The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
What happened this week?
For this week’s Sunday Post I want to ask you all a question. As it’s the last day of 2017 I am excited to hear which books you enjoyed the most this year and my question for you: If you could recommend me one book you read in 2017, which one would it be and why? And why do you think I might enjoy that book?
Okay now back to how this week was. I hope you all had a great Christmas. We spent Christmas day (or actually first Christmas day for us) with my boyfriend’s parents. It was fun, there was good food and we got some presents. I did have a headache, which put a bit of a damper on my mood sadly. The rest of the week was pretty decent. It was a bit more relaxed than normal and while I still had enough work to keep part of my day filled with work, I also made some more time to read, play a game and watch a movie.
I did was a bit tired the latter part of the week as I hadn’t been sleeping too well, they are repairing the apartment across the hall from us and there’s a lot of noise that wakes me up a few times each morning.
I ended up adding another 5 star read to my best books of 2017 post a few days before it went live as I read an amazing contemporary romance book this week that had the most awesome slow burn friends to lover romance. I think this is only the third or so gay romance I read and contemporary romances rarely get a 5 star from me (the last one was Summer Haikus more than about 2 years ago I think), so I was really happy this book was so good. And we watched How to Train Your Dragon and the sequel, which were fun, although I liked the first movie better than the second. And there’s this cooking game I’ve been playing lately which is a lot of fun.
What did I read this week?
I loved Leo Loves Aries, it was an amazing slow burn friends to lovers romance with lots of banter and some great chemistry between the two characters. The Vectum was okay, mostly it was just very short so it was hard to fully get into the story. But I am curious about part 2.
What did I cook for dinner this week?
- Spinach Pasta Sauce
- Potatoes and Pumpkin Mash with parsley, walnuts and sausage
This week I blogged about:
– Review: Double Play/ Perfect Victim by Kelley Armstrong
– Lola’s Ramblings: Books I DNF’d in 2017
– Lola’s Ramblings: Best Books I read in 2017
– New release Challenge 2017: 4th quarterly recap
What to expect next week on the blog:
– Review: Falling for a Cowboy by Karen Rock
– Lola’s Ramblings: How did I do with my 2017 Goals and 2018 goals
– Lola’s Ramblings: 2017 Reading Stats
Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:
Review Opportunities:
– Sweet Hollow Women by Holly Tierney-Bedord
– Deck The Malls with Purple Peacocks by Amy Gettinger
– N. N. Light’s Book of Daily Inspiration by N.N. Light
– Modern Persuasion by Sara Marks – New!
Check the full list of open review opportunities here.
Cover Reveals:
– The Most Special Chosen by Rachel de la Fuente – 24 January
– Destiny’s Gambit by R.J. Wood – 5 till 11 February – New!
– Something Just Like This by Tracy Krimmer – 14 till 15 February
Book Haul:
The Vectum I got for review from the author and already read. Accidental Witch is a new release by Lydia Sherrer and was only 99cents so I bought it. Scorpio Hates Virgo I got through netgalley for review. I was so excited to see it on Netgalley after I just finished and loved book one. I can’t wait to read this one and on the other hand am afriad it’s not as good as book 1. The Daydreamer Detective Returns a Favor I got for review and will probably be my next book. I always am excited when I receive a new book from Pajonas and I am really looking forward to reading this one. Cookie Dough, Snow & Wands Aglow is a series I am following and it released for 99cents, so I bought a copy as soon as I saw it released.
Sorry you had a headache on Christmas, but I’m glad you still had a good day 🙂 That sucks about the noise at the apartment though. I dealt with that all the time when I was living in an apt, and it was awful. But ooh a cooking game, that sounds different?
That’s awesome you got the next book in the series on NG after loving the first book! You got lots of great looking books this week.
You’ve already read most of my review this year probably lol so I won’t rec a book, but hopefully you’ll get some good recs! Happy New Year!
Kristen @ Metaphors and Moonlight recently posted…The Weekly Update: 12/31/17
It was a good day, but what a bad timing to get a headache. I really like our apartment, but all he construction noises are so annoying and it’s taking them weeks to fix one apartment.
I was so happy to see book 2 on Netgalley after I just finished book 1. And I was happy the author approved my request. Now let’s hope it’s as good as book 1.
At least Chaos Station is on my to-read list already from the books you reviewed this year :). But I thought it would be nice to get some recommendations this way.
Happy New Year 🙂 I’m glad you had a good Christmas, aside from the headache.
One of our neighbours has been renovating for what seems like forever, the amount of noise they make, geeesh! If it’s not power tools, they have the radio on really loud. I hope both of our noisy neighbours finish whatever it is they’re doing soon, some quiet would be nice lol
Yay for adding a 5 star read to your collection, those are always nice to see 🙂 I hope you enjoy your new books!
Wattle recently posted…Sunday Post #13
Happy new year to you too!
That’s annoying you’re also suffering from construction noise. Some quiet would be nice indeed.
It was awesome to have another 5 star read before the end of the year.
Just one book. Hmm… I think I would have to recommend Nice Dragons Finished Last by Rachel Aaron. While I didn’t read this book, I did read book four in this series, but you really need to start with book one, so hence the selection. This series follows Julius. He’s a dragon, but he isn’t liked by most of his family because he is too nice. He meets Marci, who is a human mage. This series is full of great characters (including Julius’s brothers and sisters, of which he has lots, and his mother). It also has a great plot, as they deal with the spirit of Algonquin.
My Review:
Melanie Simmons @mlsimmons recently posted…Audiobook Review: A Darkness Absolute by Kelley Armstrong (@mlsimmons, @KelleyArmstrong, @tplummer76, @MacmillanAudio)
I remember reading some of your reviews for that series. I just checked and it seems I already added that to my to-read list on Goodreads. It does sound like a series I might enjoy :). Thanks for the recommendation!
