Lola’s Rambings is a feature on Lola’s Review where I talk about me. Usually these posts are everything that doesn’t fall under any standard header, like blog tours, book blitzes, cover reveals or reviews. Lola’s Ramblings posts are are personal discussions of a certain topic. Sometimes about book related topics and sometimes about non-book related topics. This feature was previously known as About Me. The banner for this feature is designed by Michelle from Limabean Design.
In general I think bloggers enjoy reading discussion posts, my Lola’s ramblings posts always seem more popular then my non-discussion posts. I wondered what it is about discussion posts that make us like them and why we read discussion posts. So I decided to write a post about what I like about discussion posts to get a better udnerstanding of why I enjoy reading discussion posts so much.
Why I like discussion posts
- More personal. Often discussion posts are more personal and I like getting a glimpse of the blogger behind the blog. Even the choice of topics can already reveal something about the blogger and then there’s ofcourse how they addres the issue and how that tells something about them and their stance on the topic. I like reading more personal posts, so this is a clear reason why I enjoy discussion posts. In general I like the more personal posts like if a blogger talks about themselves or weekly recap posts where we learn what is going on in the life of a bloggers. So the more personal touch of discussion posst is one of the reasons why I enjoy readign them.
- Often involve other people’s opinions.
One of the reasons why I studied psychology is becasue I am interested in human behavior and humans in general. I didn’t mean for that to sound creepy. While I might not necessary agree with the blogger who posted the post I do find it interesting to learn more about their opinion and why they have a certain opinion and their reasons behind it. This is also true for my own discussion posts. Ofcourse I love writing them and learning more about myself and digging deeply in my opinions about certain topics, but I might love reading the comments even more and learning about other people their opinions on the matter. I just find it interesting to see how people differ and how different people handle the same issue or topic and how many different opinions there are.
- Original content. While I also enjoy reading blog tour posts now and then I often prefer original content, like reviews, personal opinions/ posts about the blogger, weekly recaps and discussion posts. Blog Tour posts which feature interviews, guest posts and tens lists are often only interesting when I already know the author and want to know more about them. While discussion posts tell me more about the blogger themselves and provide content that isn’t on other blogs, or at leats not exactly the same. While many bloggers do some sort of wekely or monthly recap posts, every recap post still differs. Same goes for discussion posts, even if bloggers address the same topic, there are still a lot of differences and it differs how they both deal with the topic or approach it. I often check out all the blogs mentioned in Oh the Books their weekly recap posts just to read more discussion posts.
- Easier to comment on. I love blog commenting, but sometimes I just don’t know what to say. But with discussion posts I hardly ever have that issue as most discussion posts are about a topic everyone can say something about. I have come across some discussion posst were I didn’t know what to comment, but in general discussion posts are easier to comment on.
- I love discussions. In general I love discussions and thus also discussion posts. I like talking in depth about a topic and hearing other people their opinion. It doesn’t matter if we agree and disagree, I just like the process of talking about the topic and learning the other their opinion and delving deeper into the topic.
- Topics are easy to relate to. I mostly read discussion posts on book blogs, which means the chances are high I know something about the subject and already have an opinion about it. These are topics that impact many people in the blogging world and I feel that often discussion posst appeal to a wider audience then for example reviews as almost all book bloggers can relate to your discussion post topic.
How many discussion posts do I read in comparison to others?
Okay so I think it’s kinda obvious that I love discussion posts and while actively seek them out, by visiting weekly recaps like the one on Oh the Books or Feed Your Fiction Addiction their discussion posts challenge link-up, but I also read a lot of other posts. I am actually not sure if I read more discussion posts than other type of posts as in total there are more other type of posts. And the fact is I do visit a lot of blogs and read a lot of posts each week. So while I actively seek out discussion posts I also enjoy a wide variety of other posts.
I agree with you on this, I love reading the occasional reviews, but I like discussion posts a lot more because as your said they’re more personal and you get to share your opinion with others as well, it creates more of a community that way as well – great post!
Benish recently posted…ARC Review: Out of Control by Sarah Alderson β₯
Indeed it creates more of a sense of community! probably also in part because it’s easier to leave comments. I also read a lot of reviews, but the chances are higher I’ll comment on a discussion posts as I usually enjoy them more and it’s easier to comment.
