Lola’s Rambings is a feature on Lola’s Review where I talk about me. Usually these posts are everything that doesn’t fall under any standard header, like blog tours, book blitzes, cover reveals or reviews. Lola’s Ramblings posts are are personal discussions of a certain topic. Sometimes about book related topics and sometimes about non-book related topics. This feature was previously known as About Me. The banner for this feature is designed by Michelle from Limabean Design.
Most bloggers spend at least some time on social media and we all know how seemingly hours seem to disapear when we spend soem time on social media. While I might not be the most social person, I still like social media and the different ways of connecting to people. I spend quite soem tiem each day on social. There are a lot of social media and I certainly prefer some over others. So I thought I would write a post about that, which social media sites I use and for what purposes.
Which social media sites do I use and for what?
Facebook. Facebook is one of the first sites I open each morning. I like facebook as a way to follow my favourite authors, bloggers and even other pages like Shaun the Sheep or Bored Panda. A few times each I go back there and scroll through the new posts, check my notifications and send some lives to my mom and other friends who play a lot of those games like Candy cCrush. I also use the chat function to stay on contact with my mom and sister.
I am mostly a lurker, if I comment it’s probably in one of my facebook groups. The facebook groups are the thing I like most about facebook as it feels less public and more like a small group of friends or likeminded people, I find it easier to comment there. Sometimes when I have something to say or someone asks a question that’s easy to answer I comment as well. I don’t think it’s bad social media site, I still like being there. For promotion purposes it isn’t the best unless you pay, but I always figure that it doesn’t take that much time to share my posts there so why not do it. I actually follow quite some bloggers on facebook and quite regulary visit blogs because I’ve seen the blogger post on facebook. If I have new blog post I post about it on my Lola’s Reviews facebook page. If I have a new blog tour open for sign-up or a tour starting I post about it on facebook as well on my Lola’s Blog Tours page. Sometimes I add a picture of one of our rats to my personal facebook account, but recently I hardly ever post anything from my personal page anymore. Facebook was one of the first social media sites I started using and maybe that’s the reason I still use it a lot, it has become a habit.- Twitter. I don’t spend as much time on twitter as one facebook, although I do use twitter a lot more than facebook when it comes to promotions. Again I don’t do a lot of random social stuff, but I do tweet frequently about my blog. On my Lola’s Reviews twitter account I often tweet about my blog posts multiple times a day, I often schedule them in advance each morning for the day ahead or when it comes to my Lola’s Ramblings and Lola’s Kitchen posts I often schedule them ahead on the sunday before. For my Lola’s Blog Tours twitter account I often schedule a week or two in advance and I try to tweet once a day, when I have a tour going on I also tweet about some stops. Twitter is the social media I use most for promotions. I like how fast and short everything is, but then again I hardly take time to sit still and scroll through my twitter feed, like I do with facebook. I do like things like twitter chats, but I find it hard to start a conversation there when it isn’t during a chat. I would like to spend more time on twitter connection with other bloggers or authors.
- Tsu. I use Tsu in mostly the same way as facebook although I don’t have tsu open all the day. I share my blog posts and new tours on Tsu and often use the exact same text as on facebook, I am sure it would be better to think of a new text, but there’s only so many ways you can say check out my review. So I decided to use the same text for tsu, google+ and facebook. I usually scroll through my Tsu feed once or twice a day. I like that Tsu seems more focussed on authors and bloggers and it’s nice to hang out there now and then. I also like it because my mom isn’t on there (yet). Although lately I’ve been using Tsu less and less, I share my posts there, do a quick scrol through my feed and close the tab again.
- Google +. Google plus is one of those social media that I have, but don’t actively use, but still enough to say I have use for it. I sometimes hear google+ can be important as it’s from google, so I always share my posts there too. Just the same text from facebook and Tsu that I copy and paste there and beside that I don’t use my google + account much. Some blogs require a google+ account to comment on their blog, so that’s why it’s handy. I also link it to the commenting system disqus, so I do use it a bit. I once was pretty active in a google+ group for Fate, a roleplaying game, but as I don’t play that anymore nowadays I also lost my interest in the group. I think google+ has a great concept, but it seems no one is there or being actively communicating there. It’s more sharing or +1’ing other people their posts or maybe it depends on the branch or topic you’re interested in?
