The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
What happened this week?
This was another busy week. I worked on some new tours, two new tours and two new cover reveal sign-up posts went live this week. I also had three tours that were running this week and a cover reveal that took place.
And I finally got to announce a new type of tour that I am trying out, namely the bookstagram blitz. Author Amy Sparling asked me a few weeks ago if I was interested in doing such a type of tour for her. So she helped me figure out the details and now I am organizing a bookstagram blitz for one of her books. And Michelle from Limabean Designs designed an awesome banner for the tour. I am really excited to see how this will go. In the meantime I started building my mailing lists for bookstagram blitzes and once I’ve grown my list a bit I’ll officially add the service to my site as well.
And I made an Instagram account for Lola’s Blog Tours. I just can’t figure out yet if I can post pictures on there from my pc as sadly it seems strongly focused on the app instead. And I don’t have a smartphone. But it’s interesting so far to check out this social media I never did anything with and it’s amazing seeing the pictures people make and post on there.
From Friday evening till Saturday late afternoon our internet was down. Which makes me realize for how much I need internet. I ended up baking some cookies and playing some games. It was kinda nice to play some games, I finally got to play a fun game I bought around Christmas for myself, but it also was a bit annoying not be able to do my normal work and blogging stuff when I wanted to. Luckily Saturday late afternoon the internet got back online.
When I was on Amazon posting a review this week I noticed I am now in the top 10,000 reviewers on Amazon! I thought it was pretty cool. My reviewers rank is # 9,639 at the moment. I am curious to see how low I can get.
I don’t have much of an update on my computer troubles. it crashed a few times this week, not too often, but it’s still happening. And no new error codes to look up. I haven’t really made time to look into it again this week, maybe next week.
In terms of reading, it was a decent week. Last week I was afraid a reading slump might be coming on as I just didn’t really feel like reading But this week seemed a bit better again. I read a book I really enjoyed and the book I was in the mood for to read next, was actually next on my list, so I started that. Luckily the next few books on my list for my ipad are books I want to read, so hopefully that helps. And on my Kobo I started a book I wanted to read instead of the review that I planned.
I got a bout of inspiration for a discussion post, but then when I sat down to write it my computer crashed and then had to updates and when that was all done the time I wanted to use for writing the post was done and work needed my priority. I have some notes jotted down so hopefully I can write it soon. As I haven’t been reading as much lately, I only have 10 posts scheduled at the moment, which is weird to see as I used to have so many posts scheduled. I also got a nasty headache one day that put a bit of a damper on my productivity that day sadly.
Oh and we watched Guardians of the Galaxy, I enjoyed it. I liked how all the space ships and galaxy parts looked, it all looked so great. And I keep thinking it’s funny the name of the plant is Groot, as groot actually is a dutch word and it means big or large. Which is sort of fitting as he’s a large tree. So now I keep wondering if they named him that on purpose or if they didn’t knew it was a word.
Picture of the Week
We bought a new plant for on our balcony this year and for weeks on row now it has the most beautiful pink flowers. It’s a phlox plant I think it was called. It really is a nice how it has flowers so long as many plants only have flowers for such a short while.
What did I read this week?
Legends was really good. I really liked the direction the story took and the new setting of this book in the UK was fun too. I am eagerly awaiting the next book by this author!
What did I cook for dinner this week?
- Sunday: Mapo Tofu
- Brownies
- Monday: Peanut Pasta
- Tuesday: leftover Peanut Pasta
- Wednesday: Curry Leek
- Thursday: leftover Curry Leek
- Friday: Soup with french bread
- Saturday: Onion and Carrot Casserole
- Kruidnootjes
This week I blogged about:
– Review: Alight by Emma L Adams
– Review: The Magnate’s Marriage Merger by Joanne Rock
– My To-Be Read List #33: the winner
What to expect next week on the blog:
– Review: A Brit Unexpected by Brenda St John Brown
– Review: Love, Lies and Hocus Pocus: Allies by Lydia Sherrer
– Lola’s Kitchen: Oreo Cookie Bars Recipe
Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:
Review Opportunities:
– Here Comes the Witch by Ani Gonzalez
– Newborn by Edward Hoorneart
– Necromancer by Graeme Ing
– Teach Your Heart by Tracey Alvarez
– Naughty or Nice by Jessie Logan
– Right Under Your Nose by Holly Tierney-Bedord
– Fated Memories by Joan Carney
– Remember by Joan Carney
– Finding Kyler by Siobhan Davis
– Making Bad Choices by Rita Stradling
– Cards From Khloe’s Flower Shop by Isabella Louise Anderson
– Warren High: An Elephant Never Forgets by J.C. Roberts
Check the full list of open review opportunities here.
