The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
What happened this week?
This was a fun and busy week. I did a bunch of assistant work and worked on some new tours. A new blitz started last Friday and a new tour is starting today. I put a new sign-up post live for a cover reveal and a blog tour this week. And I also sent out an e-mail to my tour hosts about my new bookstagram blitzes.
On Tuesday we visited a zoo. It was a great day, the weather was warm, but it was a bit cloudy too which was nice. We got to see lots of cute animals and a bunch of younger ones too. We got to see the tigers from super close as they were just getting fed when we arrived. We visited the butterflies part for the first time as we normally seem to walk past it, so we made sure to actually visit this time. And they had some new animals in the aquarium part. And we spent some time watching the rhino’s, a new rhino has been born recently and we got lucky and saw them while they were in their outside part of the cage. I did have a headache that evening and for a bit of the next day.
On Friday I visited my mom and her husband. I bought my mom some chocolate truffles. They recently moved, so I got to see their new house, it looked great. And we had a nice dinner and talked a bit.
The weather has been a lot warmer this week and it’s really starting to feel like summer. It’s not too warm yet luckily. I am in a bit of weird reading mood lately, it just feels a bit off. I both have the urge to read as many books as possible as I am excited about a lot of books and want to read, but at the same time seem to have some trouble reading the right books. I do enjoy the books I am reading, but I just feel a bit off, like I could be enjoying my reading time more? I think it’s because I am following a list for reading for a long time now instead of reading what I want. I am really excited for the books I have on the list next, so I hope that helps. I also haven’t been reading as much it seems, even though I still read at the same moments, it seems I am getting less books read, probably also because I am reading more full length books. The good thing about that is that I can share my reviews sooner, which is nice for a chance. But I hardly have any buffer for blog posts at all.
Picture of the Week
I didn’t take a lot of pictures at the zoo, but here are three that I made. The crocodile was very close to the glass which was kinda neat to see. Those apes are always fun to watch as they play a lot and are pretty active. You see a smaller ape here at the front with a larger one. The smaller one was playing a lot. The rodent on the last picture is a nice part where you can walk right through their habitat and see them form very up close. They are so cute!
What did I read this week?
Another not so impressive reading week. I only finished one book, but I am almost done with my two current reads, so at least next week it will look like I got a lot read. Bearly Departed was the right genre I was in the mood for, but it didn’t quite hit the mark for me. I did like the teddy bears, but wasn’t as interested in the story. I ended up giving it a 3 star.
What did I cook for dinner this week?
- Sunday: Onion and Carrot Casserole
- Monday: Cajun Pasta
- Tuesday: leftover Cajun Pasta
- Wednesday: Fried Rice with tofu
- Thursday: leftover Fried Rice with tofu
- Friday: gado gado dinner at my mom’s
- Saturday: Pumpkin Curry with Garlic Naan
This week I blogged about:
– Review: A Brit Unexpected by Brenda St John Brown
– Review: Love, Lies and Hocus Pocus: Allies by Lydia Sherrer
– Lola’s Kitchen: Oreo Cookie Bars Recipe
What to expect next week on the blog:
– Review: Love, Lies and Hocus Pocus: Legends by Lydia Sherrer
– Review: Planet Neverland by JM Page and Juno Wells
Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:
Review Opportunities:
– Here Comes the Witch by Ani Gonzalez
– Newborn by Edward Hoorneart
– Necromancer by Graeme Ing
– Teach Your Heart by Tracey Alvarez
– Naughty or Nice by Jessie Logan
– Right Under Your Nose by Holly Tierney-Bedord
– Fated Memories by Joan Carney
– Remember by Joan Carney
– Finding Kyler by Siobhan Davis
– Making Bad Choices by Rita Stradling
– Cards From Khloe’s Flower Shop by Isabella Louise Anderson
– Warren High: An Elephant Never Forgets by J.C. Roberts
Check the full list of open review opportunities here.