Pinterest. I love Pinterest, although it’s not as good for promotion purposes, I love finding new recipes and new pictures there. Most recipes I make I found on pinterest and I love that aspect of pinterest, it’s so handy to find countless of recipes. I often pin covers on there as well, I have a board for review, tours and cover reveals. For Lola’s Blog Tours I have a board for each type of tour I offer where I pin the banners or cover for each one. Once or twice ech week I spend some time on Pinterets scrolling through the pins and repinning some, unless it’s content from one of my sites I usually only repin content on pinterest. If I am wondering what to cook or bake I take a look at one of my food boards for inspiration.
- Goodreads. I used to spend hours on goodreads, nowadays I mostly use goodreads to keep track of what I read and to post my reviews. I also use my shelves to keep track of my books and sometimes go there when deciding what to read. I love having this social media site as it’s focussed on books and reading. All the books I want to read, read or have to review are on there and when I am looking up information about a book I always go to goodreads. I also use goodreads when I am deciding whether to add a book to my to-read list and often check out other people their reviews. I am part of a few groups and sometimes comment, but not a lot.
Favourite social media sites and where I spend the most time
My favourite social media site is probably Pinterest, I don’t spend the most time there though. I actually stay away most days from Pinterest because I know when I do get there it can easily suck up a bunch of my time. I’ve had a few of those instances where I am goign to look up a recipe and then half an hour later am still at pinterest, oops. It’s one of the few social media sites where I can spend a long time in a row. Most other social media sites involve scrolling through my feed until I’ve seen the new things. I think I spent the most time on facebook as I keep that tab open most of the day.
And while I use a lot of social media sites, I mostly use them to drive traffic to my blog, to promote other blogger’s their post and only sometimes to share personal news. I am not really social on social media. I share most of my personal news here on my blog weekly during my sunday posts, often I simply don’t think of sharing whatever I am doing. I would like to use social media in a more social manner, but it’s not routine yet.
Oh Pinterest and I are very good frienda whereas Fb and I are merely acquaintances. Pinterest can be a real time sucker if you let it. My fav. Of all would be Pin. But for promotion wise fefinitely Twitter. I don’t understand Fb yet. Haven’t tapped into it. π
Keionda@Keionda Hearts Books recently posted…Waiting On Wednesday
Yeah Pinterest can be a real time sucker, I always lose track of time too easily over there. And idneed promotion wise I like twitter the best. I always feel less annoying and more effective there.
Lola recently posted…Lola’s Ramblings: Which Social Media Sites do you use?
I probably use Twitter and Google Plus the most other than goodreads and librarything. I use facebook a bit but not as much as I do twitter. But I am trying to be better.
Renee (@Addictofromance) recently posted…Throwback Thursday (78) Historical Romance Edition: The Outlaw and the Lady
I am tryign to use google plus more, but I just can’t seem to get into it. I share my posts usually through the social sharing button on my posts and then never actually visit the site. Twitter and goodread sare both two of my more frequent used social media.
Lola recently posted…Lola’s Ramblings: Which Social Media Sites do you use?
I’m on Twitter mostly to talk about books, film, sport and rant about things that bug me. I like being able to connect with book fans and fans of my football team to share our agonies every week. It’s handy for book promotion-I can let an author know that I’ve put a blog post up about their new book etc. I love messing around on Pinterest but I just don’t get enough time to spend there. I get to indulge my interests-beautiful book covers, favourite films and TV, Harry Potter, LOTR, mountains and tons of other fun things! I am on Google+ but I don’t really see much point to it. Nobody ever comments on my posts and it’s just become a habit to post there rather than any fun. Facebook is something I’ve never had any interest in yet every new friend I make feels compelled to try and force me to join.
chucklesthescot recently posted…Book Review: Stray Souls by Kate Griffin
Twitter is so easy and quick to use and indeed it’s nice to let an author know about a review by tagging them and I never feel annoying for tagging them, but more like they appreciate it.
Google+ posting is more of an habbit and I never really take the time to be there. I think facebook is handy because nearly everyone uses it and it’s an easy way to connect with your family and friends. I don’t think it’s the best social media out there, but it has it’s uses and I like it. It also feels calmer than twitter as the posts are longer, or mayeb that’s just me.
Lola recently posted…Lola’s Ramblings: Which Social Media Sites do you use?
Let’s see…
Facebook: I check it almost daily, but I set a time limit so I don’t get caught up and forget to leave. My GoodReads reviews linked to my FB page. I use FB to post Freebies and sales I notice for authors or books I’ve read, reviewed, or just sound interesting. I’ll share events or other interesting stuff I notice from authors or other bloggers. I post a bi-monthly Mailbox Marvels to share all the book-related items I get in the mail for review or gifts to thank those who sent it. I like to check in and see what is going on with friends. I also participate in a handful of groups on FB.
