The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
What happened this week?
I don’t really have a lot to tell about this week either. It’s been the same as previous weeks, busy in the good sense of the word. I spent a lot of time working on tours, sending out media kits and two new cover reveals and a book blitz went live this week. I also had some time for some reading and gaming in the evenings. I even managed to make a cheesecake on Friday evening, so that was good. I did got two headaches in the same week, which were annoying.
Vincent Morrone interview me about Lola’s Blog Tours on his site. You can read the interview here.
And I tried the neutral flavoured oatly (oat based drink I posted about two weeks ago) and I disliked it, so no neutral flavoured oatly for me, I’ll stick with the orange mango flavour. I bought another package of that flavour this week, yum!
Random Picture(s) of the Week
Here in the Netherlands a common dessert is “Vla”, which is similar to custard. They sell “vla” in lots of different flavours here, the more normal ones are vanilla, chocolate, caramel, strawberry or “dubbelvla” which contains two flavours of vla. There are also some stranger flavours like vla with pieces of chocolate or with pieces of fruit depending on the season. I like most flavours of vla, so i always like trying out new flavours. And this variety they only have around Easter, it’s mandarin and orange vla and it’s really good!
What did I cook for dinner this week?
- Sunday: leftover Japanese Curry
- Monday: Risotto with red bell pepper and egg
- Tuesday: leftover Risotto with red bell pepper and egg
- Wednesday: Pasta Salad with Corn and Egg
- Thursday: Spiced Pointed Cabbage
- Friday: storebought salad
- Extra: Cheesecake
- Saturday: Veggies in saté sauce and noodles
This week I blogged about:
– Review: The Daydreamer Detective by SJ Pajonas
– Review: A Heart Stuck on Hope
– Lola’s Ramblings: How I Discover New to Me Authors
– Lola’s Kitchen: Veggies in Chili Sauce Recipe
– Review: A Disguise to Die For by Dian Vallere
What to expect next week on the blog:
– Review: Nobody bu You by Jill Shalvis
– Book Blitz: Saven Deception by Siobhan Davis
– Reading Challenges: First Quarterly Recap
– Lola’s Kitchen: Aioli Recipe
– My To-Be Read List #20: poll
Tours open for sign-up on Lola’s Blog Tours:
Review Opportunities:
– Maisy and the Mystery Manor by Elizabeth Woodrum
– Indestructible by Emma L Adams
– Saven: Deception by Siobhan Davis
– Summer Haikus by SJ Pajonas
– Dominic’s Nemesis by D. Alyce Domain
– Secret Baby Scandal by Joanne Rock
Check the full list of open review opportunities here.
Cover Reveals:
– Sonar the Surge by B Truly – 5 April
– Forever and One Week by Caroline Cairn – 7 April – new!
– Tuned Into You by Cindy Dorminy – 8 April – new!
Blog Tour: A Shot of Bourbon by A.C. Land – 29 March till 11 April
Book Blitz: Saven Deception by Siobhan Davis – 30 March till 5 April
Blog Tour: The Daydreamer Detective by SJ Pajonas – 4 till 8 April
Blog Tour: Amanda Lester and the Blue Peacocks’ Secret by Paula Berinstein – 18 April till 1 May
Book Blitz: Landry in Like by Krysten Lindsay Hager – 18 till 24 April
Book Blitz: The Urban Boys by K.N. Smith – 25 till 29 April
Book Blitz: Sonar the Surge by B Truly – 25 till 29 April – new!
Blog Tour: Micah by Lee DuCote – 3 till 16 May
Book Haul:
Never Letting Go
by Christina Channelle
Format: e-copy
Source: gifted by the author
You can find Never Letting Go on Goodreads
It’s hard piecing things together after waking up in a random apartment with no memory of who you are, surrounded by mostly welcoming strangers. The only thing remaining of her past is the tattooed name imprinted on her skin. But with no place to go, these strangers decide to take her in and name her Mia.Inexplicable things start happening to Mia within the four walls of her confinement, including her presently mute status, strange abilities, and secretive roommates harboring their own hidden agendas. With a serial killer on the loose, this apartment is her only place of refuge.
But when she finally remembers who she really is, her refuge is no longer safe. Mia wakes up to find out her name isn’t Mia at all, and that her life is nothing but a walking tragedy. Her previous actions of refusing to let go of the only person with the power to break her heart leaves dire consequences.
Especially since it involved striking a deal with the devil.
Ancient Magic
by Linsey Hall
Format: e-copy
Source: for review through netgalley
You can find Ancient Magic on Goodreads
I’m good at two things: finding treasure and killing demons. Lying low is a close third—but not because I want to be good at hiding. I have to be. I’m a FireSoul, one of the unlucky few to inherit a piece of the dragon’s soul. Being born with the dragon’s covetousness should be a sweet gig – I have the power to find and steal any type of treasure, including the powers of other supernaturals.But it doesn’t come without a price – stealing powers requires that I kill, and others would destroy me if they discover what I am. In a world full of magic, hiding my species is the only way to survive. Finding magical artifacts is the only way to pay the bills. It’s a dangerous job when you can barely use your magic, but that’s one of the things I like about it.