Personally 2017 wasn’t an easy year, but what an AWESOME year it was for books!!! I could recommend a bunch, but you may not like everything I do. But one book I read that I think you may like, unless you read it and I missed it, is ZENKA by Alison Brodie. It’s only .99c on Amazon. It’s a really fun book to read!!! It’s been getting great reviews, which you can read on Amazon (mine is there!). Here’s the link, in case you want to check it out:
I think you’re amazing, Lola, to do all that you do! And as I’ve told you before, out of all the blog tour companies I’ve worked with yours is the classiest by far. You make everything easy and the blog pages you design for us are beautiful!! I look forward to what you’ll have in store for us in 2018!!!
I am sorry 2017 wasn’t an easy year for you, but that’s great it was an awesome your for books. I hadn’t heard of that book before, I’ll check it out. Thanks!
Aww thanks! That makes me so happy to hear that you think Lola’s Blog Tours is the classiest company you worked so far! Here’s to an awesome 2018!
Isn’t it great when you read a 5 star book right at the end of the year? Happy New Year!
Jennifer | Book Den recently posted…GOODBYE 2017 | Recent Updates and Currently Reading
I hand’t expected to read another 5 star read, so it was nice to have another 5 star read so close to the end of the year.
Oh no. Having a headache on Christmas is the worst! 🙁 I’m sorry to hear that happened to you. But it sounds like the rest of your week was pretty good. If I had to recommend one book to you, it would be DEFY THE STARS. I so enjoyed that book, and I think you would too. It’s right along with your interests. Which book would you recommend to me?
S. J. Pajonas recently posted…A Look Back At 2017
I was annoyed I had a headache exactly that day. Luckily it was a pretty good week besides the headache.
I have to add Defy the Stars to my to-read list. From what you mentioned it does sound like a book I would enjoy.
I would recommend to you Athena Grayson’s Huntress of the Star Empire series, or if I have to stick with one book The Chase, the first book in that series. But I think you said it’s already on you to-read list. I am pretty sure you would enjoy that series, it has great characters, romance and awesome world building. It’s rare to find a sci-fi book that hits all those aspects so well.
Okay so I’m going to cheat on your question ha ha because it’s a toss up. My favorite books were probably The Shark Club (just a really nice story with great characters and a conservation theme) and Gemina which was just an awesome SF read. You may have already read that, I don’t remember if you’ve read the Illuminae books or not… so those would be my picks .
Glad you had a nice Christmas. Hope your New Year’s is awesome!
the new PAjonas book looks good, I like the looks of that series.
Greg recently posted…Sunday Post #226
Thanks for your recommendations! I’ll check them out. I heard great things about the Illuminae series, but I am still not sure if it’s a series for me.
Pajonas’s cozy mystery series si great! I just finished the new book and it was really good.
On no, headaches are awful enough but I’m Christmas! At least you were still able to have a good Christmas. Enjoy the new books and Happy New Year! 🎊🎉
It was still a good Christmas even with the headache, but the headache sure had bad timing.
Glad you could spend Christmas with your boyfriend’s family and enjoy the time a little even if your head hurt. Oddly, they’re doing what I call ‘de’struction work across the street so I’ve had to deal with all that noise, too.
Yay for one more five star read and a quiet week for you. Looks like your new books this week are all ones from series you love already. Always a plus.
Hmm, one book to recommend? It would be Southern Spirits, the first book in Angie Fox’s Southern Ghost Hunters series.
Happy New Year!
Sophia Rose recently posted…The Book Report December 2017
It was such bad timing to have a headache on Christmas, but it was still a good day. Sorry to hear you also are suffering from destruction work noise.
I didn’t even realize that, yeah all the books this week were from series or authors I already know. And it was great to have another 5 star read last year.
I just checked and I already own a copy of Southern Spirits :). I’ll have to try and see if I can get around to reading it this year.
Leo Loves Aries (and all of those books) sound really cute! I do love a good m/m romance, as you know. LOL If I could recommend you one book? Hmm…well, I love the year round christmas cozy mystery series by Vicki Delany so We Wish You a Murderous Christmas, etc.
Let’s Get Beyond Tolerance recently posted…Outside the Lines by Anna Zabo
I was actually wondering if you had read that series as I know how much you like a good m/m romance. I just got book 3 as well and hope to read book 2 and 3 soon as book 1 was really good.
I think I already have that cozy mystery series on my to-read list, good to know you loved that series!
So sorry about the headache – that’s a misery. I used to suffer very badly with disabling headaches when I was younger, so I know what you’re going through. I’m glad you had a peaceful Christmas.
Thank you so much for your kind, efficient organising of the blog tour and I wish you every success in 2018 – you deserve it!
The headaches are getting less frequently, so that’s good, but this one sure had bad timing landing on Christmas :(.
Thanks for your kind words! I enjoyed organizing your blog tour!
I would defiantly recommend Serenity by India R. Adams. It’s such an amazing tale of friendship and love, while also dealing with harsh topics like abuse. It also has tales of parnormal weaved in. Really anything by Adams is amazing. Have a good week! 🙂
Anna @ Adventures with a Book Nerd recently posted…The Weekly Recap: Goodbye to an Awful Year (Week of 12/24/17)
I have to admit I haven’t heard of that author before, I’ll look it up.
Glad you rebounded from the headache to enjoy the holiday. Happy New Year.
Nise’ recently posted…Weekly Reading Wrap Up (SP/IMWAYR?)
The headache sure had bad timing, but I still enjoyed the holidays. Thanks!