Twitter: I do mostly re-tweets for our blog links, for any blog posts I visit, and when I see things of interest from friends.
Tsu: I still haven’t figured out what I want to use it for. I opened the account thinking to treat it like FB, but it has a slightly different feel so I manage maybe a once a week visit.
Google+: Mostly just re-posts of things from blogs I see or from authors I want to help.
Bloglovin: I have an account, but I don’t use it much other than to repost other blog’s posts.
Tumblr: I have an account, but rarely use it.
Pinterest: I love, love, Pinterest though like Facebook, I have to limit my time or I’ll get lost there for hours. Probably the most personal of all my social media connections if someone wants to get a hint of what makes me tick. I treat it like a recipe/home help book, review organizer, scrapbooks for things of interest.
GoodReads: Daily visits. This is my on-line office for tracking my reading and reviewing and keeping up with book news. I love seeing what everyone is reading and their thoughts on books. I participate in a few reading challenges and reading groups here.
I was part of a few other social media sites, but drop them b/c I didn’t use them and was on a quest to simplify. I keep thinking that its best to have fewer social media memberships and be very present than to have a lot and rarely show up. Still trying to figure out which ones those should be. π
That’s a good idea to set a time limit on facebook! I don’t share my goodreads posts there as my mom is on facebook and afetr the first few comments about books I put on there I decided the didn’t have to know about every book I read.
I also use Tsu as facebook, not sure completely if it works, but at the moment I am thinking it probably won’t hurt either.
It’s so easy to get lost on pinterest. What’s the link to your pinterest account? Would love to check out your account, but couldn’t find the link on your blog. I like how varried pinterest is and indeed mine gives a pretty good image of what I like as well.
I love goodreads for keeping track of what I read and I have a shelf for my review book which is really handy.
I agree that it seems better to have a few social media istes and be very active there, but on the other hand sites like google+ and Tsu I still keep arodun as it doesn’t take much time to share there and it might help, so i don’t want to drop them yet.
Here’s my Pinterest link:
Sophia Rose recently posted…Last Kiss by Jessica Clare and Jen Frederick #Review
Thanks, will check it out now π
I don’t use social medias much – for lack of time, which I use browsing other blogs and commenting and, also, I work ! I have Facebook, Tsu and Pinterest accounts, but I don’t go on Twitter. The one media I open absolutely everyday is Goodreads, but I don’t participate on groups as much as I once did, sadly.
Red Iza recently posted…Cat thursday #41 / Cats and dogs : when dogs hold the upper hand !
I don’t participate much in goodreads groups either, but I still visit almost every day to update my reading progress. I partly use social media to find blogs to visit and comment on. When I don’t have enough time to do a full bloglovin feed check, I often just scroll throguh facebook and comment on posts that catch my interest. There are a few blogs which I don’t follow through bloglovin as I always see them on facebook.
I spend the most time on Facebook interacting with people and updating my Page. Twitter populates automatically and sometimes I’ll drop some status updates there, but I don’t look at my stream all that often. G+ and Tsu I don’t use at all but have accounts there. Tumblr is good for me. I re-blog a lot of photos there and have a large queue so it’s updated everyday with new stuff. I don’t use Goodreads anymore. Once I became an author it became a toxic place for me to hang out, and Pinterest is someplace I only go every once in a while. I mainly use it for book inspiration and recipes π I did unveil my Pinterest board for RECLAIMED today. It was a fun one to put together.
S. J. Pajonas recently posted…RECLAIMED Inspiration on Pinterest
I don’t think I even follow your blog through bloglovin as I always click on the links on facebook to your posts (which is probably why I always see them as well). I think you really do well with how you handle your faceboook and I always like seeing your status updates.
I don’t use G+ or Tsu much beside for sharing my posts and I always wonder how effective that is. I never have tried tumblr.
I like it when authors use pinterest to create boards for their books, I always like seeing those and getting an image and feel for the book that way.