When Aidan Merrick, the most powerful shifter in the city, hired me to find an ancient scroll, I didn’t want to take the job. His immense amount of power reminds me of too much of murky memories from a past I can’t remember. But I don’t have a choice. The scroll reveals what I am. And if anyone finds out, I’m dead.
I’ve been undecided about requesting Ancient Magic. It does have a great cover though! I like a lot of that artist’s covers (well, photo manipulation, but still). They’re so bright and glowy.
I feel like you have so many interesting foods, and it makes me wonder, do we just not have interesting foods in America? Or am I just used to them and therefore they just don’t seem interesting? Lol.
I’m glad you had a good-busy week, and the cheesecake sounds yummy 🙂
Kristen @ Metaphors and Moonlight recently posted…The Weekly Update: 3/27/16
I couldn’t resist that bright glowy cover and I liked the sound of the blurb. I haven’t read anything by this author and it didn’t had any reviews yet, so my decision was mostly based on the cover and blurb. I hope it’s a good one.
I think you’re just used to them and notice them less, I can definitely point out some foods you have there and we don’t have here. I have run into quite some recipes that I couldn’t make because they didn’t sell ingredient X here or never had heard of before. Just yesterday someone shared a picture of sweet pies, which I had never heard of before (but now I have the recipe and can try it out!)
And as I interact with a lot of Americans it made me realize the differences more and notice what we sell here that you don’t have, like vla for example. I think vla is typically dutch, here’s the wikipedia page about vla:
Lola recently posted…Sunday Post #171
I wish I could find a way to fit everything into my days and nights as well as you do! Things around me are always chaotic!
chucklesthescot recently posted…Reading With Chuckles
I am pretty organized and do my best to fit everything in my days, but some days it’s a struggle as well and I’ll have to move some things to the next day.
Lola recently posted…Sunday Post #171
You seem to have a lot going on and that is great. I hope you enjoy your desserts, especially those seasonal flavors. I don’t have much going on. I did have fun yesterday. I was volunteering zoo for the their annual Eggs, Paws and Claws event. It was a lot of fun to talking to people as the animals played with their Easter related enrichment items. I also had to help herd an overly territorial goose that was terrorizing the guests.
Melanie Simmons @mlsimmons recently posted…Review: Howl My Name by Celia Kyle (@mlsimmons, @celiakyle)
Love the seasonal flavours, I always buy it for the few weeks they sell the seasonal flavours.
That Eggs, Paws and Claws event sounds like fun! That’s ncie you got to help with the event. I don’t think our zoo’s do things like that.
Like Kristen I wasn’t sure about requesting Ancient Magic becasue of course I went overboard requesting ARCs.
Today I happened to post about Blog Tours!!! For me it wasn’t such a positive experience so the post is mostly about why I tried them and why I stop. BUT I did told my readers that if they wanted to try book tours they should try some serious book promotion bloggers, you included!
Maybe you want to stop by and chime in and give your feedback. 🙂
Daniela Ark recently posted…What a week [40]: What is your Blogger Age? Part II – The Kid Blogger’s Playground
I just love the cover so much and the blurb sounds pretty promising and I am in a fantasy mood lately, so I thought why not. I have way too many other netgalley books I still have to read, but I can’t resist getting a new one now and then.
Thanks so much for the mention of Lola’s Blog Tours in your post! I really appreciate it. I can see why blog tours aren’t always a good experience and I’ve had some not so fun experiences with them myself as well, so I hardly join tours anymore (and if I do mostly my own as then I know exactly what to expect).
It’s a shame some tour organizers have bad practices and there’s not always as much interaction as you want. Although I do notice that nowadays when I do do a blog tour they usually get some comments and interaction anyway as compared to when I just started and only did tours and didn’t focus on commenting.
And concerning your comments about the authors, I actually have a Lola’s Advice post scheduled about that, how authors can make the most of a blog tour. It’s good to hear that bloggers usually appreciate an author stopping by, I know not all bloggers appreciate it.
wow see the blogosphere never cease to amaze me 🙂 I find it odd that a blogger wouldn’t appreciate the authors stopping by their blog! When I’m ready to face deadlines again I’m definitely signing up for one of your tours 🙂
Daniela Ark recently posted…What a Week [37]: Writing Tip – Characters Relationships
I think it very much depends on the blogger, but I can understand why some authors are a bit hesitant to stop by sometimes because not all bloggers appreciate it.
I always appreciate it when authors stop by, also on my posts that aren’t about their books.
