The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
What happened this week?
Another busy week. I feel like I’ve been saying that for the past few weeks. I am almost fully caught up with all the sign-up posts that have to go live. This week three more sign-ups posts went live. A tour I organized ran to it’s end and another tour started. Besides that I’ve done some assistant work as well. I’ve been tired at the end of each day from all the work, but at least I fall asleep easily and my days feel very productive. So that’s kinda nice and I am happy to be busier with tour work again.
I did found a little bit of time to write reviews this week and schedule a few of reviews, I still have a bunch I still need to schedule, but at least I got a few of them done and am caught up with writing reviews again. I hope to schedule the rest next week. I also played a bit of the aquarium managing game again this week, I am really enjoying it.
I also tried out two new recipes this weekend, it was fun. One of them was this coffee egg pudding thing, which was a complete disaster. Will have to try that again and adjust the amount of coffee used as now it was basically egg with a hint of coffee flavor. The other was a coconut macaroons recipes, but they didn’t stick together well and sort of crumble apart. They do taste good tough, but I double part of the recipe and forgot to double the sugar so they aren’t as sweet as they should be.
Besides that nothing much to tell. I am still battling the mildew and I am seeing some progress, so maybe only a few more weeks left, lol. I don’t want to use bleach or harsh chemicals, so it’s been slow going with vinegar and baking soda. It’s good to see it’s working and I try and work on it a few days each week.
What did I read this week?
I finished two books this week. Tithed with the Dread Lord was an unique and entertaining fantasy romance book. Reader Magnets was just okay for me, as it mostly had information I already knew.
This week I blogged about:
– Review: Cat Got Your Diamonds by Julie Chase – Audiobook
– Lola’s Kitchen: Risotto with Bacon, Green Peas and Mushrooms Recipe
What to expect next week on the blog:
– Review: Spellcaster Academy Episode 1 by Jenetta Penner
– review: Starseers by Lindsay Buroker
Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:
Review Opportunities:
– The Krampus by Nancy Gray
– The Going Back Portal by Connie Lacy
– The Minimalistic Babe by Lola R. Marie
– The Guest House Witch by Desy Smith
– Dark Reflections by Kelsey ketch – New!
– Roland’s Path by RJ Hanson – New!
Check the full list of open review opportunities here.
Cover Reveals:
There are no cover reveals currently open for sign-up
– Book Blitz: Her Rough Ride by Heather Van Fleet – 2 till 8 September – New!
– Blog Tour: Merlin’s Shakespeare by Carol Anne Douglas – 3 till 16 September
– Bookstagram Blitz: First Flyght by S.J. Pajonas – 6 till 13 September
– Blog Tour: Kingdom Tiber City Blues by Anderson O’Donnell – 16 September till 6 October
– Blog Tour: Grimworld by Avery Moray – 26 October till 8 November
– Bookstagram Blitz: Called to Inspire by Marsha DuCille – 8 till 15 October
Book Haul:
No new books this week, but I do have a bunch on my cart that I hope to buy next week.
I’ve made recipes before that just didn’t come out right for me. I hope you have better luck with it next time.
Mary Kirkland recently posted…Apartment Life #94
Sadly sometimes that just happens with a recipe and it doesn’t turn out right.
Glad you’re getting caught up on the work and getting so much to do. Oh no on the recipe disasters. I’ve had a few fails like that when I try new ones. Glad they were at least tasty. 🙂
I’ll have to look up that fantasy you finished. It looks good. Too bad the other was only so-so on providing helpful info.
Have a good week, Lola!
Sophia Rose recently posted…Blog All About It August 2019
It happens sometimes when trying new recipes that they turn into disaster,s but at least I try something new.
I would definitely recommend Athena Grayson’s books, I enjoyed the books by her I read so far. She also has two awesome sci-fi series and I am looking forward to more in this fantasy series.
It always feels good to get work done everyday and fall asleep tired each night. That’s definitely an awesome thing! <3
S. J. Pajonas recently posted…Featuring ROGUE By Debbie Cassidy
It has been nice to be tired and fall asleep tried each night, although I do hope for some slightly calmer weeks now.