Previous quarterly recaps:
The Blogger Shame Review Challenge is hosted by Herding Cats and Burning Soup and Addicted to Happily Ever After. The goal of this challenge is to read books you received for review that have been on your review list for 6+ months count.
I set my goal to read 12 books for this challenge, so one every month.
Books I read for the Blogger Shame Review challenge?
Goal: 12
Total so far: 1
Total this quarter: 0
Yeah I am totally failing this one.
The Pick Your Genre Reading Challenge is hosted by Herding Cats and Burning Soup. More information about this challenge can be found here. You can find my goal post here.
I set my goal to read 6 books for each genre for this challenge.
Historical Romance
Goal: 6
Total so far: 0
Total this quarter: 0
Not doing good on this one either, haven’t been in the mood for this genre for a while. I did read a western historical paranormal read with some romance elements.
Cozy Mystery
Goal: 6
Total so far: 23
Total this quarter: 5
- – Till Death Do Us Tart (Oxford Tearoom Mysteries #4) by H.Y. Hanna – 4 stars
- – The Crêpes of Wrath (A Pancake House Mystery #1) by Sarah Fox – 3 stars
- – All-Butter ShortDead (Oxford Tearoom Mysteries #0) by H.Y. Hanna – 4 stars
- – Cracked to Death (A Webb’s Glass Shop Mystery #3) by Cheryl Hollon – 4 stars
- – Muffins and Mourning Tea (Oxford Tearoom Mysteries #5) by H.Y. Hanna – 4 stars
I slowed a bit down on the cozies this quarter, but still did great with reading 4 of them.
Romantic Suspense
Goal: 6
Total so far: 3
Total this quarter: 0
I still have a chance to make this one.
This challenge is hosted by Lexie over at Unconventional Book Views and Stormi at Books, Movies, Reviews Oh My!
Goal: 31-45 books per year – New Release Veteran.
Total so far: 52
Total this quarter: 19
New Releases I read in the past 3 months
- Till Death Do Us Tart (Oxford Tearoom Mysteries #4) by H.Y. Hanna – 4 stars
- The Crêpes of Wrath (A Pancake House Mystery #1) by Sarah Fox – 3 stars
- Romancing the Stars by Sabine Priestley, Carysa Locke, Aurora Springer, Melisse Aires, Veronica Scott, Lyn Brittan, Kyndra Hatch and Lea Kirk – 4 stars
- Tori Centanni – The Immortality Cure (Henri Dunn #1) – 4 stars
- All-Butter ShortDead (Oxford Tearoom Mysteries #0) by H.Y. Hanna – 4 stars
- Cracked to Death (A Webb’s Glass Shop Mystery #3) by Cheryl Hollon – 4 stars
- Bound by Faerie (Stolen Magic #1) by W.B. McKay – 4 stars
- A Brit on the Side (Calder Castle #1) by Brenda St. John Brown – 4 stars
- Saven: Defiance (The Saven series #3) by Siobhan Davis – 4 stars
- Romancing the Null (The Outlier Prophecies #1) by Tina Gower – 3 stars
- Dating for Decades by Tracy krimmer – 3 stars
- The Prince and the Cyborg by J.M. Page – 3 stars
- Faerie Realm (The Changeling Chronicles #3) by Emma L Adams – 4 stars
- A Mortal Song by Megan Crewe – 4 stars
- Faerie Wrath (The Changeling Chronicles #4) by Emma L Adams – 4 stars
- His to Protect by Karen Rock- 4 stars
- I’m Not Afraid of Wolves (The Cotton Candy Quintet #4) by Erin Hayes – 4 stars
- – Muffins and Mourning Tea (Oxford Tearoom Mysteries #5) by H.Y. Hanna – 4 stars
Totally beat my goal here :).
The 2016 Bookish Resolutions Challenge is hosted by Laura @ trips down imagination road and Michelle @ Because Reading. The 2016 Bookish Resolutions Challenge is about setting New Years Resolutions for books and book blogging.
Blogging Goals
- Post a Lola’s Advice post once a month.
Still doing well with this one :).