Lola recently posted…Review: Nobody but You by Jill Shalvis
My week was like yours! Well, not *exactly* like yours because that would be weird and a little creepy, like stalkerish creepy. However, I did a lot of stuff or was busy, but had nothing to report. LOL
Now I want cheesecake. And to try some of that vla. 🙂
A Voracious Reader recently posted…AVR Weekly News ~ 137th Edition
lol, yes that would be weird! I remember when my Sunday posts where way too long, but nowadays I don’t have as much to tell. It was busy, but not much to tell.
The cheesecake is delicious! I wish I could ship you some vla, it’s really good!
That sounds really interesting. I like custard and even bought some of those little white ramekins to make them in. Now I want custard. lol
Mary Kirkland recently posted…Product Review: Large Backpack with Lunch Kit and Binder by Fast Forward
I don’t think I’ve made custard myself so far, as we can just buy vla here in stores and it’s pretty cheap.
I wish I had had your week! Mine was positively crazypants. Lol. In other news, I’d love to try Vla sometime. I love custards!
S. J. Pajonas recently posted…Sunday Update – March 27, 2016
I am sorry to hear your week was crazypants! I hope your next week is a better one.
If you ever visit the Netherlands again you’ll have to try vla! It’s my favourite dessert and I love all the different flavours.
Ancient Magic looks good, I hope you enjoy it.
Stormi recently posted…The Week In Review #82
I am really curious about Ancient Magic, the blurb sounds good and I like the cover.
Lola recently posted…Sunday Post #171
I love the sound of Vla, I love custard whether it is cold or hot, it is the perfect dessert!
Headaches suck, mine are usually due to looking at the screen at work too much, I use photoshop a lot and my head hates it!
Have a good week!
Heather @ Random Redheaded Ramblings recently posted…The Sunday Post #42 – 27th March 2016
I usually have vla as dessert, I love it and there are so many different flavours.
Headaches of any kind are the worst. I think I have migraines, but never got them diagnosed. My mom and grandma have migraines as well. Going away from the screen usually helps a bit, but doesn’t get them to go away, I usually just have to wait them out. Not enough sleep or working too stressed causes them or they just seem to come out of nowhere.
Glad you had a nice week and were busy in the good sense. That dessert sound really yummy! Happy Easter by the way. 🙂
Sorry about the headaches; those are never fun!
Let’s Get Beyond Tolerance recently posted…Gwen Stefani on If Her Sons Were Gay
Happy Easter to you too! Vla is really standard as dessert here, but it’s really good.
Let’s hope this week will be headaches free!
Glad you’re still busy with work projects. Neat that you got interviewed for your business, too.
I think I’d prefer orange-mango flavor to neutral flavor, too. Your spring custard like dessert sound good.
Love the sound of your risotto. And hey we had salad as our dinner one night, too.
Both those new book haul covers are eye catching. The blurbs make them sound interesting, too. Hope you like them.
Sophia Rose recently posted…Dead Girl Running by Ann Noser #YoungDelight
It was fun to get interviewed about Lola’s Blog Tours. And it’s been great to be busy with all the work.
The neutral flavour was really bland and had an aftertaste I didn’t like. The orange-mango flavour is a lot better.
I like salad for dinner, it doesn’t take long to make and is yummy!
I hope so too! I was really happy to receive both books and hope I can read them soon.
Gosh, it sounds like it’s been a busy week for you! And your book haul looks interesting; I haven’t heard of either books, but I am rather intrigued by their covers, particularly the colour schemes, which stick out to me as intriguing.
Ooh, the vla sounds interesting! I do like things that have flavours they only make for certain seasons or celebrations, but if they become a favourite and you have to wait all year long to have it again, it becomes bittersweet! Such a long time to wait before having it again! *laughs* Do you have a favourite flavour of vla?
Romi recently posted…Review: Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo…
Yes it was a nice and busy week. I agree, both covers have a great colour scheme.
I kinda forget about the special flavours, until the right season rolls around and I am excited to see one of my favourite flavours again and enjoy it while it lasts. The vanilla vla is probably still my favourite, but the vanilla vla with chocolate and orange vla is a close second.
I’m glad your week was the good kind of busy, Lola. It seems as though you’re keeping very busy with your blog tour company and that’s wonderful! I am sorry you had headaches though. Boo!
Vla in chocolate mixed with just about any other flavor sounds yummy! 😉
I like the looks of your new books. I’m particularly interested in Never Letting Go. I love the cover! 😉 I hope you’ll enjoy both your new books. And I hope your week is going well!
Bookworm Brandee recently posted…Brandee’s Bookish Babble #14 ~ A Conversation Starter
Yes it’s been a great few weeks with all the work for my blog tour company :).
Vla is really good, it’s a shame they don’t sell it anywhere else.
Both of those books have such a pretty cover. I hope I can read them soon.
Busy that was is definitely good 😀 Hope April goes much the same for you, Lola!
anna (herding cats & burning soup) recently posted…Insta-Wednesday: A little quiet on the Instagram so some bonus pics 🙂
It’s been a good few weeks with lots of work, the nice type of busy. And thanks! I definitely hope April will continue that trend.