The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
What happened this week?
This was a pretty decent week. This week started quite calm on Monday, I didn’t have as much work that had a high priority, so I finally took the time to get some of those tasks done that had fallen to the side in the past few weeks. It felt great to get caught up with those things. Then on Tuesday work picked up again and got busier, which stayed that way most of the week. I had three tours I organized running this week, another media kit for a tour next week that had to go out and more Lola’s Blog Tours and assistant work that had to be done. Friday was a calmer day again as I didn’t do much work as we went out to have a late lunch with my sister, which was fun.
I finally made some time on Monday and wrote out and scheduled a bunch of recipe posts. I had taken pictures of quite a few recipes that were still on my list and already wrote and scheduled some of them. I am hoping to do a recipe post a month going forward again :). I have a nice pumpkin soup recipe scheduled for later this month. I have a lot more recipes on my list that I want to type out, some I already have taken the pictures for, I hope to get some more done this week. I also had a new idea to keep recipes incorporated in my Sunday Post without featuring what I have eaten each week like I used to do, so we’ll see how this goes.
It also was a good reading week, I finished two non-fiction books I had been reading for a while and I finished the audiobook I had been listening to for a while now. Then I read High Flyght which got one of those rare 5 star ratings and I managed to finish a story from Pets in Space 4. I tried out a new recipe (or actually cobbled together tow different recipes) for a banana chocolate cake with nuts, which turned out awesome. We watched Tremors 4 this week and it’s such a fun movie.
What did I read this week?
Love, Lies and Hocus Pocus: Legends was great in audio. The whole series is fabulous in audiobook and I like how the narrator does all the different voices. Eff This Meditation was a good book on mediation, mindfulness, relaxing and self-care. But it wasn’t fully for me as didn’t have as many things I was eager to try out, partly because of techniques I was already familiar with and others not appealing to me. It was a pretty formatted book. High Flyght was awesome, I loved it. There’s so much going on in this book and I liked seeing how Vivian made things work with two guys now in her relationship network. Then I finished Strangers to Superfans which was an informative and pleasant tor ad non-fiction book. And I also finished a story from Pets in Space 4. I update my review on Goodreads once I finish a story.
Food Corner
I am trying something new to add to my Sunday Post, the Food corner, where I spotlight some of the recipes I posted before on my blog. Usually with some theme or something. We’ll see how this goes. As it’s autumn this week I wanted to start off with some pumpkin recipes I featured on the blog before and I recommend these:
- Potatoes and pumpkin mash
- Pumpkin Curry
- Pumpkin Soup
- Pumpkin and Apple Risotto
- Cinnamon Sugar Pumpkin Cookies
This week I blogged about:
– Review: Tithed to the Dread Lord by Athena Grayson
– Review: The Alchemist and a Amaretto by Annette Marie
What to expect next week on the blog:
– Review: Valiant Heart by Eliza Sinclair
– Review: Relic of Sorrows by Lindsay Buroker
Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:
– Book Blitz: Shadow Prophet by Andrea Pearson – 15 till 19 October
– Book Blitz: Let It Be Me by Laura Chapman – 21 till 27 October
– Book Blitz: Once Upon a Time Bitches by Branden LaNette – 21 till 27 October
– Blog Tour: Grimworld by Avery Moray – 26 October till 8 November
Book Haul:
Harvest and Resistance I got for review from the author. I hope to get to these soon. Pets in Space 4 I bought on release day, I enjoyed the previous pets in Space anthologies so I hope this one will be great too. I finally got approved for Graveyard Shift on Netgalley, the first two books in this series were great and I am looking forward to this one. Broken Girl vs Fix-it Boy I got for review from the author. Book 1 in this series was great and I already started reading this one.
Yay for a nice week where you got some stuff done including the low-priority tasks along with a nice lunch date. Your food focus is a great idea. I remember when you introduced the pumpkin and apple risotto which looked great and I still want to make it.
Nice haul! I saw that Susan had out some new short stories. I nabbed Pets in Space 4, too. Not sure when I’ll get to reading it, but looking forward to it.
Have another good week, Lola!
Sophia Rose recently posted…Delighted By the Series: The Beechwood Harbor Magic Mystery Series by Danielle Garrett
It was nice to get some of those lower priority tasks cleared out before things got busy again.
I am glad to hear you like the food focus idea, I hope this will be a fun way to spotlight some of the recipes I’ve posted. I hope you get the chance to give that risotto a try 🙂
I only finished the first Pets in Space story so far, but have some ARCs to get to before I can read more. Glad to hear you grabbed your copy too.
I think I might be the only person in the world who doesn’t like pumpkin. Have a great week.
Melanie Simmons recently posted…Hunted by the Alien Prince by A.M. Griffin
That’s too bad you don’t like pumpkin. In some pumpkin recipes you can easily substitute it for sweet potatoes, I sometimes do that when pumpkin’s not in season as they don’t taste as well then, so I use sweet potatoes instead.
It’s always a lovely feeling to clear the decks of those low-level tasks that still need sorting out. Go you! I don’t ever cock with pumpkin, but perhaps I should start… Have a good week, Lola:)
It really was nice to get through some of those low level tasks before things got busier again later in the week.
I really gotten to like pumpkin, at least in the dishes I tried it with so far.
I do like potato and pumpkin mash, but baked pumpkin pieces is my favourite.
Wishing you a great reading week
Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out recently posted…It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? #SundayPost #SundaySalon
I have used baked pumpkin pieces in a few dishes, like the risotto one. How do you eat baked pumpkin pieces? Do you eat them on it’s own or with other ingredients?
I love pimpkin soup and I am in heaven now that it’s pumpkin season!!!!!
Sophie recently posted…The week I’ve gone to watch Joker with my mom and whoring my dog on IG! The Sunday Post 10/13/2019
I’m looking forward to reading your recipes. Sounds like you had a good week.
Mary Kirkland recently posted…Apartment Life #102
Thanks! I am looking forward to sharing them on my blog 🙂
I need to check out what you thought of The Alchemist and An Amaretto for it absolutely broke my heart! I haven’t been able to re-read it since reading the ARC because I’m just not ready for the feels but know that when I calm my heart down I’ll love all the little moments between Tori and a certain mage!
Good luck with your recipe posts!
There sure were some great moments between Tori and a certain mage, until ofcourse the heartbreaking stuff later in the book. I am glad to hear you’re also enjoying the series. I just got my ARC of Slaying Demons for the Feeble and can’t wait to get started on that one.
Sounds like a good week Lola! How nice to have a day to get caught up on some tasks, that’s always a good feeling. And lunch with your sister sounds nice too 🙂 I’m excited for those recipe posts, I always find your recipes interesting and I’ve tried a couple. I may try that pumpkin and apple risotto… and the cookies. Maybe the soup. I’m feeling very pumpkin-y lol!
Have a great week!
Berls recently posted…Sunday Post with Berls | Accepting my new normal
It was nice to have a day to get caught up with some tasks.
I am glad to hear you like my recipe posts, I really hope I can keep it up to do one per month again. I try and schedule them some month in advance now so hopefully I won’t run out as fast.
I made the pumpkin curry this week I am feeling pretty pumpkin-y too now, and the pumpkins are quite good quality this time of the year.
Sounds like you had a good week. Those pumpkin recipes look interesting, I have a hard time seeing pumpkin in anything but dessert…lol.
Have a great week and happy reading!
Stormi Johnson recently posted…The Week In Review #269
I actually really like pumpkin in other dishes too, although it’s definitely great in dessert as well.