Review: Ancient Nightcap And That’s A Wrap by Laura Greenwood

Posted January 15, 2025 by Lola in Fantasy, Review, Romance / 4 Comments

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Ancient Nightcap And That's A WrapAncient Nightcap And That’s A Wrap (Cauldron Coffee Shop #12)
by Laura Greenwood

My Rating: 4 stars

Genre: Cozy Urban Fantasy
Age Category:
Type of romance:

For Willow and Azíl, the greatest adventure is still ahead…a chance at a normal life.

With the Sect finally behind them and everything slotting into place, things seem like they’re finally on the up for Willow and Azíl.

After coming back from their trip to South America, they find some new surprises in store for them, and they can finally start doing what they’ve been working for – build their happy ever after.

Ancient Nightcap And That’s A Wrap is book twelve of the Cauldron Coffee Shop Series, a cozy urban fantasy featuring a coffee shop-owning witch, an ancient warlock cursed to live in a teapot, and a cheeky cat. It includes an m/f romantic subplot.

If you love cozy urban fantasy, coffee shop settings, low-stakes adventures, cat familiars, and a warm and fuzzy feeling vibe, start the Cauldron Coffee Shops series with Pumpkin Spice And All Things Nice.

My Review

This is the last book in this series and while I was sad to see the series end I really like how this book wrapped up the story. Willow and Azíl are free of the threat of the Sect and this book mostly deals with them settling into their normal life. It was just lovely to see and I thought this was an awesome way to end the series.

Willow and Azíl are probably one of my favorite fictional couples to read about, the way they interact with each other is so awesome to see. They obviously care a lot about the other and communicate about things and I just really enjoyed reading about them. Seeing them get their happy ending was wonderful and I loved the epilogue and how that showed a glimpse of their future. I also love the cozy vibe this series has and also how beautifully mundane some of the scenes are.

I had a great time reading this series and it’s one of my favorites from this author. If you like cozy stories with some magic, romance and danger I can’t recommend this one enough.

To summarize: This was a wonderful ending to this series. I was sad to see it end as this is such an awesome series and I really enjoyed it, but the ending was really well done. I liked seeing Willow and Azíl settling into their normal lives in this book and the epilogue that gives a glimpse of their future was awesome. I really loved reading about Willow and Azíl, they are both great characters and I love them as a couple. They feel realistic and I like the way they communicate and are there for each other. I can’t recommend this series enough if you like cozy urban fantasy stories with romance.

4 Stars


You can also read my review on Goodreads and Bookbub.

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