Cover Reveals:
– Loving Kalvin by Siobhan Davis – 22 May
– Hearts are Like Balloons by Candace Robinson – 8 June
– It Starts With L by Cassandra Fear – 21 June – New!
– Blog Tour: Mother of Wolves banner by J Aislynn d’Merricksson – 22 May till 11 June
– Blog Tour: Destiny of the Queen by Jacqueline Patricks – 29 May till 11 June
– Blog Tour: My Not So Normal Life Spy Recruit by Liz Laz – 29 May till 18 June
– Book Blitz: Temptation Trials Part 1 by B truly – 30 May till 3 June
– Book Blitz: Keeping Kyler by Siobhan Davis – 30 May till 5 June
– Bookstagram Blitz: Natalie and the Nerd by Amy Sparling – 30 May till 5 June
– Book Blitz: Little Miss Tress by Tressa Rabbit – 4 till 10 June
– Blog Tour: Scandal by Athena Grayson – 12 till 25 June
– Book Blitz: All That Glitters by Tracy Krimmer – 19 till 25 June
– Blog Tour: Home Field by Laurie Winter – 30 June till 13 July – New!
Book Haul:
I bought Saying I Do. I read one of that author’s book last year and I really enjoyed it. By now I have bought most of her books, just need to find time to read them. I also got a review copy of Paper Cranes by Jordan Ford, I am really looking forward to that one! I normally aren’t a big fan of retellings, but this one sounds good and I enjoyed the author’s books so far. It’s a contemporary romance retelling of Rapunzel if I remember correctly.
Freebies I grabbed:
You can stop by my facebook post here to see some freebies I found last week. Here’s the facebook post for next week.
It does sound like a great week for work and fun at the zoo. Oh I detest that feeling of not wanting to read the books on my list. I got way behind on my review list two years back when it went on for some time with me. Now I’m almost gotten caught up. 🙂 Hope the one you’re anticipating helps get you past some of that.
Thanks for sharing your pictures and have a great week, Lola!
Sophia Rose recently posted…Yakkety Yak, Let’s Chat … He’s Not Heavy; He’s My Brother
The zoo visit was fun and it was another good work week :).
The weird thing is that I do want to read the books on my list, but I feel like because I put them on a list I am enjoying them less. After I finish the next 3 or 4 books I hope to let loose the list a bit more. There are some books I am really looking forward to next on my list, so i hope that helps too.
Lola recently posted…Sunday Post #231
I always enjoy going to wildlife parks and anywhere with animals. The last one I was at I had a lemur sitting on my shoulder. It was so cute, furry and friendly! Those fluffy tails do tickle your nose!
I once visited a great wildlife park in Germany while on vacation there. The zoo we visited this week is a great zoo and I always enjoy watching the animals. That sounds nice you visited a zoo where you had a lemur sitting on your shoulders.
Lola recently posted…Sunday Post #231
Aww the zoo! I haven’t been to a zoo in a long time, though I did volunteer as a camp counselor at a zoo camp for three weeks when I was in high school. Never saw baby rhinos, but I did get to feed a rhino a carrot lol. Also fed lots of giraffes. It’s the best when you happen to see the animals during feeding time though, so that’s great you saw the tigers! And that croc picture you got is awesome—I thought it was a professional picture!
I feel like I’ve still been in a bit of a weird reading mood/slump too. I don’t know. It’s more like I just don’t feel like reading anything and keep putting it off.
Kristen @ Metaphors and Moonlight recently posted…The Weekly Update: 5/21/17
We usually try and go once a year nowadays. I really like visiting the zoo and taking the time to watch all the different animals. That sounds fun you got to volunteer at a zoo camp! They didn’t advertise the feeding time, so it was really a coincidence we just were there when the tigers got feed.
Thanks! That crocodile usually lies close to the glass like that, at least I think it’s always the same one. I think last year or the year before that I also took a picture of that crocodile. It’s great for taking pictures that the crocodile is so close to the glass. It just was lying there the whole time with his mouth open like that.
