Lola’s Ramblings: Top 5 Books I Re-Read in 2024

Posted December 26, 2024 by Lola in Lola's Ramblings / 10 Comments

One of my goals in 2024 was to re-read more books. In this post I want to share my thoughts of my favorite re-reads of this year with my short re-read reviews for each of them. As well as links to my original review for each of these.

Top 5 Books I Re-Read in 2024

Doll Girl Meets Dead Guy by Lidiya Foxglove

Doll Girl Meets Dead Guy by Lidiya Foxglove

I re-read Doll Girl Meets Dead Guy by Lidiya Foxglove twice this year and just started my third re-read. I just love this story. I decided to re-read this book early this year and I think I loved it even more this time around. This is such a wonderful story. It’s very cozy and has a lovely slow burn romance, but also touches upon multiple difficult topics. There’s just something about this book that really works for me and I loved re-reading it. This is probably my favorite book by this author so far and I can’t wait for more books set in this world.

Then later this year I re-read this another time as the author read it aloud on her Youtube channel, this was such a wonderful way to experience the story again. I just love this story so much. And that ending fills me with warm happy feelings every time.

You can read my original review for this book here.

The Gathering by Kelley Armstrong

The Gathering by Kelley Armstrong

When I was in the mood to do a re-read I knew this was a series I wanted to re-read. I loved it just as much as the first two times I read it. There’s just something so fun about following Maya who lives in this gorgeous place surrounded by forests and slowly finding out she’s a skinwalker. Book 1 is a lot of setting the stage for the series, but I still think it’s a very enjoyable book and I look forward to the next books when things unfold more. I also was surprised with how much I had forgotten over the years, but then it has been almost 8 years since I last read it. It did feel nostalgic and a bit fresh too at the same time, with that knowledge I knew I would enjoy this book, it was nice. All in all I just really loved re-reading the book and hope to re-read the rest of the series as well.

You can read my original review for this book here.

A Wreck of Witches by Nia Quinn

A Wreck of Witches by Nia Quinn

I loved this one just as much the second time I listened to it. I was wondering if knowing some of the reveals would make it less fun, but that wasn’t the case. I liked how the characters actions still made sense even knowing what was behind it all and there wasn’t anything they overlooked. Either way this is an awesome read and I can’t recommend it enough to those who love found family fantasy books.

You can read my original review for this book here.

The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches by Sangu Mandana

The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches by Sangu Mandana

I read this one for the first time this year and then re-read or rather re-listened it later this year. It was just as awesome the second time around. I enjoyed listening to this again and enjoying this heartwarming story.

You can read my original review for this book here.

To See the Sun by Kelly Jensen

To See the Sun by Kelly Jensen

I loved it even more the second time around and upped the rating to a 5 star. When I made it a goal to re-read more books this year this was one of the first books that crossed my mind. When I was going through a stressful period I knew this was the time to re-read it. I loved every second of re-reading this book and thought the story was even more wonderful this time around. And the author is writing another story in this universe, I can’t wait for that one!

You can read my original review for this book here.

Did you re-read any books in 2024? Which ones were your favorites?


10 responses to “Lola’s Ramblings: Top 5 Books I Re-Read in 2024

  1. Always fun to see what tugs you into a re-read. I still need to read all these for the first time. 🙂 My re-reads this year were lots of books I tried in audio format for first time after only print- Agatha Christie, Ilona Andrews, Patricia Briggs, but true re-reads were Murderbot Diaries and The Others series.

    • I hope you get around to check some of these out. It was nice to get some more re-reading done this year. I like doing re-reads in different formats too to get them in audio after reading them first, although besides Doll Girl Meets Dead Guy I didn’t do any of those this year and only did re-reads in the same formats as my first read.

  2. Doll Girl Meets Dead Guy is a very intriguing title. And you must really love it to have read/listened to it so many times! Also, you know you love a book when you end up reading it multiple times in one year, which I see you did with multiple books here. I ended up doing more rereads than I thought in 2024, but I just put my faves with my new faves 😁

    • I am re-reading Doll Girl Meets Dead Guy again currently as I just love that book so much. It was great to get so many re-reads done this year. I thought my faves post would get too long if I added all of these to that, so I figured I would do a separate post for them.

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