The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
What happened this week?
This was a pretty good week. I was busy with work and put three sign-up posts live on Lola’s Blog Tours, two new bookstagram blitzes and a blog tour. I sent out a media kit for a tour starting next week. I also did a bit more preparation for Lola’s Blog Tours 4 year anniversary which is next week. And I made a good start on this month’s assistant work.
I am almost done with another jigsaw puzzle and bought two new puzzles with some birthday money. I also won an Amazon Gift card this week, which was a lovely surprise on a busy day. Yay! We seem to slowly be getting some colder weather here, the temperatures are dropping and we had some rain this week as well.
I am having a slightly off reading mood this week. I am enjoying my books, but for some reason keep picking up these small things that bother me. It’s like I am not enjoying the books as much as I would like to because of that. I hope it doesn’t turn into a reading slump. I wanted to buy some new books with my gift card money, but nothing really caught my eye, so I only bought one book and saved the rets for later.
Due to being busy with work I haven’t had as much time to blog, so my apologies if I haven’t had the chance to comment back as much as normal. I do try to keep up with replies at least and comment back where possible.
Picture of the Week
Sorry no picture this week.
What did I read this week?
The Catch was really good and I am currently reading the last book in this series. Chasing Christmas Eve was another good read in that series and I enjoyed it, but I had some small issues too.
August Reading Stats
It’s time for my August reading Stats. I know I am a week late, but somehow I totally forgot to do my stats in lats week’s Sunday post. August was a great month for reading. I read a lot of books and most of them good ones, although I had one DNF.
Some stats
- Amount of books read: 12 (same amount as in July)
- Favorite book: Dances Under the Harvest Moon by Joanne Rock (The Chase and The Snare by Athena Grayson are close seconds)
- Most read genres: Contemporary Romance (4 books)
- Most read age category: Adult (9 books)
- Authors I read most books from: Joanne Rock and Athena Grayson (I read 2 books by both)
- New to me authors: Only 1 Nic saint, which was the book I DNF’d
A few more stats. This month I read 9 self published books and 3 from publishers (1 from HarperCollins, 1 from Tule Publishing and 1 from Kensington). I read 5 different genres this month, 4 Contemporary Romances, 3 Cozy Mysteries, 3 Science Fiction Book, 1 Science Fiction Romance and 1 Fantasy. 11 of the book were full length and 1 was a novella. I read 9 books that got a 4 star rating, 2 books that got a 3 stars and 1 DNF. 7 of the books I read were books I received for review, 3 were books that I bought, 1 book I won in a giveaway and 1 was a free gift from the author.
I read one book in paperback format this month, Dances Under the Harvest Moon. The other 11 were ebooks that, 2 of those I read on my kobo and 9 I read on my ipad. I read 6 books written in 1st point of view and 6 in third person point of view. I read only 5 books that took place in the US this month, 1 that took place in a Fantasy world, 1 book was set on another planet, 3 mostly in space, 1 in the UK (Witch Chocolate Bites) and one in Ireland (The Irish Getaway).
I didn’t read any standalones this month, I read 4 series starters and one book in a series with no reading order. I read about humans, witches, psypaths, a cyrborgs and aliens this month as main characters this month. I read 5 books were romance was a side plot, one book without romance, one with only a hint of romance and 5 books with romance as the main focus.
What did I cook for dinner this week?
- Sunday: Onion pie
- Monday: Shepherd’s Pie
- Tuesday: Shepherd’s Pie
- Wednesday: Curry Rice
- Thursday: Curry Rice
- Friday: soup with bread
- Saturday: Mapo Tofu
This week I blogged about:
– Review: Dances Under the Harvest Moon by Joanne Rock
– Lola’s Kitchen: Mashed Potatoes with carrots and onion
– Coyer Summer 2017: Recap
What to expect next week on the blog:
– Review: Danger in the Stars by Veronica Scott
– Review: The Chase by Athena Grayson
Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:
Review Opportunities:
– Teach Your Heart by Tracey Alvarez
– Naughty or Nice by Jessie Logan
– Right Under Your Nose by Holly Tierney-Bedord
– Fated Memories by Joan Carney
– Remember by Joan Carney
– Finding Kyler by Siobhan Davis
– Making Bad Choices by Rita Stradling
– Cards From Khloe’s Flower Shop by Isabella Louise Anderson
– Warren High: An Elephant Never Forgets by J.C. Roberts
– A Distant Voice by Bridie Blake
– Mother of Wolves by J Aislynn d’Merricksson
– Until Love Finds You by Pamela Aares
Check the full list of open review opportunities here.
