Sunday Post #336

Posted May 26, 2019 by Lola in Sunday Post / 24 Comments

sunday post

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

What happened this week?

This was a pretty good week. I had a few less good moments, but overlap it was a pretty good week. We had some good weather this week, a few overcast days and a few sunny days and no rain. It made for good walking weather and I went out for walks again.

I did some Lola’s Blog Tours work and some hours of assistant work. I also received the new graphics from Limabean Designs for my Lola’s Blog Tours Instagram account. I hope to start posting them soon and also plan to use them in some other places. They look awesome! I already posted one of them on Instagram.

Lats Monday I took a day off and it was great to relax a bit, I played some games, cooked and puzzled a bit. I am trying to take more days off as it really helps me feel rested and more ready to start working the next day.

Summer Coyer 2019

I am joining the Summer Coyer challenge again this year. I always enjoy this challenge, so I am participating again this year.

Free cozy mystery!

The Daydreamer Detective
The first book in one of my favorite cozy mystery series is free! I linked the cover to the author’s website where you can find all the buy links. I really like this series and the Japan setting is really well done too.

What did I read this week?

Star NomadCircle in the SandStrangled Eggs and HamMatchmaking Beyond the Veil

Star Nomad was a great read and exactly the type of read I was in the mood for, I started book 2 right after it. Circle in the Sand was a fun and cute read about a women who boards a cruise ship with her best friend and then realizes she is in love with him. I would’ve liked a few more scenes with the two of them, but I liked them together and it was a sweet romance. Strangled Eggs and Ham was a great sixth book in this series. I enjoy reading about Robbie and her store and the murder mysteries she gets involved. I definitely would recommend it. Matchmaking Beyond the Veil was a DNF sadly, as it couldn’t grab my attention.

What did I cook for dinner this week?

This week I blogged about:

Review: Doom And Bloom by H.Y Hanna
Review: The Lion Mistress Book 2 by RA Steffan

What to expect next week on the blog:

– Review: Something Borrowed, Something Mewed by Bethany Blake
– Review: Star Nomad by Lindsay Buroker

Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:

Review Opportunities:
Building Your Empowered Steps by LM Preston
Behesians by Isaiyan Morrison
Empty Eyes by Nancy Gray
Golden Skies by Juan Zapata
Poseidon’s Academy by Sarah A Vogler
The Firefly by Nancy Gray
The Krampus by Nancy Gray
The Going Back Portal by Connie Lacy
Check the full list of open review opportunities here.

Cover Reveals:
There are no cover reveals currently open for sign-up

Blog Tour: My Best Friend Runs Venus – 3 till 16 June
Blog Tour: Einstein’s Compass – 24 till 30 June

Book Haul:

Steeped in Murder

I only got one new book this week, which is pretty good compared to most weeks. I bought Steeped in Murder on release day as I like the sound of this cozy mystery.

What was the last book you DNF’d?


24 responses to “Sunday Post #336

  1. I am happy that you feel more rested Lola! As you said taking a day off helps to be more focused and enthusiastic the day after! Enjoy your week.

  2. Glad your week was pretty good and that the added day off helped you rest and be more productive the next day. Yeah for your Instagram page being new and shiny!
    Glad your Star Nomad hit the spot. I got the Junkyard freebie after seeing your review so hopefully they’ll be a hit for me, too.
    Sorry you had to DNF. I just DNF’d one by a favorite author b/c I don’t like secret baby and found it right in the second chapter. Oh well. 🙂
    Sophia Rose recently posted…Review: White Trash Zombie Apocalypse by Diana RowlandMy Profile

    • I am happy I can now post on Instagram and have some shiny new graphics to post :).

      I hope you’ll enjoy the Lindsay Buroker books, I’ve been enjoyed her books so far. They are great if you want some action filled sci-fi.

    • It’s hard to make the time to take care of yourself at time,s but I am slowly beginning to realize how important it is. The day off really helped.

  3. I’m glad you had some nice days this week and you were able to get out for some walks too. Taking days off is so important. I did the same thing this past week! I watched a movie and tried to be as still as possible. 🙂

    Thanks so much for linking to The Daydreamer Detective! I really appreciate you sharing. 🙂
    S. J. Pajonas recently posted…Sunday Update – May 26, 2019My Profile

    • I am so glad I got to take a day off and go for some walks.

      I hope you get some new people picking up the series with the first book being free.

    • I am glad you grabbed SJ’s cozy and hope you’ll enjoy it :). Once I learned how to DNF I didn’t look back either, I used to finish every book I started, but nowadays I just DNF when a book really isn’t working for me.

  4. Yay for Summer COYER! I rarely DNF. The last one was at the end of March. Murder Notes by Lisa Renee Jones. UGH. It was not working for me. I have many other books, ARCS, some of them well-written but didn’t appeal to me. I read such a wide variety and so many books, it’s going to happen sometimes.

    Have a great week and enjoy a day or two off now and then!

    Here is my Sunday Post   
    Anne – Books of My Heart recently posted…Sweet Wild of Mine by Laurel KerrMy Profile

    • I don’t DNF too often, but I have a few DNF’s each year. And when a book just isn’t working for you it’s best to just DNF. And I agree it’s going to happen sometimes that you run into a book you don’t like.

    • No problem, I know how busy life can get and I know you’ve been stressed lately. I am glad I got to take a day off. It was too bad about the DNF, but I am kinda happy I DNf’d it early on as some of the reviews I read mentioned the same issues I had in the early part.

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