I try to promote them as much as possible, and probably since you’ve clicked on my links before, you get them regularly now in your news feed. Which is great for me! I’m pretty happy with FB. I feel like I reach my core crowd there. I don’t reach everyone but I don’t think you’re really supposed to. So I just try and keep it real and easy, and try not to stress π
S. J. Pajonas recently posted…RECLAIMED Inspiration on Pinterest
Yes I often click on your links, which is probably why they keep showing up, which is good as I want to see your posts. And I agree I don’t think you’re supposed to reach everyone on facebook and I like your attitude of keeping it real and easy. I should do better with facebook, but I find it hard to come up with things to share beside my blog posts.
I link up all my blog updates through all my social media. I mainly use Facebook, but no one seems to really want to interact with me there even if I make the effort. Like you, Pinterest can be super time consuming, so I try not to get distracted there too much.
Grace MyBookSnack recently posted…All of Me by Jennifer Bernard Guest Post + ARC Review
I don’t get a lot of interaction or views on facebook either, but I figure if only one or two more people see my posts, at least that’s one or two more. It’s best to stay away from pinterest smetiems as it is really time consuming indeed.
I use all the ones that you use but I hardly use Pinterest at all. I mostly use Pinterest for the survey places that send me freebies. Sometimes we have to post a picture on social media in order to keep getting free products to review and I use all my social media for those purposes.
I use Twitter and FB to keep in touch with blogging and rat friends. I promote my blog on all social media sites.
Mary Kirkland recently posted…Recipe: Stir Fry Vegetables and Fried Rice
I love Pinterest as it can be a great inspiration for recipes. And I have an animal and nature board I am quite fond of. I did find it hard to get the hang of pinterest at first, but once I did I liekd it. I don’t spend a lot of time over there though.
Twitter and fb are great for staying in touch with friends and other bloggers indeed!
Oooooh Pinterest is my addiction. I spend WAY too much time on there EVERY day pinning ALL THE THINGS XD I do check my FB daily but I’ve gotten quite sick of it lately and I don’t spend as much time there as I used to. I also check Twitter and tumblr regularly but not always daily. And yeah, I could waste hours away on Goodreads too. It’s in our nature π Great post^^ xx
Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows Reviews recently posted…Fandom Mashups #2
Pinterest is my addiction as well, which is why I try to stay away as I always lose a lot of time over there. I am not as active in goodreads groups as I used to as I prefer to spend my time visiting other bloggers, I wish I could spend more time on goodreads though as it can be a fun place to interact with other readers.
Lola recently posted…Lola’s Ramblings: Which Social Media Sites do you use?
Whoa, you use quite a lot of them. I only use Twitter, and have Facebook open for the messenger to talk to my boyfriend on. Other than that, it’s just Goodreads for me. I’m not all that active on social media except for Twitter because it tends to distract me. I never really got into Pinterest
Celine recently posted…Review: Made You Up by Francesca Zappia
Yeah I use quite a big variety of social media sites although most of them I don’t use a lot. Facebook is really handy for chatting, I often talk with my mom and sister that way, it’s easier and faster than e-mailing. And social media can be really distracting, sometimes I think it’s better to only focus on a few of them.
Twitter and facebook are definitely my maim habits lol. I have TSU,pinterest and the others but they just dont catch my attention like FB. I’m always logged on even if I’m not doing anything. I also love GR, I waste tons of time over there,lol. Too many other crazy book ladies like me to not visit that site.
Lanie recently posted…Spotlight: Spelled By Betsy Schow
Yeah same here facebook and twitter are my main habbits. I do love Pinterest, although it took me a while to get into it. I usually update my currently reading list and write reviews and then go away from goodreads again, it’s a great place to spend time though.
Lola recently posted…Lola’s Ramblings: Which Social Media Sites do you use?
i have accounts to these except pinterest. i just share posts and seldom chat. i dont use mine enough though. im just not that social.
On a personal level i use instagram a lot. its my first and last everyday lol
I am the same, I share posts, but rarely chat. I really have to make time for it, like with a twitter chat, else it doesn’t come natural to be social. Or when someone posts about a topic or book I know I might respond.
Lola recently posted…Lola’s Kitchen: Sajoer Beans Recipe
I use Facebook, but not for my blog. I mostly use it to keep in touch with friends in other states, and to see pictures of my niece and nephew. I’ll also get on from my phone when I’m bored, and scroll through to see if anything interesting is being posted about.
I’m also a Pinterest addict, but don’t use it for my blog.
I’m on Twitter, and mostly use that to advertise my posts, and friends posts. But I also post random comments about things that are going on, or join discussions etc.
I have a Google+ account, but I don’t really use it. Not for my blog, or anything else.
I do spend lots of time on InstaGram. Posting my crafty stuff, and browsing through what all my friends have been posting.
