The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
What happened this week?
This was a pretty decent week. A few minor things that popped up, but mostly a good week. My blog tour sale this month on Lola’s Blog Tours I declare a big success. I saw an increase in sales, even non blog tours and I grew both my tour hosts list and author list as well. It was great to see.
A new blog tour and book blitz went live this week, two cover reveals took place and I did a bunch of prep work like sending out media kits for the tours that are starting next week. There are a few other tours booked, so I am working on getting those live next week. Next week will be a busy one probably. Lost of great tours are coming up! And how pretty does my sidebar look with all those pretty banners? I always love seeing how Michelle designs the banners and they look so pretty all lined up like that.
Remember I mentioned my computer troubles of the last few weeks? So I might’ve finally solved it. Maybe? I am not saying it’s fixed until it keeps not crashing for a few weeks. Monday it crashed twice and I got all worried and annoyed again, so that evening we tried another solution. Namely updating all my drivers. I always heard to never update your drivers, so I never do. But apparently when something goes wrong one of the first possible solutions always consist of updating your drivers. So we updated my drivers and since then it hasn’t crashed at all. Although I still won’t quite believe it’s fixed until it keeps working for longer. And I was terrified something would’ve gone wrong while updating the drivers, but everything seems to work fine. So yay for that?
I had a doctor visit this week about my headaches. The doctor thinks I have tension headaches. So that’s good news I guess, not sure. I was afraid they were migraines, but it seems the symptoms are pretty similar. I got a new painkiller to try out and besides that I am mostly trying to be aware of sitting relaxed and trying to stand up and stretch my muscles a few times a day.
On blog news, I’ve added a new free books widget to my sidebar. I am leaving it there for now, until I run out of books to feature. For now I am only featuring free books that I have read and enjoyed as I like to put some additional focus on sales for some great books. What do you think? Do you like to see a free book in the sidebar or not?
Picture of the Week
I made these Oreo cookie bars last weekend and I eve managed to write my recipe post for it. I really like these cookie bars, they are basically cookie dough with oreo’s added in. Pretty simple, but they are really good!
What did I read this week?
Alight was an awesome start of a new series by Emma L Adams. set int he same universe as the Changeling series it was a fun mix of a fresh story and a new focus in a world we already know a bit about. And the main character is a dragon shifter, which was so cool! I hope to get to book 2 soon. The Summer of Bad Ides was a fun read and perfect to read during the summer.
What did I cook for dinner this week?
- Sunday: Lukewarm Couscous salad
- Oreo cookie bar
- Monday: Cajun Pasta
- Tuesday: leftover Cajun Pasta
- Wednesday: Curry sauce with wraps
- Thursday: leftover Curry sauce with wraps
- Friday: Soup with french bread
- Saturday: Japanese Curry
This week I blogged about:
– Review: Four Puddings and a Funeral by HY Hanna
– Review: The Librarians and the Mother Goose Chase by Greg Cox
– Lola’s Kitchen: Leek in Curry sauce Recipe
– Review: Empowered Agent by Ivan Dale Smith
What to expect next week on the blog:
– Review: Scandal by Athena Grayson
– Review: The Summer of Bad Ideas by Kiera Stewart
– Review: Faerie Hunt by Emma L Adams
– My To-Be Read List #33: poll
Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:
Review Opportunities:
– Here Comes the Witch by Ani Gonzalez
– Newborn by Edward Hoorneart
– Necromancer by Graeme Ing
– Teach Your Heart by Tracey Alvarez
– Naughty or Nice by Jessie Logan
– Right Under Your Nose by Holly Tierney-Bedord
– Fated Memories by Joan Carney
– Remember by Joan Carney
– Finding Kyler by Siobhan Davis
– Making Bad Choices by Rita Stradling
– Cards From Khloe’s Flower Shop by Isabella Louise Anderson
– Warren High: An Elephant Never Forgets by J.C. Roberts
Check the full list of open review opportunities here.
Cover Reveals:
– Tide by Deirdre Riordan Hall – 2 May
– Quinsey Wolfe’s Glass Vault by Candace Robinson – 3 May
– 23:27 by H.L. Roberts – 6 May
– Blog Tour: Black Dawn by Mallory McCartney – 1 till 21 May
– Blog Tour: Just Things by Erin Lee – 1 till 21 May
– Book Blitz: Saying I Do by Tracey Alvarez – 19 till 25 May
– Blog Tour: Mother of Wolves banner by J Aislynn d’Merricksson – 22 May till 11 June
– Blog Tour: Destiny of the Queen by Jacqueline Patricks – 29 May till 11 June – New!
