The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
What happened this week?
This week had a bunch of ups and downs. At the start of the week I sank a bit deeper back into my funk, then later in the weeks things went a bit better again. I managed to go for a few walks this week, soaking up the sunlight as we had some nice days with lots of sun. Although the temperature got a bit colder later in the week, it was still sunny outside, which was nice. I hope the extra sunlight will help me get out of the funk and the walks are a nice way to relax and see all the plants and flowers that start growing now that it’s spring.
I also am still struggling a bit with being tired, but I think I am almost used to the daylight saving time now. So that’s good. I did a bit of gaming again this week, listened more to my audiobook, did a bit of puzzling and read.
Work wise it was a good week. A cover reveal I organized took place and I put the sign-up post live for the blog tour for the same book. I did a few other smaller Lola’s Blog Tours tasks and some hours assistant work.
On Tuesday my mom visited and helped me with my taxes. I am always happy to have that done and it was nice to talk with my mom a bit too.
What did I read this week?
Veritas was really good and I am still really enjoying this series. Kitty Confidential was a fun short read and I liked the premise, but the mystery fell a bit flat for me.
What did I cook for dinner this week?
This week I blogged about:
– Review: Newsletter Ninja by Tammi Labrecque
– Review: Arctic Sun by Annabeth Albert – blog tour
– Review: Demon Magic and a Martini by Annette Marie
What to expect next week on the blog:
– Review: Veritas by Kelly St Clare
– Review: Uncommon Ground by Kelly Jensen
– Review: Face of the Wave by Jordan Ford
Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:
Review Opportunities:
– Building Your Empowered Steps by LM Preston
– Behesians by Isaiyan Morrison
– Empty Eyes by Nancy Gray
– Golden Skies by Juan Zapata
– Poseidon’s Academy by Sarah A Vogler
– The Firefly by Nancy Gray
– The Krampus by Nancy Gray
– The Going Back Portal by Connie Lacy
Check the full list of open review opportunities here.
Cover Reveals:
There are no cover reveals currently open for sign-up
– Bookstagram Blitz: Moments We Forget by Beth K. Vogt – 7 till 13 May – Paperback review copies available for Instagrammers!
– Blog Tour: My Best Friend Runs Venus – 3 till 16 June – New!
Book Haul:
To See the Sun was one of my favorite reads from 2018 and I am looking forward to re-read it in audio format this time. I grabbed it on Audible with one of the credits I won a while back. Death by Dumpling sounded like a fun cozy mystery book, so I bought it. Bleeding Tarts was only $0.99 and while I haven’t read book 1 yet, I decided to buy it for that price.
I hope the sun and spring will keep you out of your funk, Lola! I think we need sunlight to be fully functioning, so I’m pretty happy with the weather these days. Even if it’s really cold in the mornings, it’s nice and warm in the afternoons 🙂
Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.
Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookworms recently posted…Weekend Wrap-up #273 – Back Home Again
Thanks! I do think the extra sunlight is helping and I agree we probably need some sunlight to function best. It’s nice to have some sunny weather after the grey winter we had.
Glad you were able to spend some special time with your mom. I’m so sorry that your energy has been zapped for the past few weeks, and hope the sunnier days can help. Maybe time for a mini or staycation and “Me” time? Take care of you and big hugs…RO
The sunnier days and going outside is helping a bit. I am going to see if I can take a day off soon, but with my work and routine it’s hard to take much time off. So I try to fit some extra me time in when I can.
Sun and lots of light has really helped my mood Lola, I hope your weather continues to get nicer and hopefully it will help you in the same way. Always good to get taxes out of the way!
Trish @ Between My Lines recently posted…The Sunday Post : Get your bookish news – Cork Mind and Body Experience
I think the light is slowly helping with my mood. I try and go out for a little bit most days to get a bit of sunlight each day. And it’s always nice to get taxes done.
Those ups and downs hit me this week, too, but yes the opportunities to get outside in pretty spring days helped. Sounds like you got some good stuff accomplished this week with taxes done, new work projects finished, and some books read, too. To See the Sun looks good hope the audio is a nice match.
Have a great week, Lola!
Sophia Rose recently posted…Sweet Delight Review: Murder of Crows by Anne Bishop
Sorry to hear you had some downs as well this week. That’s nice you had some pretty spring days too. It was nice to get a lot of things accomplished this week. I hope the audio of To See the Sun is a good one, I liked the sample and enjoyed the ebook last year.
Sorry things are still a little off. Walking is such a great way to clear your head. I love taking short/long walks to just get a new perspective. I am hoping vacation will clear my head a little. I feel very overwhelmed lately and I have nothing to make me overwhelmed so I hope relaxing on vacation will help.
So glad you are still enjoy the pirate series, I wish I liked it more, those covers are just gorgeous!
Have a great week, Lola! Happy Reading! xx
Michelle @Because Reading recently posted…The Sunday Post ~ See ya real soon! ~ Week in READview!
I agree walking really is a great way to clear your head and I love walking, so not sure why I don’t do it more often. I hope to keep it up and try to get out most days.
I hope you have a great vacation and that it will help clear your head.
The covers really are stunning and it is a great series.
Having the taxes done is always good. Hopefully you start to feel better soon and get out of the funk you’re in.
Mary Kirkland recently posted…Apartment Life #76
Thanks, I hope I can get out the funk soon. It was good to get the taxes done.
Getting fresh air is nice, I hope it will help with the funk you’ve been in 🙂 That’s cool that you’re gonna listen to the audio of a fave from last year. I’ve been thinking of doing the same. Yay for getting taxes done!
Kristen @ Metaphors and Moonlight recently posted…Game Recs: 3 Quick, Free Games to Make You Smile
It is nice to go outside and get fresh air, I hope it will get me out of the funk. I like listening to audio’s of books I enjoyed. I hope this one is a good one.
I love that the weather is starting to get warmer in the Spring, though apparently it’s lightly snowing today, so that’s not fun. LOL Sorry it was a rough week in the beginning but I’m glad it got better!!!
ShootingStarsMag recently posted…Lauren’s Birthday Wish List
I am also happy with the warmer weather. I also like snow, but only if I don’t have to go anywhere.
Sorry to hear about your down days. 🙁 I do hope that the extra sunlight gives you the pep you need to have happier days! We also just finished off our taxes right on time. It’s always good to have them done and over with.
S. J. Pajonas recently posted…Featuring THE DEAD GIRL’S STILETTOS By Quinn Avery
I think the extra sunlight is helping and I try and go outside most days now to get some more sunlight in. I am always glad to have the taxes done.