Cover Reveals:
– Loving Kalvin by Siobhan Davis – 22 May – New!
– Hearts are Like Balloons by Candace Robinson – 8 June – New!
– Book Blitz: Saying I Do by Tracey Alvarez – 19 till 25 May
– Blog Tour: Stalker, My Love by Zack Scott – 21 May till 10 June
– Blog Tour: Mother of Wolves banner by J Aislynn d’Merricksson – 22 May till 11 June
– Blog Tour: Destiny of the Queen by Jacqueline Patricks – 29 May till 11 June
– Blog Tour: My Not So Normal Life Spy Recruit by Liz Laz – 29 May till 18 June
– Book Blitz: Temptation Trials Part 1 by B truly – 30 May till 3 June
– Book Blitz: Keeping Kyler by Siobhan Davis – 30 May till 5 June
– Bookstagram Blitz: Natalie and the Nerd by Amy Sparling – 30 May till 5 June – New!
– Book Blitz: Little Miss Tress by Tressa Rabbit – 4 till 10 June
– Blog Tour: Scandal by Athena Grayson – 12 till 25 June – New!
– Book Blitz: All That Glitters by Tracy Krimmer – 19 till 25 June
Book Haul:
I should probably read at least one book in this series or even by this author before I buy mroe of their books, but every time I hear of a new book in this series and it’s only $0.99 I just grab it. They just sound exactly like the type of book I would enjoy. Even though that doesn’t mean i actually do. But it was only $0.99, so I couldn’t resist.
Freebies I grabbed:
You can stop by my facebook post here to see some freebies I found last week. Here’s the facebook post for next week.
What a contrary week with good stuff for your work with the tours and bookstagram option now, but then the computer, internet and headache troubles. I guess you can at least say it wasn’t boring. 🙂
Neat that you had time for a game and could read some books you really wanted to get you back in the reading groove.
Your phlox plant is lovely. I’ve seen seed packs for it so maybe I should give it a try if it will grow here. That’s funny about the tree character ‘Groot’ actually meaning that in Dutch.
Have a great week, Lola!
Sophia Rose recently posted…Yakkety Yak, Let’s Chat … For Fans Of: A Marketing Fable
It sure wasn’t a boring week, with lots of good and some less good things going on. It was nice I made some time to game with the internet being gone. And I hope I ca get back into the reading groove now, although sadly one of my current reads isn’t as good as i had hoped.
We bought three different of these small plants as they seemed pretty sturdy and we get lots of wind on our balcony, but they have been doing fine. Especially the phlox and I love that it has flowers for so long and so pretty.
Guardians of the Galaxy is just one of the many things I need to get round to watching. Too many things I need to do and not enough time! Have a good week!
I know what you mean. I would recommend the movie, it was a good one!
Instagram book blitzes sounds very original, Lola. I’m not sure about instagram on PC, but on my mac, there was an app I could download in order to upload photos. I prefer using my phone or my iPad, though, as it’s easier to navigate the actual app rather than one that a third party has created.
Congrats on being among the 10’000 best reviewers on Amazon! That’s really well done 🙂
Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.
Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews recently posted…Weekend Wrap-up #186 – Back Home in the Rain
Thanks! I am really excited to see how the blitz will go. Everyone who signs-up gets a copy of the book and there will be a giveaway for those who make their own picture :).
I’ve seen a few methods online, but most seem kinda roundabout ways or a bit icky. So I have to research it a bit more. I do have an ipad, but I think it’s too old for most apps nowadays. maybe I’ll try it, but then i would have to move pictures to my ipad first again. Which would work, I just prefer to work on my computer, so i am trying to see if there’s a way to post from there first.
I don’t really pay attention to my reviewer rating usually, but it was so fun to see I got into the top 10,000!
Lola recently posted…Sunday Post #230
I think a bookstagram blitz sounds interesting and with so many book bloggers hangout out on IG, it’s a smart move. I’ve followed your new account on there. I’m curious now as to what my Amazon ranking is! I’m pretty inconsistent on there though so I’m not expecting much.
