The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
What happened this week?
This was a pretty good week. I got a bunch of work done, worked on the media kits for the three new tours and put the sign-up posts for two of them live. The giveaways that I ran for Lola’s Blog Tours 5 year anniversary ended and I picked and notified the winners this week. I also did some hours of assistant work.
Good news my speakers that I spilled tea on last week survived. After letting them dry well I switched them on again and they worked fine. I am so glad they survived.
I went back to puzzling this week. I finished the puzzle I was still working on. And I bought a new puzzle and started that one. I also got some reading done. Sadly I had another DNF this week for a book that wasn’t working for me. But I also finished two great reads.
And we visited a gaming museum this week. It was lots of fun, you could play a bunch or arcade and older games and some new ones too. There was a some information about game history too, but mostly it’s just filled with lots of different games. There weren’t as many people while we were there so there was no wait for any of the games.
My mom started her own etsy shop a while ago. She has quite some products listed now, so I thought I would mention it on my blog, in case anyone would like to check out her store. The picture above is from one of the Halloween sets she is selling. You can check out her shop here.
What did I read this week?
Rise of the Witch sadly was a DNF. I liked the start of the book, the story and the world, but couldn’t stand the possessive alpha males that she was bonded to and their behavior. Pisces Hooks Taurus was awesome, a great slow burn romance that made me happy. Best in Show was a fun read, but a bit on the short side. I really liked the set-up of a shifter stuck in his cat form who gets stuck in a shelter and then adopted by someone who thinks he is a normal cat.
What did I cook for dinner this week?
- Vegetarian Shepherd’s Pie with gnocchi instead of mashed potatoes
- Curry Rice
- Pumpkin Soup
This week I blogged about:
– Review: Obsessed with the Vampire by Kellie McAllen
– Review: The Dough Must Go On by H.Y Hanna
What to expect next week on the blog:
– Review: Possessed with the Vampire by Kellie McAllen
– Review: Stolen Princess by Kelly St Clare
Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:
Review Opportunities:
– Death Island by Kelsey Ketch
– Passage by Indie Gantz
– Hiding by Jenny Morton Potts
– Love & Alliances by Davina Lacey
– The Port Elspeth Jewelry Making Club
– The Beast of Black Pond by Nancy Gray – New!
Check the full list of open review opportunities here.
Cover Reveals:
There are no cover reveals open for sign-up at the moments
– Book Blitz: All That Matters by Tracy Krimmer – 23 till 24 October
– Bookstagram Blitz: Recklessly Ever After by Heather Van Fleet – 29 October till 4 November
– Book Blitz: The Second Chance by Catherine Mann – 29 October till 11 November – New!
– Book Blitz: The Unscripted Life of Lizzy Dillinger by Marianne Hansen – 5 till 11 November
Book Haul:
Stolen Princess I got for review, the other ones I bought. Kelly Jensen reviewed the second book in that historical romance series and I decided to give book 1 a try. I liked the sound of Chaos Cocktail after seeing it on Metaphors and Moonlight and it was only 99 cents, so I decided to buy a copy. I bought Darak as I am curious about this new series by Cara Bristol.
Hey, that’s great news about your speakers. Congrats to your mom on opening her Etsy shop. Cute wares for the season. I do buy gifts on there now and then so I’ll have to check out her store.
I just came across a puzzle my brother got me so now I want to put it together.
Ah, bummer about the DNF, but when its just upsetting you probably time to move on.
Fun about the cat shifter one and glad your other read turned out good.
The Soldier’s Scandal is from a series I have on my wish list for eventually. Crossing my fingers you like Darak.
Have a great week, Lola!
Yes I am glad my speakers survived :). I am happy that my mom opened her own etsy shop and she has some great stuff on there, I ordered a few things for myself already.
I hope you have some time to work on that puzzle you got :).
Yeah I figured DNF’ing it for now was the best course of action. It’s a shame as the start was pretty good.
Good to know you have that series on your to-read list too. It sounds good. I had fun reading Darak, even tough it was a bit short.