Cover Reveals:
– Making it Complicated by Clarisse David – 9 October
– Book Blitz: Once in a Lifetime by Kathryn R. Biel – 11 till 24 September
– Book Blitz: Until Love Finds You by Pamela Aares – 18 till 24 September
– Bookstagram Blitz: Saven Series Box Set by Siobhan Davis – 26 September till 2 October – New!
– Book Blitz: Ugly Beautiful Girl by Tracy Krimmer – 27 September till 3 October
– Book Blitz: Always With You by Hannah Ellis – 3 till 9 October
– Running Out of Space by S.J. Higbee – 11 till 31 October – New!
– Bookstagram Blitz: The Right Kind of Reckless by Heather Van Fleet – 31 October till 6 November – New!
Book Haul:
I already owned the first book in that Lindsay Buroker series, but as the box set was discounted to only $0.99 for three books and bonuses I had to grab a copy. I heard good things about this series.
Freebies I grabbed:
You can stop by my facebook post here to see some freebies and cheap/ discounted book I found last week. Here’s the Facebook post for next week.
oh I am very curious about your thoughts on Jill Shalvis’ book here. I haven’t been completely in love with the series, not like some of her other books.
loverofromance recently posted…Lusting For Covers (267)
I am enjoying this series, but like I am not completely in love with it. Book 2 was my favorite so far, both book 3 and this one got a 3 star from me. Still great reads, but some issues as well. I only have read one of her other series besides this one, I might have to pick up some of her older books.
Yay for work! 😉 I am so glad that you have been busy!
I haven’t done a Puzzle in so long. When I lived home my parents and I would go to the shore house in the winter time and there was really nothing to do, so I started doing puzzles. So each weekend I would sit and do a puzzle. It was relaxing, I know my friend that lives down stairs from us does them a lot. I never know what to do with them when you are finished 🙂
You had a great month! I have my fingers crossed for you that you aren’t in a slump, I am FINALLY free of mine but I had to abandon my plan for reading this year and just read whatever I was in the mood for.
Have a great week, Lola! Happy Reading!
Michelle @Because Reading recently posted…Sunday Post with Berls | I hate kid germs!
Yes I am so happy work has been busy :).
Yes puzzling can be so relaxing and fun. I just break them up when I am finished and put them back in the box, so I can make them again in the future eventually.
Sometimes just reading what you’re in the mood for works best. I think I finally figured out I am in a fantasy and sci-fi mood, so I’ll be sticking to those genres for a bit and hope that helps.
Gah! I’m soooooo glad you blogged about the Fallen Empire box set as I just ran over to Amazon and snagged it. I read the first book in that series and enjoyed it, but I hadn’t thought to buy the other books yet. I now know what I’m going to read next! Thank you! 🙂 Glad you had a good week. I hope you’ll blog about how these Instagram blitzes do. I’m really curious about them.
S. J. Pajonas recently posted…An Interview With S. J. Pajonas On The It’s A Mystery Podcast!
Yay! Glad you could still snatch the box set for the discounted prize :). I hope I can read the first book soon, it sounds like a good series.
The first bookstagram blitz went pretty well, I am hoping these next ones will do well too. I might do a blog about it someday, that’s a good idea.
Sounds like you are keeping busy. It’s starting to cool down here too but its still too hot for me.
Mary Kirkland recently posted…Review: My Viking Vampire by Krystal Shannan
It’s starting to feel like fall in here, which is nice :). I hope it cools down a bit more where you live soon.
Yay for the steady tour and assistant work. Fun that you’re still working at your birthday puzzles. I hope you just got a couple of books with little annoyances and aren’t starting a slump.
Nice August indeed. I do enjoy that you spread out your genres and locations and types of book. I’m trying to do that more. The Grayson seris seems good. I’ve heard good things about the Lyndsay Buroker books, too. Great deal you caught.
Have a good week, Lola!
Sophia Rose recently posted…Review: Identity by HD Thomson
I just got a 5 star read this week which fixed that feeling of impending slump :). I am happy with the steady tour and assistant work.
The Huntress series is awesome, I finished book 4 this week and it was the 5 star read I just mentioned.
