The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
What happened this week?
This was a busy week again, but also a good one mostly. On Monday a cover reveal I organized took place, on Tuesday a blitz started and then on Friday two tours I organized started. I got a nice amount of assistant hours done and I also worked on the sign-up post for a tour that goes live next month. My Christmas giveaway is still going on and getting a nice amount of entries :). I announced my last discount of the year on Lola’s Blog Tours, a review opportunities discount. And I accepted a new assistant job, I am excited to start working for this author. I now do assistant work for three authors and I’ll think I stick with this amount for now.
So it was a pretty good week, I got a lot of work done and stayed busy with assistant work and some prepping for later on the days it was a bit quieter with tours. I did have one day that felt a bit off and were it felt like I didn’t get much done. But most days went pretty well. I also had a good reading week and bought some new books.
I won two giveaways this week, both on the same day, so I felt very lucky. I already received the amazon gift card I won and will receive 3 books in a series I was curious about later.
I do have the hardest time keeping up with blogging these past few weeks. It seems to go better for a few weeks and then some weeks it’s much harder again. I did do some visiting earlier this week, but then fell behind later this week again. I hope to do some commenting and visiting tomorrow.
November reading stats
Some stats
- Amount of books read: 9 (2 more than in October)
- Favorite book: Chaos in Kadoma Ward by SJ Pajonas
- Most read genre: Contemporary Romance (3 book)
- Most read age category: Adult (5 books)
- Authors I read most books from: none (only read 1 book by each author)
- New to me authors: 3 (Hillary Thompson, Raye Wagner and Katherine Garbera)
A few more stats. This month I read 5 self published books and 3 from publishers (2 from HarperCollins and 1 from Kensington). I read 5 different genres this month, 2 Cozy Mysteries, 2 Fantasy books, 3 Contemporary Romance books, 1 Science Fiction Romance and 1 Romantic Suspense. All 9 of the book were full length. I had 1 five star read this month, five 4 star reads, two 3 star reads and 1 DNF. 7 of the books I read were books I received for review and 2 were books that I bought.
All were ebooks and 6 of them I read on my ipad, the other 3 on my Kobo.
I didn’t read 1 standalone this month (Christmas at the Candied Apple Café), I read 2 series starter (Shift of Shadow and Soul and Blood Oath) and 1 series ender (Foul Play).
Lola’s Blog Tours Christmas Giveaway
I am hosting a Christmas Giveaway on Lola’s Blog Tours! 3 winners will each win a book of their choice from the Bookdepository up to $10! The giveaway ends early December so the books will hopefully still arrive in time for Christmas or close around that time at least. And how awesome is that banner? Michelle from Limabean Designs designed it for me and I love it!
What did I read this week?
This was a great reading week! I finished reading 3 books this week and all were 4 star reads. Double Play and Perfect Victim were two great short stories in the Nadia Stafford series and I really enjoyed being able to read a bit more about these characters. Etched in tears was a great book, i really enjoy this cozy mystery series. And Seashells, Spells & Caramels was so much fun! I hope I can read book 2 soon as I really enjoyed this one.
What did I cook for dinner this week?
This week I blogged about:
– Review: Another One Bites the Crust by HY Hanna
– Review: The Release by Athena Grayson
– Lola’s Kitchen: Noodle Soup Recipe
What to expect next week on the blog:
– Review: His Pregnant Secretary by Joanne Rock
– Review: Seashells, Spells & Caramels by Erin Johnson
Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:
Review Opportunities:
– Remember by Joan Carney
– Finding Kyler by Siobhan Davis
– Making Bad Choices by Rita Stradling
– Cards From Khloe’s Flower Shop by Isabella Louise Anderson
– Warren High: An Elephant Never Forgets by J.C. Roberts
– A Distant Voice by Bridie Blake
– Mother of Wolves by J Aislynn d’Merricksson
– Until Love Finds You by Pamela Aares
– The Breakup Support Group by Cheyanne Young
– Sweet Hollow Women by Holly Tierney-Bedord
– Review Opportunity: Deck The Malls with Purple Peacocks by Amy Gettinger
Check the full list of open review opportunities here.
Cover Reveals:
– We Have a few good memories, don’t we? by Katie Lewington – 5 December
– Burning Westchester by H.L. Roberts – 8 December
– Book Blitz: Deck the Malls With Purple Peacocks by Amy Gettinger – 7 till 20 December
– Blog Tour: Dying for Space by S.J. Higbee – 14 till 31 December
Book Haul:
I bought Unknown and Starshadow as they both sounded good. Unknown is a YA contemporary with some mystery and a revers harem. And StarShadow features a space race, which was enough to get my attention. Distant Light I got for review through Booksprout. I hand’t heard of that site before, but saw one of the reviewers mention it and was happy to get a copy for review. Their Siren was only 99c, it sounded interesting and I haven’t read a mermaid story in a while so I bought that one as well.