– Book Blitz: Temptation Trials Part 1 by B truly – 30 May till 3 June
– Book Blitz: Little Miss Tress by Tressa Rabbit – 4 till 10 June
– Book Blitz: All That Glitters by Tracy Krimmer – 19 till 25 June – New!
Book Haul:
I got the Boot Camp book when it released for only $0.99, I am a big fan of Susan key Quinn’s fiction books and have been eager to give her nonfiction a try as well and I enjoy books about book marketing usually. I pre-order Missing a while ago and my copy now arrived, Armstrong is one of my favorite authors and I am looking forward to reading this one. I got Ensnared because I supported the kindle scout campaign for it. Chocolate Cake and Chaos I bought for $0.99 as well. I really enjoyed the first two books and I snap up each book as soon as they release. Arise I got for review from the author, I really enjoyed Alight and I hope to read this one next month.
Freebies I grabbed:
You can stop by my facebook post here to see some freebies I found last week. Here’s the facebook post for next week.
Beginnings is Free!
Gah I love this series! I am currently reading book 3 and it’s so good! Anyway back to the topic, you can get the first book in this series Love, Lies and Hocus Pocus: Beginnings for free! This is the last day to get your copy for free, so don’t wait to pick it up. I really can’t recommend this series enough. Book 2 got a rare 5 star rating from me :).
Want to know more about the book? You can read my review here.
You just reminded me I haven’t read Beginnings yet although I do own it. Those cookie bars look yummy. I am glad you are hopefully getting some help with your headaches. I have sinus ones that are not fun and take medication every day. Hope this week is as good as last week!
Lorna recently posted…Review: Eternal Hunger by Ainsley Evans (@Mollykatie112, @ainsley_evans1)
I hope you enjoy Beginnings when you get around to reading it :). It’s a great series!
I hope that knowing what type of headaches I have will already help a lot, so i know what I can do to prevent them.
Oh, and did you see that Hocus Pocus book two is on sale right now? I’ve had the first one and just need to read it. 🙂
Oh fantastic that your tours are really taking off. Yes I do love seeing all those lovely banners in your side bar. 🙂 And crossing my fingers with you that you’re done with computer crashes.
Those cookie bars look yummy.
Have a great week, Lola!
Yes book two is discounted as well :). Forgot to mention that. I hope you’ll enjoy the first book once you get around to reading it :).
It really looks awesome to see al those banners in my sidebar! I really hope this has fixed my computer crashes, we’ll see in another week or two.
The cookie bars are really good. I am looking forward to sharing the recipe in a few weeks!
Lola recently posted…Sunday Post #228
I’m sorry to hear about your headaches. I get tension headaches too. I have found that getting massages helps. I go once a month to a woman I really like and she spends the entire hour on my neck and shoulders. I also have muscle relaxers for really bad days. Good luck with that. Glad you figured out your computer issue. I hope it continues to go well.
Melanie Simmons @mlsimmons recently posted…Audiobook Review: The Dispatcher by John Scalzi (@mlsimmons, @scalzi, @audible_com)
That’s good to know! I probably sit too tensely behind my computer sometimes, so I try and focus on that a bit more and do some stretches or take a break when I feel I am tensing up.
I really know nothing about computers so I’d be afraid to do self repairs! I can’t actually remember whether or not I picked up Arisen but I certainly have other books by the author. It’s a great cover! Have a good week!
It is scary sometimes to try and do self repairs, but luckily there’s lots of information available online.
Alight is the first book in the series and Arise the second one. I think both are only $0.99 this week. The covers are great indeed!
My Driver Updater keeps saying that some drives are out of date, but I haven’t updated them…because I am not sure I should, either. I don’t recognize the drivers they’ve identified as needing updates…
I should probably do some research on this issue! LOL.
Enjoy your books, and thanks for sharing. Here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES
Laurel-Rain Snow recently posted…AUTHOR’S HOME PAGE
I am not sure either. I never updated my drivers until now. It’s all a bit complicated and even the internet advices different things.