Reading Goals
- Get my Netgalley percentage up to 70%. I still have a chance I am 67% now. I sent feedback for a few books I didn’t have the files for anymore and got a few books read, ofcourse I also got some new ones.
- Get my amount of review books below 55. Why did I think I could do this? I am at 98 review books at the moment, so I am pretty sure I am not going to make this goal. I did remove a few review books that I am pretty sure I won’t read anymore and I got some review books read and added more.
Personal Goals
- Bake 4 Cakes. Already made this one!
- Share 2 cake Recipe posts Already made this goal!
- Organize 40 blog tours. 26 so far
- Blog Tour: A Shot of Bourbon by A.C. Land – 29 March till 11 April
- Book Blitz: Saven Deception by Siobhan Davis – 30 March till 5 April
- Blog Tour: The Daydreamer Detective by SJ Pajonas – 4 till 8 April
- Blog Tour: Amanda Lester and the Blue Peacocks’ Secret by Paula Berinstein – 18 April till 1 May
- Book Blitz: Landry in Like by Krysten Lindsay Hager – 18 till 24 April
- Book Blitz: The Urban Boys by K.N. Smith – 25 till 29 April
- Book Blitz: Sonar the Surge by B Truly – 25 till 29 April
- Blog Tour: Micah by Lee DuCote – 3 till 16 May
- Blog Tour: Forever and One Week by Caroline Cairn – 25 till 29 May
- Blog Tour: Princess Adele’s Dragon by Shirley McLain – 31 May til 13 June
- Blog Tour: Sunborn Rising by Aaron Safronoff – 27 June till 10 July
- Book Blitz: True Calling series by Siobhan Davis – 28 June till 4 July
- Blog Tour: Across Borders by Lee DuCote – 28 June till 18 July
- Blog Tour: The Daydreamer Detective Braves the Winter by SJ Pajonas – 11 till 15 July
- Book Blitz: Teenage Temptation & Personal Honor by Meena Jelks – 11 till 15 July
- Blog Tour: Amanda Lester and the Pink Sugar Conspiracy by Paula Berinstein – 18 till 31 July
- Blog Tour: Iron Goddess by Dharma Kelleher – 18 till 31 July
- Book Blitz: Sacrifice by Carolyn Arnold – 31 July till 6 August
- Blog Tour: A Cunning Plan by Astrid Arditi – 1 till 14 August
- Blog Tour: The Dragon Sphere by Abel Gallardo – 8 till 21 August
- Blog Tour: Here Comes the Witch by Ani Gonzalez – 7 till 20 September
- Book Blitz: In Every Way by Amy Sparling – 13 till 19 September
- Book Blitz: Due South Boxed Set by Tracey Alvarez – 26 September till 1 October
- Book Blitz: In the Line of Duty by Carolyn Arnold – 3 till 9 October
- Blog Tour: The Best Part of Me by Jamie Hollins – 10 till 23 October
- Book Blitz: Saven Box Set by Siobhan Davis – 11 till 18 October
It is hard when you just aren’t feeling a genre. I’m having that with one of mine as well. Might still happen but if not…that’s okay too 🙂
anna @ herding cats & burning soup recently posted…Interview w/ Peggy Lampman– Food, People. Glorious Food!
same her,e maybe it will still happen and if not that’s okay too. Maybe next year I’ll be in the mood for that genre again. Then again I did do great on one of my genre challenges at least!
LOL! Yeah, those first two. I’m thinking making that goal is not very probable. 😉 Oh well, you’re reading and that’s what matters.
Nicely done with your other challenges. I love seeing how well you’re doing on your resolutions since you set the bar high with that particularly on your blog tour stuff.
As far as my third quarter, I am doing pretty well. I’ll be cutting it really close with the Blogger Shame though I’m doing better than I thought I would. All the new releases are such temptations. 🙂
Sophia Rose recently posted…Wildest Dreams by Kristen Ashley, Narrated by Tilly Hooper #AudioReview
I agree I don’t think those first two are very probable. I do hope I can still get the romantic suspense goals as I have a few books in that genre I hope to read soon.
Yeah I do realize I set the bar a bit too high with the tours, I think 30 or 35 would’ve been more reasonable. But we’ll see how far I can get. The thing with tours is that it’s not fully in my control, but it’s still fun to keep track of how many tours I’ve done.