Ugh I really hope I get out of this weird reading mood and slump. I am enjoying my books and do want to read and don’t really care about reading at the same time, it’s just feeling off.
I always love to go to the zoo, we have a small one close to our house, about 15 minutes away.Really need to get there this summer/fall. I heard they made changes and the kids love animals especially my daughter.
I have been in a VERY weird reading mood. Just seem to be taking forever to read. No a slump more of a, I just have no time at the moment. Summer is coming so I am hoping that will help my reading.
Have a great week, Lola! Happy Reading! ox
Michelle @Because Reading recently posted…Did you miss me? I saw a nude man! ~ WIR & SP
We do have to travel a bit to get to this zoo, but it’s not too far and it’s such a great zoo. We usually try and go there once a year. I hope you can visit that zoo close to your house this year, nice that it’s so close by!
I also seem to take forever to read the books, even though i have some set times to read like during breakfast and lunch, so I know I can’t be reading much less than usual, but it does feel that way. I hope I can get out of this weird reading mood soon.
I love a day at the zoo, especially a zoo where I can see that the animals are respected and treated well. Like you I love the apes too. They are so funny, I could watch them all day.
And I hate reading lists! I just can’t ever read what I say I will. I much prefer just plucking a book at random from my shelf or kindle. I hope your ‘off’ feeling passes soon.
Trish @ Between My Lines recently posted…The Sunday Post : Get your Bookish News – My first 5 star read of 2017
We always go to this zoo as it has pretty big cages and the animals are well cared for, which is great. I also visited a zoo a few years ago were the animals looked stressed and that just made me feel bad. It’s definitely important the animals are treated well.
I am trying to read more books that I got review copies for in time for the release day, but now I got a bunch of books for this month and the next one and I am trying to read them all. I think after the next 3 or 4 books I just skip the list or maybe read one list book and then one not list book. I am a moodreader, so i think that’s why the list thing isn’t fully working for me, even though all the books on the list are books I want to read.
I recently read Bearly Departed also and as much as I was hoping I would love it, it just didn’t really work for me. I give it 3 stars also.
That cajun pasta sounds really good!
Jackie recently posted…Weekly Wrap-Up 5-21-17
Glad to hear I am not the only one that didn’t enjoy Bearly Departed as much as I hoped.
The Cajun pasta is really good 🙂
I think reading often comes in bursts – and if you’ve been following a list that does often suck the joy out of it, doesn’t it? Glad you’re getting to a batch of books you are really excited about. It’s great to hear that your work just goes on going from strength to strength! Hope you have another good week workwise and that the reading issue sorts itself out. My Sunday Post –
sjhigbee recently posted…While the Morning Stars Sing
The weird thing is that I have books on that list that I want to read, but knowing I have to read them now just sort of sucks part of the fun away. I hope the next batch of books helps as they all are books I am really excited about.
And I am so happy work keeps going well :).
What a great week and your zoo pics are nice! It looks like a busy blog tour schedule for you and that is good! Enjoy your week ahead!
Cindy recently posted…Sunday Post
Thanks! It’s been great to have such a busy blog tour schedule lately.
Lola recently posted…Sunday Post #232
My, that is an impressive pic of the week 😀 have a nice week!
Evelina recently posted…Sunday post #7
Thanks! It was nice to have that crocodile be so close to the glass, perfect for taking pictures.
We no longer have a zoo here in Las Vegas. I’d have to travel to California in order to see a zoo again but I love your pictures.
Mary Kirkland recently posted…Review: Maple Holistics Dry Hair Treatment- Concentrated Shampoo
Ah that’s too bad you no longer have a zoo where you live :(.
I’m currently reading Bearly Departed. My reading week hasn’t been so great either. I’ve been reading on it for a week now. Depression and work really put a damper on a TBR sometimes.