I hope you enjoy your new reads, it looks like you’ve got some interesting ones in there. And it sounds like you had a busy but productive week!
I know what you mean about keeping up with blogging, I’ve been sliding a bit too 🙁
Have a great week 🙂
Wattle recently posted…Sunday Post #10
I already read one of my new reads and hope to get to some of the others soon. I like week like that that are busy and productive, but good to. It’s just sad it leaves less time for blogging.
Looks like work is still going along well. Congrats on the new author assistant job. Blogging can definitely have its ups and downs. This was my first year that I had to really push myself to get things done for blogs a few times.
Wow! Great job of reading for November. And such a nice spread of genres and quite the spread of ratings, too.
Looks like you caught some good sales and review opportunities. I’m curious about The Siren since I haven’t picked up a mermaid story in a while.
Have a great week, Lola! Isn’t it almost time for Sinterklaas cookies for you? 😉
Sophia Rose recently posted…2018 Review Writing Challenge Sign Up
I was glad to add another author to do assistant work for. Some weeks blogging goes so well and then other weeks it’s much tougher to keep up.
I had quite the variety of genres and ratings last month indeed.
Yes last week was Sinterklaas indeed :). I am surprised and impressed you remembered that. I got a chocolate letter with a big discount this week, they always discount the products once the holiday is over. I still have some Sinterklaas candy to eat. And now Christmas decorations have taken over all of the stores.
Well done on getting assistant work for another author. Sounds like your business is growing nicely, which must be so rewarding as you built it all yourself. And yay for winning 2 giveaways! That’s always fun.
Trish @ Between My Lines recently posted…The Sunday Post : Get your bookish news – little donkey
I am glad to have another author to work for. And yes this year was great for business and it’s so rewarding finally feeling that I am where I want to be with my business :).
It was a nice surprise to win those two giveaways and I won two more giveaways this week, yay!
Sometimes there are great weeks blogging and then are weeks that I feel like I don’t get anything accomplished. I think that it just how it goes. But your tour hosting business is doing really good so keep that in mind when you feel that way about blogging. 🙂 Enjoy those new books and happy reading.
I think you’re right, that’s just how it goes, some week you get a lot of blogging done and other weeks not so much.
Glad things are going well. I will mention your sale to my authors. Hope the week is a good one my friend.
Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer recently posted…Sunday Post #294 Hello December!
Thanks so much for mentioning the sale to your authors. I really appreciate that!
Congrats on the new assistant work.
Mary Kirkland recently posted…Apartment Life! #4
Wow, two giveaway on the same day? I think I’ve won two in my life. Have a great week and enjoy your new books!
Aj @ Read All The Things! recently posted…The Sunday Post #125
I like to enter a lot of giveaways on other blogs and some social media groups I am part of. It sure was great to win two giveaways on the same day.
Oooh! You got a lot of my SFR friend’s books in your book haul! That’s exciting. I hope you enjoy them. And I’m so pleased that CHAOS IN KADOMA WARD was your favorite book of the month. <3 I'm looking forward to you reading the next Daydreamer book!
S. J. Pajonas recently posted…Sunday Update – December 3, 2017
The two Hikoboshi books were two of my favorite books of this whole year! They are so good! I am looking forward to reading the next daydreamer book!
Hope you enjoy your new reads. Thank’s for sharing your book stats and what you read in November. Have a great week and happy reading!
Angela @ Angel’s Guilty Pleasures recently posted…ARC Review: Danger’s Vice (Holly Danger #2) by Amanda Carlson
It’s fun to look back at the month this way and share some stats. I hope to do a stat post over the whole year in January.
It looks like a productive week and that you also had a good reading month – I’m hoping to get to Chaos in mid-December – right now I’m slammed with a fair amount going on. Congratulations on having another assistant job – your business seems to be going from strength to strength:)
I hope you get around to reading Chaos next month :). I am looking forward to hear what you think of it.
Yes my business really did well this year and I am delighted at having another author for assistant work.
That’s awesome you are now an assistant for three authors. I’m currently reading a holiday cozy and I love it. Cozies are too fun.
Let’s Get Beyond Tolerance recently posted…Life on Pause by Erin McLellan
I really enjoy the assistant work and it’s nice to have another author now. Cozies are fun indeed :).
Sorry if I’m double commenting, I forget which computer this tab might be on, or maybe the phone… But better to comment twice, I guess 🙂 I’m so busy I can’t tell top from bottom anymore %D
You won two giveaways! Congratulations, that’s awesome! And the giveaway banner is indeed adorable 🙂
Have a great week!
Evelina recently posted…5 Reasons To Read The Girl In The Tower
You’re not double commenting :). It really was great to win two giveaways this week.