Yep, I totally understand that not-knowing-what-to-say thing. I generally follow the rule: if I don’t have anything to say, then I won’t usually comment. (Thankfully — I don’t have this problem all that much.) But I personally do not see the point of commenting on something if I don’t believe I have something interesting to say. I, too, definitely prefer discussion posts to other ones. For exactly the reasons you’ve discussed above, actually! Discussions are a great place to gauge ideas of what other bloggers feel about certain matters, too. π
Kara @ Diary of a Teen Writer recently posted…Discussion: Paperback Vs. Hardcover
I have a whole list of things I try when I don’t know what to say. I once wrote a whole post about that and how I comment on reviews, but nowadays if I really don’t know what to say I just don’t say anything at all. Discussion posts do make it much easier to comment on as I often have some sort of opinion about the topic and it’s always interesting to hear other bloggers their opinions.
Lola recently posted…Lola’s Ramblings: Why do I like reading Discussion posts?
Discussion posts are practically the only posts I read about apart from reviews (well, and recipes and stuff about animals). As you pointed out, they’re more personal thus interesting, and easier to comment on – it changes from the usual “I’m adding it to my to-read list” or “great review”, which are absolutely sincere but have very little originality, I’m afraid π
Red Iza recently posted…Cat thursday #37 : Gimme some lovinβ !
I always try to say somethign about the actual content of the review, but discussion posts are way easier to comment on and indeed lead to more original comments. And I love recipe posts and animal posts as well.
I agree with everything you said!
Discussion posts are definitely more interesting and engaging than others. I love seeing what’s on peoples’ minds, what they think about certain topics, and being challenged to join the discussion with them.
With reviews, I often don’t know what to say.
With other posts (memes, giveaways) I honestly don’t even read them. X_X
Ashley recently posted…Why You Should Always Buy a Custom Domain
Same here, with reviews I always struggle a bit on what to say, except if it’s a book I read as well. I read some memes as long as there is still some content, like the top ten tuesdays can be fun sometimes if the blogger elaborates a bit about why each item is on the list. But I generally prefer discussion posts as they are mroe interestign to read and more fun to comment on. I just love a good discussion. Writing and reading discussion posts always makes me think deeper about a topic, that’s what I like as well. Thanks for stopping by!
I love them too! For all the same reasons as you, most of all, because I’m interested in original content. When I see the same same same on a million blogs, I’m bored! I’d rather be challenged and learn something new. Great post, Lola! I’ve gotta make it to the Netherlands again someday so we can chat in person π
S. J. Pajonas recently posted…Book Chat #12
I always hope people find some way to add original content to their posts, but most don’t. Like cover reveals, I don’t mind seeing one or two, but often you see multiple blogs all hosting the same cover reveal and the exact same information. Discussion posts are always original.
And yes that would be amazing to meet in person! You should definitely let me know if you ever go to the Netherlands again!
I like discussion posts too. It is easier to comment when you have a specific question to answer. For me, I like to read other opinions on a subject, but I also like validation of my own opinion too.
Sophia Rose recently posted…Crash and Burn by Abigail Roux #Review
I always try to end my posts with a question for that reason. I know how hard it can be to comment sometimes. And that’s true validation of your own opinion is important as well, it’s good to know I am not the only one who thinks a certain way.
This is a great post. I’m the same way. I love discussion posts more than other posts because I usually have something to say and I don’t have to be worried about being spoiled unless the discussion is specifically about a book I haven’t read. I think hit the nail on the head with this post. π
Jenni Elyse (@jenni_elyse) recently posted…Getting to Know You: Flowers
Oh that’s a nice one as well, you never have to be afraid of spoilers with discussion posts unless it specifically features a certain book. Although most blogs I follow don’t use spoilers in their reviews. Thanks π
Lola recently posted…Lola’s Ramblings: Why do I like reading Discussion posts?
It’s easier to make a comment when you are asked a specific question or have a topic to talk about. I also like getting to see a personal glimpse into other bloggers lives.
Mary Kirkland recently posted…Recipe: Roasted Asparagus
It’s just so fun to get the know the person behind the blog and while reviews can give you a glimpse of who they are a discussion post does that even more.
Lola recently posted…Lola’s Ramblings: Why do I like reading Discussion posts?
Great post, Lola! I like discussion posts because they do tend to offer more personal insight into the people I think of as friends. And it’s fun to talk about other things than books – although I love discussing those as well. π
Bookworm Brandee recently posted…Review, That’s What HE Said #22, Thirsty Thursdays & Hungry Hearts #2 ~ Bite Me ~ CC Wood
Indeed I love talking about books, but it nice to talk about other topics as well sometimes. And it’s nice to get to know people more and their opinions on certain topics.