Trish @ Between My Lines recently posted…The Sunday Post : Get your Bookish News – all the arcs!
I am glad to hear you found the idea interesting. I thought it was a great idea of the author, even more so now that I am having a look around on Instagram and see the whole community on there.
I was pretty inconsistent on posting on Amazon at first as well, but nowadays I post all my reviews on there, so i think that really helped my rating :). I am not sure actually how they calculate your rating as I think helpful votes play a role too.
This week has been crazy busy for me too. I haven’t visited blogs in forever (between the RT book con and just being busy this week). Glad you had a good week. Love the flowers. They are ver pretty.
Melanie Simmons @mlsimmons recently posted…Melanie’s #RT17 #Audiobook Wrap-Up
Sometimes life gets in the way of blog visiting. It does sound like you had a great time at RT!
Lola recently posted…Lola’s Kitchen: Oreo Cookie Bars Recipe
Glad it’s been yet another successful week for you professionally Lola – it’s just such a shame the computer and internet are still peelie-wallie for you. I love that dear little phlox – I believe I had it in my garden, but it didn’t do all that well as our soil is too rich. Alpines would probably do well in your situation as they are used to winds and can cope with an exposed site as they are mountainside plants. Have a great week, Lola:). My Sunday Post
sjhigbee recently posted…While the Morning Stars Sing
This week was a lot better with my computer and internet luckily :).
The phlox really does well on our balcony. It’s nice to finally have a plant that does well. Good idea re the alpines, those should do well indeed. Might keep that in mind next time we go plant shopping :).
Sorry about the internet and computer crashing and headache troubles :-/ But baking cookies and playing a game does sound fun!
I don’t think there’s any way to post on Instagram via computer. I had looked when I had an account end never found anything at least, but I could be wrong.
The top 10,000 IS impressive! I’m at like 29,000 or something I think lol.
Have a great week! I’ll have to check out some of your posts I missed last week soon 🙂
Kristen @ Metaphors and Moonlight recently posted…The Weekly Update: 5/14/17
It was nice to take some time off from work, even though it was a forced this way due to the internet issues.
I think there are some weird methods, but no way I felt comfortable with so far. Maybe I’ll just e-mail them and ask. I just don’t get why they don’t make that possible.
I was pretty happy to reach the top 10,000 :). It felt like a great achievement.
Guardians of the Galaxy is such a movie that I watched it twice, and looking forward to the sequel. I had some computer problems for two days and thought the world had ended (lol), so I totally know how you must have felt for sure. Happy Sunday! Hugs…RO
I am also looking forward to the sequel :). I think maybe my computer problems are lessening as this week went pretty well.
What a great Tour week, sorry about the internet:( Congrats on the Bookstagram, I have heard about that but not sure what it is. Have a great week ahead!
Cindy recently posted…Weekly Wrap Up/Sunday Post
Thanks it was a good week for business :). Bookstagram is basically pretty photos made with books, it’s amazing to see some of the pictures people make, they look great!
It’s great that you’re expanding your business. The Bookstagram tours sound interesting. Sadly, though, you can’t post from your computer to Instagram. Looks like you’re going to have to invest in a smartphone. However, if you have a tablet you can post. Not sure why you can’t post from the computer. Have a great week!
Tiffany @ I Was Angelized_1st recently posted…THE WEEK IN REVIEW: “Chomping at the Bit” (MAY 7th – May 13th)
It’s too bad there’s no easy way to post from your computer, but at least I can favorite and comment from there.
I loved Guardians of the Galaxy and am looking forward to watching the 2nd one. Sorry to hear about the computer crashing problems.
Mary Kirkland recently posted…Weird Things Around My Apartment
It was a great movie, I am glad to hear there will be a sequel :).
Happy Sunday Lola! Sounds like business is going well. And a bookstagram blitz sounds fun. Sorry to hear about the internet troubles, that’s always irritating when that happens. I remember being down for a few days a while back and it about drove me nuts lol.
I wish I could post on Instagram from my PC I would be so much more active there! I never think to from my phone…
And glad to hear Guardians was good. I think I want to see it…
Greg recently posted…Sunday Post #194
Yes business is going well lately :). I am really curious how the bookstagram blitz will go.