That’s great that business is going well Lola. And yay for solving your computer problems, I’m so allergic to things like that and am clueless really. Urrrggh on the tension headaches, I get so many headaches too and it sucks. I think I get both tension ones and migraine ones and I can tell the difference as the migraines upset my stomach too. But no matter what I try, I can’t seem to stop them. So annoying. I hope what you are trying will see results for you.
It’s pretty difficult to figure things out for my computer problems, but I hope it’s fixed now.
I am still not 100% sure if I only get the tension headaches, but that’s the diagnosis from the doctor. I get them quite regularly, although I had a good two weeks now with only one shorter headache. My headaches regularly upset my stomach, but I think that’s also possible with tension headaches, the symptoms seem quite similar. I usually just have to wait them out and they disappear within 24 or so.
My son is clever with computers and he always says that I should ensure my drivers are kept updated because otherwise as programs and software keeps being improved and updated, then the computer will start playing up… Delighted to hear that you seem to have got the computer sorted out – it’s SOOO important, particularly as your business just goes on getting busier. I love the look of Ensnared and Missing. Have a good week, and hope those headaches leave off too. Have you done a food diary? I found my persistent headaches were aggravated by chocolate, cheese and oranges. My Sunday Post –
sjhigbee recently posted…While the Morning Stars Sing
Good to know! I always got cautioned against updating them, but there seems so conflicting advice around on that topic. It seems to have helped this time, although it did crash twice again this week, but not as often as it used to. Or maybe this is a something new again.
No I haven’t done a food diary yet, but most days I eat pretty much the same except for my dinner. I have tried to find a pattern in what I ate before a headache, but haven’t been able to find a pattern so far.
Yummy! Those Oreo cookie bars sour look amazing, and Japanese Curry sounds very tasty. I love the depth of flavor with various curry recipes. Happy Sunday! RO
They also taste amazing :). I really like Japanese curry as it tastes a bit different from Indian curries, but it’s very good!
Awesome haul of books this week. I hope you enjoy all your new books. I love the cover for the Emma Adams.
Grace @ Books of Love
Grace Fonseca recently posted…Book Review: Crazy is My Superpower by AJ Mendez Brooks
Thanks! Emma L Adams often has such great covers for her series, but I am particularly fond of the covers for this series!
The cookie looks so Fingers crossed the computer is fixed. Glad you had success with your tour company. Enjoy your new books, thanks for sharing the free books.
kimbacaffeinate recently posted…Sunday Post #263 Send Chocolate
I hope so too! And the discount went really well. I hope the next month is a good one as well.
Oh man, those cookie bars look just too good… yum.
Evelina recently posted…My Reading April (Book haul #3 & Sunday post #4)
They taste really good as well 🙂
Lola recently posted…Review: Faerie Hunt by Emma L. Adams
Computer problems are the worst, so glad things seem to be better! Hopefully that continues. And yay for the blog sale business- that’s great!
The Summer of Bad Ideas looks fun. And I hope you like Missing. I just finished it this weekend and it’s pretty good stuff. 🙂
Greg recently posted…Sunday Post #192
It took a turn for the worse again this week. Ugh it really is frustrating to have your computer acting up :(.
The Summer of Bad Ideas was a fun one :). I hope I can get to Missing soon as it sounds good. I am happy to hear you enjoyed it!
Lola recently posted…Review: Faerie Hunt by Emma L. Adams
Here’s hoping your computer behaves. I had some glitches recently and was finally able to figure things out. It’s always something with them, isn’t it:)I get the tension headaches too. I often take breaks for things where I stay in one position too long and use muscle relaxers sometimes too.
Laura Thomas recently posted…What’s New On My Bookshelf #205 and The Sunday Post
It didn’t behave this week :(. So I guess I didn’t fix it after all. Will continue trying to figure it out.
Sorry to hear you also get tensions headaches. They are nasty. I think taking short breaks can really help me as sometimes I get so sucked into work I forget to relax my muscles.
Busy week for you. I hope you have your computer issue fixed. My iMac is still having issues, but Mr. Angel finally bought me a laptop (MacBook Air). I’m excited, because now I can sit outside and do all my blogging, social, and review writing. I love being outside.
Hope you get your headaches figured out. My doctor still hasn’t find a medication that works for my migraines. I’m managing, but when your head hurts it’s a pain.
I like the banners for your tours. They are all so nice to see. Enjoy all your new books, have a great week, and happy reading.
Angela @ Angel’s Guilty Pleasures recently posted…Angel’s Monthly Wrap Up – April 2017
I guess I didn’t fix the computer issue after all as it started acting up again this week, ugh.