I only use GoodReads to keep track of what books I’ve read, and what I rated them. And lately I’ve been using to help me pick my next read.
Silvara recently posted…The Shadow Revolution (Crown & Key #1) by Clay Griffith (review)
My mother lives on the other side of the country, so facebook is handy for staying in touch. I have a few boards dedicated to my blog, but I use it more for other topics. I am trying to share other people their posts mroe on twitter, but it hasn’t become a habbit yet.
I have never heard of Literally before, might have to check it out.
Anya at On Starships and Dragonwings introduced me to The site is still in beta, but they’re getting a phone app out next week which will make things a LOT easier. And my favorite part is how it helps me pick my next book to read. Did a write-up on them a few saturdays ago. If you decide you want to check them out and need an invite code, poke me. I have 3 left.
Silvara recently posted…Have You Heard Of
I usually visit sites on my computer, so that isn’t an issue. I’ll check out your post about it to see if it would be something for me. I am intrigued at how it helps you pick your next book to read.
Hallo, Hallo Lola!
π I personally found my niche on Twitter — I use only three social media outlets exclusively: my book blog, the twitterverse, and Riffle. I love Riffle (in lieu of GoodReads!) because I can create Lists which I can then embed on my blog. I love how easily you can interface with it and over the Summer I want to dig back into the Discussions side of it, as I helped beta test it.
For me, the greatest blessing on Twitter is regularly chatting with authors, book bloggers, readers, and the bookish community. I *love!* the weekly chats (such as #LitChat or #CreatureChat, #HistoricalFix etc) however, I’ve taken a hiatus from them (except for the one I host myself) for a short spell. Mostly though, I follow authors I love to read, authors who have found me on Twitter, authors I discovered myself of whom I consider my next reads and from there I jump dive into the Entertainment Industry! I tweet actors and musicians and a few networks.
If your a chatterbox, Twitter is aces! π
I like to keep it light and simple: I love convos, I love blogging, and Twitter + Riffle is a combination of what I love about my blog.
Jorie recently posted…Book Blitz | βLove Overcomesβ by Angela Schroeder A new #INSPY #Romance by an #IndiePub who seeks out a sweeter side to the genre I personally love to read!
I have heard of Riffle, but never checked it out as I already use goodreads. I really like twitter, but don’t join a lot of chats, usualy because I don’t hear about them or else because they are late in US time which is the middle fo the night here. I do follow a lot of authors and bloggers on twitter and I like how easy it is to connect with them there. I am not really a chatterbox, although I would like to try and be a bit more social and active on twitter.
I don’t have a Facebook page for my blog, but I add close bloggers on my personal account. π I’m also a lurker but am active when I’m part of some Facebook groups. π
Personally, I use Twitter a lot more than Facebook. Sure, it’s great for promoting, but I love that I can chat with all the bloggers and authors I follow on there. Hashtags are also easier to follow here than on Facebook since they have more filters and make it more user-friendly.
I have a Pinterest account, but I mostly use it to stalk favorite authors on their book-related pins rather than pinning and repinning myself.
I LOVE Goodreads! Of course the shelving feature is amazing, and I always cross-post my reviews there. π
Aimee @ Deadly Darlings recently posted…Blogging Tips: On Good Content and Active Readerships
I have a facebook page, but I also add close bloggers to my personal account, it’s ncie to be able to connect with bloggers that way. I alays fidn it easier to be active in facebook groups, maybe because I know there are less people who see it then?
The hashtags certainly work better on twitter, I never use them on facebook, but I do use them on twitter. And I agree it’s easy to connect and chat with bloggers there, I guess I am just not on twitter enough to really do anything with it. I have participated in a few twitter chats, which were fun. I always feel like I am not really being social there or I don’t know what to say.
And I love it when authors use pinterest for their books, it’s so fun to see their ideas and images for the book. And indeed goodread shtier shelving feature is amazing and what I use most.
Lola recently posted…Lola’s Kitchen: Sajoer Beans Recipe
I use facebook as well, I mainly use that to keep in touch with relatives and close friends. I like instagram and I’m addicted to Goodreads! I think I use Goodreads more than any other social media, I’m always on it. I don’t use Google+ though, the layout of it just confuses me so much π Awesome post this week Lola <3 Thank you for sharing.
benish recently posted…Mixed feelings.. A Court of Thorns and Roses Reviewβ₯
Google+ confuses me as well, I share my posts there, but that’s it. The group function does work, but I am part of almost no groups as the groups I want to be part of are in facebook anyway. I used to spend a lot of time on goodreads, but now I am there only for my shelves and to write my reviews or update my reading progress. I wish I had mroe time to spent there.