Ashley Montgomery recently posted…#Promo Good Grief by Vera Elle Unita
Sorry to hear your reading week hasn’t been great either. I hope you enjoyed Bearly departed!
Glad you had a great week! Love the zoo pics. It’s starting to feel like summer here too, definitely. Although today it cooled off again. Geez make up your mind nature. 🙂
My reading has taken a hit too, so I can relate. I haven’t been as enthusiastic about my reads either, although there is some new stuff coming out this week I REALLY want, so maybe that will solve the problem lol. We’ll see…
Hope you have a great week!
Greg recently posted…Sunday Post #195
We had a great time at the zoo :). This week was even warmer, it’s suddenly too warm for me taste now.
I am also hoping the new reads I am excited about will help solve my reading book as even the books I enjoy I don’t sem to be able to enjoy as much as usual.
Enjoyed your pictures of the week. I love pictures of nature (animals or plants) ^_^. I think we all go through reading funks, especially if we are reviews/bloggers. I’ve changed things up a little this month. I mainly read PNR/UF, but lately I’ve been picking up quit a few Romantic Suspense & Contemporary Romance reads. I think I needed to mix things up a little.
Have a great week and happy reading!!
Angela @ Angel’s Guilty Pleasures recently posted…Buy The Books: New Releases 5/22 – 5/26
I am glad you liked my pictures :). I also like nature pictures.
Sometimes mixing things up really helps.
Sounds like a pretty fun week 😀 I’m reading a lot less here as well. I think it’s the weather/time of year. Hope you find your reading groove this week.
herding cats & burning soup recently posted…And we have MEMES– Summer Fun!
Maybe it’s just the time of the year, who knows. I just hope this weird reading mood is over soon.
I’m so glad you had a nice week. I went to the zoo near me for Mother’s Day! It was a lot of fun. That little rodent is adorable.
Let’s Get Beyond Tolerance recently posted…Rainbow Roundup: Noteworthy, Finding Nevo, and More!
I always enjoy visiting zoos. That’s fun you also visited a zoo recently :).
The Zoo sounds nice, and you brought your mom truffles…you are such a sweetheart. Glad the new home is working for them. Have a lovely week Lola!
kimbacaffeinate recently posted…Death & the Brewmaster’s Widow by Loretta Ross
Thanks! The zoo visit was a lot of fun. And it was nice to be able to visit my moms new home.
Wow, I just love your animal photos! Sounds like a fun trip to the zoo! For once I’m reading a REALLY great book that I don’t want to put down. I’m going to heartily recommend it to you, if I love it all the way to the end. 🙂
S. J. Pajonas recently posted…Sunday Update – May 21, 2017
I am glad you like the pictures! It really was a fun trip.
Oh that’s awesome you’re reading a great book. Now I am curious which book it is! let me know when you finish it!
I actually started reading two books by two of my favorite authors this week as I want to get out fo this weird reading mood now and what better way than with two books I know I will enjoy.
Lola recently posted…Review: Love, Lies and Hocus Pocus Legends by Lydia Sherrer
Glad to hear you had fun this week! I love reading your loooooong list of things to do for your clients 🙂 and to look at your super active sidebar with all the beautiful banners of all the blog tours!
AND you still had time to have fun at the zoo! That’s great. Awww a baby rhino! That must have been CUUUUTE!
If I buy chocolate truffles for anyone I’d probably eat them as I’m driving there! LOL You mom is lucky it was you 🙂 and not me 🙂
I Hope you find your zen balance again between reading and enough time to write your reviews busy lady blogger 🙂
Dragonfly @ Our Familiarium recently posted…#AmReading [not much] BUT #amWriting AND Productively Procrastinating!
I am glad to hear you like reading about my work. I always wonder if people find it interesting or not, but as I don’t do much else in a week I usually just put it in. My sidebar will look a lot emptier after the start of this week as I have a lot of tours starting then.
Yes the baby rhino was really cute!