Wow! Your mom is pretty talented! I’m sorry I’m a little late, but kudos and congrats on 5 years of your blog tours, and looks like you’re still going strong! I can imagine you were quite worried about the spilled tea, but glad it all worked out for the best, and everything is still intact. I used to work with this guy who was seriously into puzzles. He could look at pieces and just knew where the pieces were supposed to go pretty quickly. Me, on the other had, had to keep trying different things before the puzzle was finished.(lol) Sounds like a great hobby and glad you’re having fun! Hugs…RO
RO recently posted…FALL FUN & NEWS
Thanks! It’s amazing to realize it’s been 5 years since I started my blog tours business.
I am glads my speakers survived as I was worried I ruined them with the tea.
That sounds impressive how that guy could look at the puzzle pieces and knew where they’re supposed to go. I have a bit of a system where to select a bunch of similarly colored pieces and then try and work on that part of the puzzle first.
Ooooh look at you mom’s creation! They are so cute! And I am so not a gamer LOL I look awed at my hubs and son but really I am useless at these games. Puzzle aside (and that’s the season to do puzzles) you seem to have had a great week!
I agree her creations look awesome :).
There are so many different types of games out there, I think it’s just a matter of finding the ones you like.
I haven’t bought anything on Etsy for quite some time, but I love what your mum has done! The gaming museum sounds a lot of fun.
You’ve had a good week. Hope this week is even better! Here’s my Sunday Post.
Sassy Brit @ recently posted…Don’t Look Back by Dawn Ryder #REVIEW #SundayFunday Wrap Up
I don’t buy on Etsy very often, but I do like to go there now and then and it’s great when you’re looking for something specific.
Glad your speaker is working. Your mom’s stuff is so freakin cute! I just went on her etsy.
The museum sounds fun!
I want to read Pirates of Felicity but I want to wait until the second book comes out. I love binge reading books lately and tend to get them when they are almost all out. The covers of those books are fantastic!
I miss doing puzzles but with the kittens I can’t, we would have puzzles pieces everywhere! lol
I hope you have the best week ever, Lola! Happy Reading! ox
Michelle @Because Reading recently posted…Anniversary, Blogging and Stupid Weather ~ WIR & SP
Thanks for visiting my mom’s etsy store. She really has some cute stuff on there :).
The second Pirates of Felicity book just released and book 3 will be out later this year :). The covers really are amazing and the books are really good too.
Yeah I can imagine that doing puzzles with kittens around won’t work as well. Maybe once they’re a bit older. I had a puzzle going on when my boyfriend his parents cat visited and I covered the puzzle up when I wasn’t puzzling, which worked to keep the cat away from the pieces.
So glad your speakers survived the tea episode! We love puzzles. Our son and his girl have been doing puzzle. There entire coffee table has become a giant puzzle board. It took me years to learn to DNF, but it has helped me avoid reading slumps. So glad you had some great reads this week.
Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer recently posted…Sunday Post #337 Dark and Dreary
I am happy my speakers survived. I really like puzzles. I put mine one the floor in a place where it’s not too much in the way, lol.
I still struggle to DNF now and then, but I definitely have gotten better at it. It really helps to avoid slumps.
I’m glad to hear your speakers survived! And ooh, a gaming museum, that sounds really fun! I’ve never heard of anything like that. Sorry about the DNF. I think I’d be frustrated with the possessive alpha males too. The shifter book is a funny premise lol. Oh yay, you bought Chaos Cocktail! Right? It was irresistible for 99c. I’m hoping to get to it somewhat soon!
Kristen @ Metaphors and Moonlight recently posted…Update: Life and Books (10/7/18)
Oh, and I forgot to say your mom’s stuff is really cute!
Kristen @ Metaphors and Moonlight recently posted…Update: Life and Books (10/7/18)
She really makes some great things 🙂
The gaming museum was a lot of fun :). I hand’t heard of before we discovered this one either.
The possessive alpha males were just getting on my nerves, so I figured it was best to DNF it for now. The shifter book was a lot of fun and it had a great premise.
Yes for 99c I couldn’t resist getting Chaos Cocktail. And it was on Kobo :). I always find anthologies like that a great way to discover some new to em authors as well. I also hope to get to it somewhat soon.