Luckily our internet was only down for a day or so, instead of days, but it’s still annoying. Almost everything i do nowadays involves the internet.
I don’t get why they don’t make an option to upload pic trues from your pc, if they did I would actually use it. Now I can only follow people or like and comment.
I was curious if you had seen Guardians of the Galaxy. I thought it was a good one :).
Today is Mother’s Day in the US, not sure if it’s celebrated other places, but it was a nice day. My family took me out to breakfast. As for my week it was uneventful. I got some reading in and went around commenting on blogs. Picked up a few book deals, who knows if I’ll ever read, that’s the trouble with eBooks. ^_^
Have a great week and happy reading!
Angela @ Angel’s Guilty Pleasures recently posted…Review: Kinked (Elder Races #6) by Thea Harrison
It also was mother’s day here, I visited my mom this week instead of last week though. I hope you also had a great week!
I really love Instagram, but I don’t know if you can upload photos from your PC. I know you can do ALMOST everything else, but yeah, sounds like something I should google too. hah
It sounds like you had a productive week so that’s awesome. I’m sorry about the internet going down – that’s always frustrating, especially when you have things to work on!
Let’s Get Beyond Tolerance recently posted…Cask Strength by Layla Reyne
I haven’t had time to look into yet, but I think everyone who commented here said the same that they don’t know how to upload photos from your pc. I don’t get why they don’t have that option.
Yeah the internet issue was annoying, but I was glad when it came back on again.
Computer and internet problems are just the worst! I hate when there’s something I really need to get done, and I can’t because of technology issues!
Angela recently posted…Never-Ending Series: Yea or Nay?
Exactly! It’s frustrating when you want to do something, but you can’t. My computer troubles seems to have lessened, so it might have resolved itself now and luckily the internet troubles are very rare, but it’s still is annoying when it happens.
Wow. Look at all the tours you have ongoing! That’s awesome! I’m sorry to hear that your internet was down. What a pain in the butt. I literally feel like I’m missing an arm if the internet is out, so I’m sure this was tough for you. Do you have some books lined up that you want to read next? I know you’re more of a mood reader so maybe you just weren’t in the mood to read this past week.
S. J. Pajonas recently posted…Sunday Update – May 14, 2017
I get happy every time I see all the open and ongoing tours I have at the moment.
I really felt off without the internet, there was almost nothing I could do without the internet. Feeling like you’re missing an arm is a good way tod escribe it. But it was nice to get some gaming done.
I have a bunch of books I want to read, but first I have 4 or so books for review that I really need to get through first as I want to review them close to release day. Luckily they are books I am looking forward to. Maybe after that I ignore the rest of the review copies and pick up a book I want to read. I really want to re-read Summer Haikus this summer if possible, hope I can fit it in somewhere.
YAY!! Congrats on being one of the top 10,000 reviewers on Amazon! and yay on the business continuing to be good! 🙂 I don’t think I ever heard of a bookstagram blitz so I’ll be checking it out! I love Limabean Designs so I’m sure banner will be awesome.
I don’t think there is a way to post pics on Instagram from a PC. I’ve tried to and I haven’t figure it out yet. I think it has to be done from an iPhone or iPad or any other apple device.
Too bad the internet was down because you really need it to work but good that you got to take a break and game and bake 🙂
I’m also afraid a reading slump might be coming on! Glad to hear that’s not your case 🙂 Happy reading!
Dragonfly @ Our Familiarium recently posted…I’m #blogging – How to makeover a Pinterest account in four easy steps!
Thanks! I was really pleased to see I got into the top 10,000 reviewers on Amazon. I hope I can stay there. The bookstagram banner is already on my site and here in my sidebar if you want to see it :). I love Limabean Designs’s work.
I don’t get why they don’t make it possible to post from your pc as well on Instagram.
It was kinda nice to take a break and play some games, even though it was unfortunate I couldn’t work.
I am not in a full out slump yet, but my reading just feels a bit off lately.
Grrr on the computer troubles. That is SO frustrating. Especially when your work is via computer. Interesting on the Instagram Blitz! Hope it goes wonderful!
herding cats & burning soup recently posted…And so we MEME! — Books I Love That Would Get Me Full Name Treatment from my Mama
It didn’t crash at all this week, even though I didn’t change anything. So maybe it resolved itself now. So far I got a good number of sign-up for the Instagram blitz, so I am really curious to see how it goes.