Lola’s Ramblings is a feature on my blog Lola’s Reviews where I ramble on about a book related or a non-book related topic. These are discussion type of posts where I talk about a topic and readers can weigh in on the topic in the comments. Usually these posts are everything that doesn’t fall under any standard header, like tours, cover reveals, memes, challenges, recaps or reviews. Lola’s Ramblings posts are discussions of a certain topic and my point of view on them. The banner for this feature is designed by Michelle from Limabean Designs.
Today I want to about where I read. I think that most booklovers read on lots of different places, but we probably all still have our favourite places to read. I don’t go out a lot, but usually when I go somehwere I do take my books with me. I want to tell you about the different places I usually read and what my favourite place to read is.
Where do I read?
In Bed. My bed is my favourite place to read. I usually read about half an hour till an hour before sleeping. I usually go sit in my bed during that time. I can focus solely on reading, it’s comfy and it calms me down before going to sleep. And there’s enough space to sit in different weird positions while reading.
- In the living room at the table. My ipad book I always read during my breakfast and sometimes during dinner or lunch. I always have my ipad lying on our dinner table (even though we never sit there anymore for dinner). I have a cushion lying on my chair and I find reading while sitting pretty comfortable.
- On the Couch. Sometimes I read while sitting on the couch instead of my bed. Or sometimes when I am reading earlier on the evening or during the day I go sit there. I even sit on the couch in some rare cases during lucnh and read there. I have a standard spot on the couch where I always sit while reading and it has that blue pillow you seeint he picture, that’s my spot.
- Behind my computer. To be honest this doesn’t happen often, if I am sitting behind my computer I am usually working, blogging or surfing the web, but I am not reading. The only time when I am reading behind my computer is if either internet has issues or my computer wants to restart or my computer is working on something intensly and I can’t do anything else.
While Traveling. I love to read while traveling. When I went to univ I quickly picked up the habbit of reading while in the train there and while nowadays I travel less I still often read when I am traveling, especially when I am traveling far away. It’s just so nice to sit back with a good while in the train. The only thign I dislike about reading while traveling is that I can’t switch positions as well as there’s limited space or leg room in trains and buses. Oh and I can’t read in cars, then I get nauseous.
- When Waiting at the doctor/ dentist etc. If I have to do to the doctor or the dentist or anything similiar I take my book with me, so I can read while I wait. It helps make me feel less nervous and the time spend waiting goes by faster. I hate waiting, so having a book with me to make the time spend waiting more enjoyable is a good thing.
I have a glider rocking chair in my library/craft room where my computer also is. It’s just a few feet away from my computer, so if I’m reading and want to make a note I can jump up and type it then curl up in the glider again.
I also read a lot at work. Now that it’s the off season at my job, I spend around 60-80% of my working hours reading a book. Have to be there to answer the phone if it rings, but it hasn’t been ringing much lately.
I read in the car if the ride is 30minutes or more. I don’t drive, so I get to be totally immersed in the book while Dad drives instead!
I used to read in bed when I was a kid and young adult. But Miles (my cat) is such a pest I can’t do it anymore. She believes that if I’m in or on the bed, it’s pay attention to the cat time only. She’ll knock the book out of my hands even if I’m petting and reading at the same time. She also likes to lay on top of the book, and rub her face all over it.
Silvara recently posted…The Taken (Foxcraft #1) by Inbali Iserles (review)
That glider sounds like a great place to sit down with a book and that’s handy to have the computer close by as well.
That’s pretty neat you can read so much at work. If I had a normal job I probably would take a book with me for small breaks.
I can’t stand reading in a car for some reason, I always get nauseous. Your cat sounds adorable, although I can imagine it also can be very annoying when you want to read and can’t.
I tend to read wherever I can to be honest. I do like to read before I go to bed, but I pretty much only use my kindle then. If it’s not too hot or cold out, I love reading on my front porch. And in the summer, I read in the pool!
Let’s Get Beyond Tolerance recently posted…Waiting on Wednesday: My Year Zero by Rachel Gold
I also read where I can, but these are the most common places. When you read in the pool do you use an e-reader or real book? Aren’t you afraid it falls in the pool? We have a small balcony, but I don’t read outside a lot as we don’t have great light and the insects bother me in the summer.
Lola recently posted…Lola’s Ramblings: Where do you Read?
My favorite places are the couch in the family room and the cozy chair on the screened-in porch. I will read in the car on long trips, the dentist’s or doctor’s, in bed.
Sophia Rose recently posted…Happy Thanksgiving!
Coushes make for a great palce to read. We don’t have a cozy chair here, only my desk chair and that isn’t the best place to read. I unfortunately can’t read during car trips, but I love to read during long train travels.
Lola recently posted…Review: Becoming Rain by K.A. Tucker
Most of the times I read on the couch. I love sitting there and I always make it cozy with a blanket and some pillows (I’m always cold!!). And I definitely read in bed before I go to sleep. I have these reading gloves from wool, so I don’t get cold arms while reading! LOL.
Someday I would love to have a big cozy chair to read in!! Love that idea.. Sigh.. π
Maureen Hinten recently posted…Discussion Post: Rating or not?