It’s neat to see my spread out genres and locations while I am not even actively focusing on it, but I like to vary genres now and then so it makes sense.
Sounds like you are staying busy. That’s great. Have a wonderful week and happy reading!
Angela @ Angel’s Guilty Pleasures recently posted…Review: Hell Breaks Loose (Devil’s Rock #2) by Sophie Jordan
Thanks Angela 🙂
It sounds like another busy week for you but it’s good you are finding time to relax with the puzzles and reading. I’ve also been in a weird reading mood. I enjoyed the last books I read but I felt drained from their stories. I usually pick up the next book right away but this time I took a break. I’m writing up reviews and watching some TV until I read again lol. I hope you have a great week!!
Kathy @ My Nook, Books & More recently posted…Weekly Wrap-Up #132
It had a nice balance between work and relaxing. I think I mostly got back into a good reading mood this week after a 5 star read. Sometimes a break between books can help too.
I will pray that no reading slump is forthcoming. Congrats on 4 years with Lola’s Tours!
kimbacaffeinate recently posted…Sunday Post #282 Pumpkin Patch
I had a 5 star read this week that prevented the slump :). Thanks!
Oh gosh I love those giant puzzles! I can relate to your enjoyment, I have a hard time starting it but once I got the corners and edges done, it’s on like Donkey Kong!
Braine recently posted…Shots of YA: Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake + Nashville Cocktails
Same here, starting a puzzle can be hard, but eventually you hit that point where it all goes smoothly onward. I usually stick to 1000 pieces for my puzzles.
Sounds like you’ve been busy with some fun things! That’s great, and your August stats are quite good, despite a DNF. It happens!
Let’s Get Beyond Tolerance recently posted…My Coming Out Story
I am glad I DNF’d the book early on and got a bunch of good books after that. It was a fun and busy week indeed 🙂
I hope you are able to pull out of your slump soon. I hate when I can feel them coming on. Thankfully you have some puzzles to keep you busy.
Jennifer | Book Den recently posted…Recent Updates and Currently Reading | September 10
Me too, it’s so annoying when you feel a slump coming on. Luckily I actually finished a 5 star read this week and I think that pulled me out of it.
Wow – you’ve had a great month’s reading. That’s a lovely spread of genres and I love your detailed stats – I’m always nosy to see what other book bloggers read. Huge congratulations on your 4 year anniversary:). It’s been lovely to see you get steadily busier over the last 2 years – and many, many thanks for your professional, speedy response regarding my upcoming tour! I hope you have a great week:)
sjhigbee recently posted…While the Morning Stars Sing
I am curious how my yearly stats are going to turn out. And I know I like to vary genres, but it’s always itnerestign to see that I actually do that when seeing my stats.
Thank you for booking a tour with me. I am happy to be organizing a blog tour for one of my blogging friends :). And I plan to buy a copy of your book when it releases.
I am so happy business steadily has gotten busier over the years.
It’s been cooling off here too, I’m kinda liking the autumn weather! I’ll miss the warmth when it gets REALLY cold but for now it’s a nice change. Oh and congrats on your upcoming 4th anniversary of your blog tour business. Awesome!
I didn’t read much this week, I was terrible at picking up books. Watched way too much Netflix lol. Oh well, maybe this week?
Hope your week is nice.
Greg recently posted…Sunday Post #211
Yes I like that crisp feel to the air and how it has cooled down a bit now. I also like autumn.
Thanks! It’s awesome to be celebrating my 4 year anniversary already.
I hope this week was a better reading week for you. But watching netflix is fun too!
It’s been years since I’ve put a puzzle together, I really need to get one out of my closet and do it. We’ve been getting cooler weather here as well and I’ve been enjoying it. Shepherd’s Pie sounds so delicious, I think I’ll make a dish of it this week.
I hope you’re not falling into a reading slump. I’ve been feeling like I’m in a reading rut the last couple weeks. It’s not so much that I’m not interested in the books, I just feel like I’m always reading the same genre/author/trope so I’ve been trying to mix it up a bit more.
Angela @ Simply Angela recently posted…It’s Monday, Monday…Outlander and Free Reads
It has been years for me too, until now when I puzzle a bunch in a row. It’s been fun. I am happy with the colder weather.
I hope your shepherd’s pie turned out well!
I actually had a 5 star read this week and I think that prevented my slump :). Mixing things up can also really help when you are in a bit of a rut.