I’ve only really ventured into pinterest and instagram. I’m GOOD at pinterest and instagram. Twitter and facebook terrify me… there’s too much misunderstanding and judging going on!
Beth x
Beth recently posted…The Best of Bookstagram #1
I think with facebook and twitter the way to avoid the misunderstand and judgign is by following peopel who don’t do that. Or unfollow peopel if you don’t like what they post. Facebook has a way to mark posts you want to see less of and if you interact with peopel or pages you see more of them, so that way you can make sure to see more of what you like and less of what you don’t like.
I love pinterest as well, although I don’t really feel like it’s social, people don’t really interact there, which might also be the reason why I like it and how different it is form other social media.
Following you on Facebook now! I’m trying to find more bloggers on Facebook but having trouble. Other than that, I use Twitter and Feedly to follow. A lot of giveaways require following via bloglovin but I’ve never gotten one nor do I see a need to. Wonder what all the hype’s about. Maybe because no one’s going to know if you follow them via feedly unless you tell them. (I follow you via feedly.)
Danni Mae recently posted…Thursday Quotables β The Raven Boys
Thanks for followign me on facebook. It might help to check the social media sites when you’re on a blog, lots of peoepl include links to their social media profiles. I follow quite some bloggers on facebook, but it takes time to build your following. Most authors are on facebook as well.
I mostly use bloglovin for followign blgos, but thre are also other ways to follow, it’s just personal preference I think. I like how bloglovin works and find it eays to use. I tried feedly and foudn it confusing. I also think the way you follow a blog is more personal preference of the follower. There are some blogs I only follow via facebook for example. Thanks for the follow π
Lola recently posted…Lola’s Kitchen: Sajoer Beans Recipe
I suppose that’s true- dependent on the blog. I have a few bloggers that I follow through email, so everytime they post something I’ll see it immediately and others in different categories on Feedly. I really should keep in mind to check for Facebook when I’m there, and Twitter, too! Twitter I use mostly for sharing reviews I liked.
Danni Mae recently posted…Review: The Divorce Papers by Susan Rieger
I have only a few blogs I follow through e-mail, as I don’t want to receive too many e-mails about new blogs posts. I follow most through bloglovin and some through facebook or twitter.
I don’t really use FB much for my blog, it’s really just for keeping in touch with my IRL people. I just started using Pinterest a little, and like you Twitter is great for promotions and Goodreads for keeping track of my reads, not really social. I don’t “get” Google+, but I post there once in a while, again because it’s from google so it may be important someday. But I hear they are actually dismantling it into different aspects.
Elizabeth recently posted…Weekly Wrap Up 5/23
I don’t get much interaction on my facebook pages, but just share my posts there for those who like to follow me there. I definitely use FB more for keeping in touch with people I know in real lfie and some blogger friends. I never really got Google+, it’s a bit like facebook, but different and not sure if what I am doing there is effective or not. Oh I hadn’t heard of that they would be dismantling google+ into different aspects, I wonder how they are going to do that.
Lola recently posted…Blog Tour: Regina Shen by Lance Erlick
I used to be on Facebook a lot, because most of my friends were, and also some mom groups that I met. I actually deactivated my main FB page because everyone was so annoying, and I have a secret one just so I can talk to my mom group that I love. Now, I am addicted to Twitter, because that’s where all the bloggers seem to spend their time. And Instagram, I love Instagram. I used to love Pinterest, but then I realized that I don’t like cooking nor am I crafty π I still haven’t figured out what Tsu is! I rarely use Google+, but I DO check Goodreads a lot, mostly for info though. Very fun post!
Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight recently posted…Bite Sized Reviews: Sweet, Devoted, & Delicate Monsters
I mostly use facebook to keep in touch with people I know and if I see thigns I don’t like in my feed I defollow them or click to make sure I see less of them. I love twitter, but I have a hard time interacting with anyone, I think I am doing something wrong. I love cooking, so that’s why I love Pinterest. But beside cooking I also have a nature board and a few animal boards, one general animals one, one specifically for rats and one focussed on penguins. And soem other random boards. Tsu is weird and I think it’s going to fizzle down soon, but who knows. I check goodreads for info a lot as well, especially when I am writigng blog posts or reviews.