Lola’s Ramblings is a feature on my blog Lola’s Reviews where I ramble on about a book related or a non-book related topic. These are discussion type of posts where I talk about a topic and readers can weigh in on the topic in the comments. Usually these posts are everything that doesn’t fall under any standard header, like tours, cover reveals, memes, challenges, recaps or reviews. Lola’s Ramblings posts are discussions of a certain topic and my point of view on them. The banner for this feature is designed by Michelle from Limabean Designs.
Earlier this year I saw this birthday tag on Kristen’s blog and it sounded so much fun I just had to do it for my birthday. And as it’s my birthday this week I am now finally sharing this post with you. I made this posts months ago already. This tag is started by Kristen from Metaphors and Moonlight. You can see her post here.
Here’s how the tag works:
For this tag, you just need to choose five different books. Then, for each question, you open the corresponding book to a random page and follow the instructions for the answer. At the end, tell us how well you think your party turned out!
My Books
- Summer Haikus by SJ Pajonas
- Locked Tight by Susan Kaye Quinn
- Love, Lies and Hocus Pocus: Revelations by Lydia Sherrer
- Dark, Witch and Creamy by HY Hanna
- Scandal by Athena Grayson
I went with 5 books I read this year and were some of the best books I read so far. Except for Summer Haikus, but I am hoping that will serve as a self fulfilling prophecy and by listing it here I’ll end up re-reading it this year. I actually haven’t re-read Summer Haikus yet, but I am still hoping I can fit it in somewhere this year.
My Answers:
1. Open Book 1 – The first character name on the page is the one who plans the surprise party.
Reiko. I actually didn’t remember this side character, so I had to look her up. She’s the receptionist of the ryokan in this book. I figure she would do well planning the surprise party. She seems pretty organized.
2. Open Book 2 – The first character name on the page is the one who ruins the surprise early (either by accidentally mentioning it or by telling you on purpose because they can’t keep a secret).
Aaliyah. It’s a character who runs a safe house in the book. I figure she might have pity on me and tell me because I am usually don’t really appreciate surprises.
3. Open Book 3 – Wherever the current scene takes place will be the location of the party (as specific as possible, e.g. a person’s house, a grocery store, the middle of a forest, etc.).
Madam Barington’s kitchen. Sure that would be a good location for a party. I am surprised I actually got a house out of this. And I like kitchens so that seems like a good place for a party.
4. Open Book 4 – The first character name on the page is the one who bakes the cake.
Widow Mags. That’s the best possible option I could get from this book. I am so happy! I imagine I will get a rich chocolate cake with a bit of magic in it. Yum! The chocolates in this series always sound delicious.
5. Open Book 5 – The first character name on the page is the one who sticks their finger in the icing when no one is looking.
Teshi. Hmm I can’t imagine her doing this, but maybe in the right situation. This whole book is about scandal and the right societal norms and I figured putting your finger in the icing wouldn’t be approved. But who knows, maybe if she can get away with it.
6. Open Book 1 – The first character name on the page is the one who buys trick candles (those kinds that never go out).
Isa. The main character of this book, it’s a wonder I actually got her name in a first person perspective book! She’s awesome, so I am glad she’ll be attending my party. Not sure if I would see her buying the trick candles, but who knows.
7. Open Book 2 – The first noun on the page that is a tangible object is the first gift you open.
Helmet. Uhm okay. In this book it’s actually an anti-jacking helmet. Hey if jacking becomes real at least I am protected.
8. Open Book 3 – The first character name on the page is the one who puts on the dorky party hat.
Lily. Hmm maybe if Sebastian convinces her to do that. Lily and I seem pretty similar in certain personality aspects, so it would be fun to meet her.
9. Open Book 4 – The first noun or adjective (whatever works) on the page is what the party theme will be.
Coy. The next word would be romantic. Not sure what kind of theme that would be for a party. I really picked the wrong scene for this, lol. This book only has a small romance side plot, but ofcourse I seem to land on the only romance scene in the book, oops.
10. Open Book 5 – The first noun on the page that is a tangible object is what the pinata will be filled with.
Drone. So I get a pinata filled with drones? That would be kinda cool!
How Did the Party Turn Out?