Glad to hear you’re doing good with the Blogger Shame one! That one is a difficult challenge. I am glad I did the new release challenge so I have at least one goal I am doing really well on :).
You are totally failing the first two lol. But hey, you’re doing great with the cozies and the new releases! And your NetGalley percentage is getting up there!
Your comment about getting below 55 review copies is cracking me up though lol. I think your review copies are like your TBR, for each one you read, you get like three more added to it 😛
I actually just drafted my reading goals update whatever post the other day, since I had made some goals at the beginning of the year, but I won’t be posting it until December, so it’s not all filled in yet. But it did alert me to the fact that I’m not doing too great with most of those goals lol.
Kristen @ Metaphors and Moonlight recently posted…Book Review: Unbound (Underworld Book 3) by Chani Lynn Feener
I know :(, I am totally failing those first two. i actually ended up focusing on new books instead of older ones and I haven’t been in a historical romance mood.
I think my netgalley challenge has been around 65-67 the whole year now, but I still have hopes I can get it up to the 70%. I recently submitted feedback for two older books that I didn’t even have the review copies for anymore and I am hoping to get a few more netgalley books read.
I like doing the quarterly recaps as it gives me a bit of a progress view. It’s always interesting to see how well i do my goals or how badly I am failing others.
It looks as if you are like me – set yourself really ambitious targets so that even if you miss a couple, the effort of aiming for them means that you achieve more than you would have if you didn’t set yourself regular milestones… And overall, it works for me and I think, looking at what you have succeeded at, it’s also worked for you. After all, at the end of the day, this book blogging has to be fun – it’s too much work if it turns into a trudge, isn’t it? I think you’ve done brilliantly. Huge congratulations for getting your Netgalley score up to 70% – that’s hard to sustain over a long period of time.
I try to set reasonable targets, but it’s hard to predict how the reading will go during a year as I am a moodreader and not always reach those goals. But I agree it’s still fun to set those goals and see how far you get. And it definitely has to stay fun.
Actually I am not there yet with netgalley, I am at 67% at the moment and hope tor each 70% for the end fo the year. I hope that I can get some more netgalley books read and don’t request too many new ones/
Lola recently posted…Reading Challenges 2016: Third Quarterly Recap
Sounds like you’re doing great Lola! Better than I am at any rate! Keep it up! 🙂
Laura @ trips down imagination road recently posted…Touch of Power by Maria V Snyder
Thanks! I am happy with how I am doing so far even though i am failing some challenges.
Lola recently posted…Sunday Post #200
And that’s why I don’t make reading challenge goals. lol If I ‘have’ to read a book for some reason it doesn’t feel like fun anymore, it’s more of a chore.
Mary Kirkland recently posted…Freebie Friday!
I see the challenges more as guidelines not obligations, that helps me keep it fun. That is the reason why I am totally failing some of these challenges though. And I always like participating in challenges like these.
Lola recently posted…Reading Challenges 2016: Third Quarterly Recap
Wow, you have a lot of great challenges going on. I think you’re doing quite well. I signed up for a lot of book challenges this year, and I’m not doing great at some but overall, I think I did quit well. It’s all about reading different books for me and more of the books I WANT to read and not just all the review books.
Let’s Get Beyond Tolerance recently posted…October is Harry Potter Month!
I enjoy participating in these challenges, so I think that’s what most important. And yes I am doing quite well on most of them, but also a few I am not doing too well on.
Lola recently posted…Sunday Post #198
You’re doing really well with some challenges, Lola, and that’s better than nothing in my book. 😉 And there’s still time to make some progress on those you’re not doing so well on. Or you could be like me and just throw in the towel for this year. *hahaha* I am completely failing at my Reading Assignment challenge. Oh well…
Good luck, Lola! 😀
Bookworm Brandee recently posted…Review ~ Breathe ~ Kristen Ashley
Just realized I hadn’t replied to this comment yet. I am glad I am doing really well on some of them, definitely a good thing. And I might still make those other challenges and if not I don’t mind too much either. I just like participating in them :).