Glad to hear about your speakers. The things your mom are selling are cute. I’ve never bought anything from etsy before.
Mary Kirkland recently posted…Apartment Life #48
Thanks for visiting her etsy store. I like to buy things from etsy now and then when I am looking for something cute and unique.
Sounds like a pretty good week! Your mom’s crafts are adorable! I do buy some things on etsy but not a lot. I tend to go there if I need something specific.
S. J. Pajonas recently posted…Sunday Update – October 7, 2018
Same here, it’s great when you’re looking for something specific or something different than what you find in normal stores. Thanks for visiting my mom’s shop, she really has some great things in there.
Glad to hear the speakers survived! That’s always nice. Sounds like you had a good week for the most part. And the gaming museum sounds awesome! I love playing some of those older arcade games.
Bummer about the DNF, but glad your reading was good other than that. Have a great new week!
Greg recently posted…Sunday Post #266
It really was great to play some of the games they had there. There were some fun arcade games. They really had a large variation of games.
It was too bad about the DNf, as the book started out good. But the rest of my reading was good at least.
A gaming museum? How fun! I seem to have been DNFing a lot lately, too. But I would rather DNF than waste my time reading something that I’m not enjoying. My husband and I love working puzzles together. Gives me time to listen to audiobooks, since he concentrates so hard on it. lol
Rachel recently posted…Weekly Update 34
The gaming museum was a lot of fun :). I agree it’s better to DNF than spend time reading a book you don’t enjoy. I really like puzzling :).
I want everything you cooked for dinner this week! I’ve made a vegan shepherd’s pie twice, but it’s very time consuming. We’re big fans of curry in this house, and I love most things pumpkin.
I’ll definitely check out your mom’s Etsy shop! Those are adorable!
Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear?
Lindsi recently posted…2018 Ho Ho Ho Readathon
I like to make shepherd’s pie without putting it in the oven and just make the mashed potatoes and sauce and serve it like next to each other. It saves a bit of time, but it is a pretty time consuming recipe indeed. I really like curry and I like making some pumpkin recipes when it’s autumn especially.
Thanks for checking out my mom’s etsy shop :).
The Gaming Museum sounds fun. I’ve never heard of it before!
I’ll have to check out your mom’s Etsy shop! That Halloween set looks super cute.
Have a great week and happy reading!
Maureen Bakker recently posted…Review ‘A Shade of Vampire’ by Bella Forrest
The gaming museum was great. we only heard of recently and I am glad we had to chance to check it out.
Thanks for checking out my mom’s Etsy store, I really like the Halloween sets she made.
Congrats to your mom on the etsy shop! And don’t feel bad about your DNF, feel bad if you spent a lot of time on a book that you didn’t like, life is too short for mediocre reads lol
Braine recently posted…Suped Up: The Outsider by Stephen King #horror #bookreview #truecrime
Thanks! I actually read about 45% so that’s still a bunch of time while I didn’t enjoy it. I agree with you, I rather DNF than spend more time on a book I don’t enjoy.
Aww, that Halloween set is cute. I’m glad the speakers survived! The museum sounds fun. I like museums where you can touch the stuff. Have a great week!
Aj @ Read All The Things! recently posted…The Sunday Post #167
The Halloween set looks great, doens’t it? I am glad my speaker survived and I didn’t have to buy new ones. Interactive museums like this one are great.
When I was on vacation this summer, my mom and I (and my daughter sometimes) did four huge puzzles. I hadn’t done one in so long. Now I remember why I loved them so much when I was younger!
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction recently posted…Star-Crossed by Pintip Dunn: Review & Giveaway
That sounds fun you did some huge puzzles with you mom. I usually stick to the 1000 pieces ones as they don’t take in as much space and are still pretty doable.
That’s pretty great with all the blog tours and blog stuff. And congratulations to your mom on her Etsy store.
I am glad that the speakers survived. Sorry that you had to DNF a book, but glad that you enjoyed the others 🙂
Sim @ Flipping Through the Pages recently posted…The Night Diary by Veera Hiranandani | An emotional journey
Thanks! I am happy for my mom she got to start her etsy store, she has some great things on there.