Overall I am pretty happy with how my party turned out. A receptionist plans my party. The party takes place in a kitchen from a nice character. I get to meet Lily and Isa, who are two of my favorite characters. I have someone who spoils the secret so that I am not surprised and I get drones from the pinata and an helmet as present. That doesn’t sound too bad. Bets part of all? Widow Mag is making my cake! Yum that will be a delicious magical chocolate cake. I am just not sure about the party theme of coy or romantic, but hey I am sure it works.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! And yay, I finally get to see how your tag turned out!
I think a receptionist would totally be good at planning a party. And someone’s house is always a great place for a party 🙂 And it does sound like you got the perfect answer for cake baking! Chocolate cake is delicious, and one with magic in it sounds amazing. But no, putting your finger in icing would probably not be an approved behavior, haha. Sorry you got kind of a weird gift though. But I guess it’s a useful thing if you live in that world? It’s the thought that counts 😛 And haha, oh no, I don’t think ‘coy’ would work as a party theme. Maybe romantic could have heart decorations and such? I haven’t read these books, what’s a drone in that world? Sounds like an interesting thing to have in a pinata lol.
Have a great day, whatever you plan on doing 🙂
It was a fun tag to do. It’s nice be be finally able to post this, lol, as I wrote it months ago.
Yes I definitely got the perfect answer for cake baking and the house sounds like a good party location.
The drones in the book (or at least that scene) was a flying machine that can be programmed and make pictures and such.
What a great tag! I can see why you had a good time doing it. And have a great birthday especially with such a party and a magical chocolate cake. 🙂
Some of the questions and answers really worked out for a good match.
Sophia Rose recently posted…Top Five Favorite Things About Writing Texas Frontier History #Giveaway
It was a fun tag to do :). And I can imagine a magical chocolate cake would taste great.
I think Widow Mag sounds like she’d bake a fab cake! What a fun meme, and pity that it’s not a really a party as it sounds like it would be fantastic! Marking these meme as one to remember for my birthday next year.
Hope you have a lovely day Lola.
Trish @ Between My Lines recently posted…5 reasons to read Keep You Safe by Melissa Hill
The chocolate descriptions in the books always make me hungry, they sound delicious. And it definitely sounds like a fun party, too bad it isn’t real. I hope you give it a try for your birthday next year :). I would like to see what kind of party you would end up with.
Happy Birthday and what a fun tag. Thank’s for sharing.
Angela @ Angel’s Guilty Pleasures recently posted…Book Tag ~ The Secret Life of a Book Blogger
Thanks 🙂
Oh, Happy Birthday! And this one’s a really good birthday tag Lola 🙂
Vanessa @ Blushing Geek recently posted…Friday Favorites #3: Favorite Book Covers Part 1 (English Books Edition)
Thanks! It was a fun tag to do 🙂
Oh, this is such a cool thing to do, I hope I remember to do it for my birthday in October as it looks like fun!
Hope you have a wonderful day, Lola!
Fran @ Mind Reader 2.0 recently posted…Why going on a hiatus was the best decision I’ve made for myself
I hope you decide to do this tag for your birthday! It really was a lot of fun to do :).
Happy belated birthday! I’m so pleased that SUMMER HAIKUS made it into your birthday bash. 🙂 Reiko and Isa are good ones to have around. <3
S. J. Pajonas recently posted…Sunday Update – August 20, 2017
Thanks! I was glad I got Isa and Reiko with this tag :).
Oh what fun! I hope your birthday is every bit as good as your bookish party – I agree that a receptionist would probably be very good at arranging an awesome party. Failing that, my mother throws an amazing party:))
sjhigbee recently posted…While the Morning Stars Sing
Thanks! I did have a fun birthday, with visits and gifts spread out throughout the book :). Having a receptionist organize the party does seem like it would out well indeed.
I hope you had a fun birthday. What a fun tag to read.
Mary Kirkland recently posted…Favorite Video of the Week
I did thanks! And it was a fun tag to do for the occasion 🙂
Happy Birthday! And this is a fun tag – I think a pinata of drones could be fun, and I’m pretty sure a receptionist would plan a GREAT party.
Let’s Get Beyond Tolerance recently posted…Etsy Pride: One Benefits a Good Cause
It really was a fun tag to do and it was fun to see which answers I got. I think I got lucky with the pinata and the receptionist organizing the party.
Happy Birthday and this is such a fun book tag you have here!!
Thanks! It was a fun tag to do 🙂