle to read. I hope to get to it soon!
S. J. Pajonas recently posted…Teaser Tuesday – The Plants Of Rio
I thought I was recovering quickly and then Monday evening I got worse again and I’ve been sick this whole week :(.
I hope you’ll enjoy The Queen’s Gambit, I am now listening to book two and am enjoying the series so far.