I hate headaches they are so pain full and make it hard to focus. I hope knowing the cause of my headaches will already help a bit.
Glad to hear you like my tour banners. My banner designer really does an awesome job with them :).
Oh bummer on the computer. My iMac started last year having issues. It’s like 8-years old. I’ve tried to clean it up some, but I still have it freeze up on me now and then. I make sure to back everything up. I have a zip drive and I use dropbox for all my blog stuff/books. Hopeful you can get your computer working better. Good luck!
They still don’t know the cause of my headaches/migraines. They may never know. I deal as best as a I can when they come on.
Have a great weekend.
Angela @ Angel’s Guilty Pleasures recently posted…ARC Review: The Wolf’s Choice (Black Hills Wolves #64) by Inge Saunders ~ Excerpt
It’s always good to have things backed up indeed! I just hope I can fix it. It’s to irregular it’s hard to figure out what’s wrong.
Headaches are so difficult as it seems almost everything can cause it. Maybe they’ll figure out the cause of your headaches one day. I hope you have some good pain killer or something to deal with them when they hit at least.
I’m glad business is still going so well and that you may have solved the computer problems! And as a self-proclaimed headaches expert (seriously, I’ve done so much freaking research about headaches), I’d say tension headaches rather than migraines is probably good news. I use peppermint essential oil and eucalyptus oil (diluted in coconut oil) on my temples/forehead/neck when I get headaches because peppermint gets really cold, and it feels like a hands-free ice pack. Also been using it on my tennis elbow. Peppermint oil is my new favorite lol. Hopefully your new med will help though!
Your cookie bars looks delish, and I’m glad you enjoyed Alight and got the next book too!
Kristen @ Metaphors and Moonlight recently posted…The Weekly Update: 4/30/17
My computer has crashed twice again this week, so not sure if I haven’t solved it after all or if this is something new? It has been fine except for that one day.
I do get migraines with aura, but those are more annoying than painful and a normal painkiller usually takes care of those. So that’s why I thought these might be migraines too, but now that I know they’re probably tension headaches I’ve been more aware of my posture and trying to stay relaxed while working. I’ll keep those oils in mind and maybe try it once. A hand free ice pack does sound neat as I usually am pretty warm while I have an headache.
The oreo bars look delicious. I hope you get some relief from your headaches. Computer problems are so frustrating!
Nise’ recently posted…Weekly Reading Wrap Up (SP/IMWAYR?)
They are really good :). I hope knowing the cause of my headaches will be helpful.
Lola recently posted…My To-Be Read List #33: poll
I’m sorry about your headaches, but it’s good to have a name for something sometimes. I hope your pain killers help.
That’s great that your sale went over well and you got some new tours and other things booked! Congrats. 🙂
Omg, those oreo bars look amazing.
Let’s Get Beyond Tolerance recently posted…Rainbow Roundup: Graphic Novel and More!
I agree, sometimes knowing what it is or having a name for it already can be helpful.
I am really happy the sale went so well 🙂
Lola recently posted…My To-Be Read List #33: poll
Glad you had a good week. Hope he computer problem is fixed for good and you can get relief for your headaches. That cookie looks delicious! Have a great week and enjoy your book!
Not sure if the computer problem is fixed as it crashed again a few times this week. It helps knowing the cause of my headaches and I hope I can deal with them better or prevent them better now.
I’m glad to hear that the big sale went well and you’re now busy with work! Which is always a good thing. 🙂 I hope your tension headaches get better. I used to get them in college from stress and yeah exercise and stretching really helped me with them. Looks like you got some great books and your current reading has been fun too! All in all, a great week.
S. J. Pajonas recently posted…May 2017 Goals
I think this is the most successful sale I ran so far :). I am really happy about that.
I actually had a really bad week a few weeks ago with two headaches and since then I only got one short one. But that’s probably just a coincidence, who knows. But I do feel that being aware of what’s probably causing it, namely sitting too tensely already helped a lot, as now I can try to relax and stretch more.
That’s awesome, Lola! I’m so glad to hear the sale went well for ya 🙂 Hope you’re having a great week so far 🙂
herding cats & burning soup recently posted…InstaWednesday– The Herd, The Planner, Me, And Books!
Thanks! I am really happy with how the sale went :).
Lola recently posted…My To-Be Read List #33: poll