Lola recently posted…Lola’s Kitchen: Ten Foods I don’t like
I tend to only read discussion posts and sometimes reviews. I read the book synopsis, and if it sounds like something I might like, then I read the review. But I almost never comment on reviews as I never know what to say, especially if it’s not a book/author I’ve heard of.
I almost never have that problem with a discussion. There my usual problem is I tend to babble too much and end up with huge comments!
Silvara recently posted…Beauty and the Werewolf (Five Hundred Kingdoms #6) by Mercedes Lackey (review)
It’s hard to know what to comment on reviews, especiall if you haven’t read the book or aren’t planning to. I usually try to mention elements I like that the reviewer mentions or if I never read that genre why or if I want to try it out.
I don’t think anyone minds long comments ;). I always love receiving comments and it’s fun if people have a lot to say.
I find that I’m more engaged with discussion posts. I’m more likely to comment and even read more of others comments (which I rarely do on review posts). I even comment on others comments sometimes. It does feel more like a discussion. Great topic.
Melanie Simmons @mlsimmons recently posted…The Audiobook Salad Edition Two (Audiobook Reviews)
That’s what I like about discussion posts as well, it really feels like a discussion. And it’s fun to see all the comments and engagement. I am more likely to comment on discussion posts as well.
Lola recently posted…Lola’s Kitchen: Ten Foods I don’t like
I agree, discussion posts are easier to comment on because you can share your opinion on the topic being discussed and most of the time, we can all relate. And yes, you do get to feel like you’re getting to know the bloggers. Discussion post is something that a blogger wants to share and talk about so I think that’s why it feels more personal somehow. I like reading a variety of posts but discussion posts definitely makes me feel more closer to a blogger! Great topic Lola π
Amir @ Not So Literary! recently posted…Musings: I’m a Wuss of a Series Reader
I totally agree, while I like most type of posts, discussion posts are one of my favourites as I feel closer to the blogger. It’s nice to get to know our fellow bloggers better and discussion posts are a great medium for that. Same goes for when you write a discussion post yourself, I love reading the comments on my Lola’s Ramblings posts and learn more about other bloggers as well π
Lola recently posted…My To-Be Read List #8: chosen book
I definitely read more discussion posts than anything else – when I go through my RSS reader I can’t read everything, but it’s rare that I skip a discussion post. I skip reviews a lot, because if I’m not interested in the book genre or it’s far into a series that I want to read, I can’t really participate too well (comment basically). Great post Lola!
Berls @ Fantasy is More Fun recently posted…My TBR List | April 2015 Results
Especiall when I don’t have too much time I just scroll through bloglovin and pick out the discussion posts as well. If I have more time I often read some reviews and other posts as well.
Lola recently posted…My To-Be Read List #8: chosen book
I much prefer to read discussion posts! I think they really open up a conversation between blogger and reader, which is always preferable to reading the same review again and again.
Beth x
I agree it’s ncie to have some conversation going on between blogger and reader.
You have such a good point Lola! Discussion posts are a lot easier to comment on, and they help with getting to know the bloggers themselves! Which does remind me…discussion posts are next on my list for getting back on track blogging! (Now I’ve caught up with other blogs that is!)
I would love to read some discussion posts written by you. They do take some time to write, but I love reading the comments and getting to know others better.
I love discussion posts as well. Like you mentioned they are easier to comment on, and it is a nice way to interact with other bloggers that wouldn’t necessarily read the same books you do, but that could still have similar opinions on other topics. It also happens that they stand out more when I’m scrolling through my feed and I do choose to read discussion posts often. However, I do love reading and writing reviews as well. I know a lot of people aren’t crazy about them, but I just really enjoy seeing other’s opinions on a particular book, figuring out which books I want to read through them (and going crazy with the TBR shelf). Also, depending on the book, the review can become a discussion post on itself. π
Bruna recently posted…Review: Delirium by Lauren Oliver
Indeed even if you read different books, you can still enjoy the discussion posts. I love reading and writing reviews as well, although I am more selective with reading them. While I want to read almost every discussion post I come across, but then that might also have something to do with the fact that there are more review posts out there than discussion posts. I love it when a review sparks a nice discussion, but it seems harder to achieve.