Same here, I am always cold which I why I put on pyjamas and pull the blanket up around me when I read in bed. Oh those reading gloves sound awesome! I heard a few other people mention a cozy chair and realized I don’t have a cozy reading chair, maybe one day.
Lola recently posted…Review: Becoming Rain by K.A. Tucker
Great post, you have so many great places to choose from!
Generally I do most of my reading late at night curled up in bed, this is mostly because I can’t get peace during the day.
If I do get peace then it is my comfy spot at the end of the sofa with the dog snuggled up beside me or if the world has gone crazy and the sun is shining outside, I’ll sit on the patio.
Heather @ Random Redheaded Ramblings recently posted…SCI-FI MONTH – Top Ten – My Favourite Doctor Who Episodes
I very rarely make time to read during the day. I start my day with a book and end my days with a book. I love reading late at night in bed, it’s the best way to end a day. I very rarely sit outside to read, but I usually don’t make time during the day and in the evenigns it’s often too cold. We do have two chairs on our balcony, so there is space to sit outside.
Lola recently posted…Review: Becoming Rain by K.A. Tucker
I have a particular couch that I do most of my reading on at weekends, though I also read in waiting rooms (it makes the time go faster!) and I listen to audiobooks in my car. I don’t travel much when I’m not driving these days, but if I’m on a plane or train I try to read then too π
Oddly, I don’t read in bed very often. I think it might be because, once I’m in bed reading, I tend not to stop for hours!
Wattle recently posted…Book Review: Sinful by Jennifer Dawson
Reading while in a waiting room definitely makes the time go faster and it often helps calm down my nerves a bit. I don’t travel often either, but I love reading on public transport, although I can’t read in cars as that makes me nauseous. I get nauseous in cars even when I am not reading though.
I definitely have the tendency to read longer than planned while reaidng in bed.
I really wish I could read while in bed because most of the time I need a moment to unwind before I can fall asleep. But, I think reading makes me unwind too quickly because I can barely make it through a full chapter before falling asleep. So, I do most of my reading in my recliner in the living room. Sometimes I’ll read at the dining room table if I’m eating breakfast or lunch or something. I also try to read while traveling, but I find myself easily distracted by the landscape.
Jackie recently posted…A Work in Progress
I never have had that issue, reading before bed unwinds me and makes me calm enough to fall asleep, but I also can read there for hours if I have a good book. Your recliner reading spot sounds like a great place to read too. And indeed when traveling to a different country I also like to watch outside, but when I travel a route I already know I often pick up my book.
I read everywhere, Lola! My kindle is never far away, so it’s very easy to pick it up.
I prefer reading either on the couch in the living room or in the bath. I love taking a bath before I go to bed, and having my kindle with me makes it a real treat π
Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews recently posted…Stacking the Shelves #111 BB&B #61
My Kobo always lies in the bedroom, unless I am putting new books on it, then it’s next to my computer. And my ipad always lies I the living room on the dinner table. I’ve never read in bath before, I would be terrified of making my e-reader wet or letting it fall.
Lola recently posted…Review: Becoming Rain by K.A. Tucker
On the couch or in bed! But if it’s the summer, outside as long as the sun is shining, especially by the pool. π
S. J. Pajonas recently posted…Finished Writing My First Cozy Mystery!
Even in summer I rarely read outside, although we do have a balcony where I read sometimes.
What a great post, Lola. We readers have our favorite spots to read, for sure. I enjoy reading outside when it’s warm. But when the temps fall, I enjoy reading in my library in my comfy chair there, or in front of a fire. π I also read in bed, of course, And at appts. And when I travel! π
Bookworm Brandee recently posted…My TBR List Review ~ Ignite Me ~ Tahereh Mafi
Thanks Brandee! I hardly read outside, although we do have a small balcony where I read sometimes in the summer. I have a room with all my books, but I don’t have a good chair there and it’s always the coldest room in the house, so I don’t read there often.
I read a lot on my computer, but my favorite place is at night in my bed with my kindle. It’s the best because, during the day, I get so easily distracted by everything—sights, sounds, notifications on my phone, etc. And it doesn’t even matter if I’m reading a paperback, I’ll manage to get distracted just looking around the room lol. But at night it’s just me and my kindle in the darkness, no lights, no sounds, and I’m able to get completely lost in the story like nothing else exists. Definitely great to have a book in waiting rooms and places where you have nothing else to do though π
Kristen Burns recently posted…Updates & Info: The Weekly Update (11)
For some reason I really dislike reading books on my computer, although I don’t mind reading blog posts on my computer. I agree when reading in bed I get less easily distracted and can focus completely on the story. In bed is my favourite place to read too π
Lola recently posted…Sunday Post #154
I read in my bed or on the couch, both with a puppy nearby. I also like to read on long trips either by plane or car, doesn’t matter.
Melanie Simmons @mlsimmons recently posted…Nice Dragons Finish Last Audiobook by Rachel Aaron (REVIEW)
I mis reading with my pet rats, they were great companions during my reading time. It just isn’t the same reading without them.
Lola recently posted…Sunday Post #154
I can imagine. Are you planning on ever getting another pet rat(s)?
Melanie Simmons @mlsimmons recently posted…Nice Dragons Finish Last Audiobook by Rachel Aaron (REVIEW)
Maybe in the future, but at this point we’re not sure yet.