Lola’s Ramblings: 10 Opening Lines From Books I Read

Posted February 1, 2025 by Lola in Lola's Ramblings / 5 Comments

For today’s post I want to share some opening lines I liked from books that I read. Thanks to Kit from Metaphors and Moonlight for giving me the idea for this post.

I looked at some of the first lines of books I read in the past year or two and compiled them in this post. For this post I always looked at the opening line of the first chapter and ignored prefaces or prologues if the book had them. It was fun looking at opening lines and finding some that would be fun to share and I also realized how many opening lines just are very normal and worked well for the book, but weren’t really exciting to share out of the context of the whole chapter in a post like this.

I also figured out which type of opening lines I like best, usually the ones that foreshadow or hint to something in the story, world or character.

10 Opening Lines I like from Books I Read

Ghosts of the Catacombs

Ghosts of the Catacombs

I was seven years old when I encountered my first ghost.

I think this one really sets the stage for the book with how the main character sees ghost and has for a long time. I actually quite liked this opening scene where the main character explains how she first realized she saw ghosts.

You can read my review for this book here.

The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches by Sangu Mandana

The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches

The Very Secret Society of Witches met on the third Thursday of every third month, but that was just about the only thing that never changed.

I think this opening line has a certain flair and I really like it. It also fits the main character and immediately establishes some things like that there are witches and that they are very secretive. It made me curious about why so many things change about their meeting.

You can read my review for this book here.

Love & Other Disasters by Anita Kelly

Love & Other Disasters by Anita Kelly

Dahlia Woodson might have been shit at marriage, but she could dice an onion like a goddamn professional.

I like this one, with the contradiction of her being shit at marriage, but great at dicing an onion. This book has a cooking competition so I feel the onion reference in that first sentence really works and immediately hints to the importance of food in this story. And then there is immediately that hint to a marriage gone wrong and as this is a romance book that potential for a new relationship she will succeed at.

You can read my review for this book here.

Ellen Outside the Lines by A.J. Sass

Ellen Outside the Lines by A.J. Sass

I’m ahead of schedule and this is a problem.

I remember reading the sample for this book and it convinced me I had to read this one, it was so relatable and captured the experience of being autistic so well. And this first line was a good one. I like the unexpectedness of it with how usually being ahead of schedule is a good thing, but I can definitely relate to Ellen here with how it can be absolutely stressful.

You can read my review for this book here.

Honey and Pepper by A.J. Demas

Honey and Pepper by A.J. Demas

Nikias had a fresh batch of octopus fritters ready when the three bells rang out from the harbour.

I picked this opening line as I like how it mentions food in the first sentence and it sets the stage for the book as there is a lot of Nikias cooking throughout the story. And I like reading about food, so that’s why this opening line works for me.

You can read my review for this book here.

Appalachian Awakening by Nance Sparks

Appalachian Awakening by Nance Sparks

The late February day started off normal enough.

I thought this one was simple, but effective. Obviously that day is going to get anything but normal soon. A clear hint of what’s to come and I like how the inciting incident is almost fully at the start of this book.

You can read my review for this book here.

A Rival Most Vial by R.K. Ashwick

A Rival Most Vial by R.K. Ashwick

Before the door opened, everything in Ambrose Beake’s life was perfect.

I like this one, again it’s pretty simple, but also has so much intrigue and foreshadowing. Obviously his life wasn’t perfect, he just thought it was. And this is a grumpy-sunshine romance and I like how the gruff grumpy vibe of Amborse is obvious in this first sentence already. His personality and vibe just shiens through so well in that sentence.

You can read my review for this book here.

A Girl Named Blue by Cecilia Randell

Until the year before, Blue was content with her life.

Another good example of an opening line setting the stage about how something changed and is going to change as Blue is no longer content with her life. And knowing where the series goes I think this is just such a fitting opening line.

You can read my review for this book here.

The Unicorn Herd by Arizona Tape

The Unicorn Herd by Arizona Tape

Not everyone was qualified to work with unicorns.

Simple and to the point, but very fitting for the book. I also like how the unicorns get mentioned right there in the first sentence as this book is after all about caring for unicorns. It also immediately hints to the fact that while not everyone is qualified to work with unicorns the main character is and that this book will be about her working with unicorns.

You can read my review for this book here.

Doll Girl Meets Dead Guy by Lidiya Foxglove

Doll Girl Meets Dead Guy by Lidiya Foxglove

Sorla’s hand trembled with excitement at the all-too-familair gold seal on the letter.

I couldn’t leave this one out of the post. One of my favorite books that I’ve re-read multiple times. And I like how the opening line immediately sets the stage and basically has the inciting incident that starts off Sorla’s adventure right there in the first sentence. This letter obviously is a big deal and Sorla has reason to be excited.

You can read my review for this book here.

Which of these is your favorite? Do any of these opening lines make you curious about the books?

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5 responses to “Lola’s Ramblings: 10 Opening Lines From Books I Read

  1. Yay it’s the post! I never know what to do with books that have a prologue and usually just don’t use them lol.

    I feel any first line that mentions a ghost usually is interesting lol. That second one does have a flair, I know what you mean! All of these are great though and give me a feel for the tone of the book or the character.

    • I hadn’t anticipated running into prologues, but I think one or two of these had them, so i just ignored those.

      I agree the ghost one is interesting and I just really like that flair of the second one. I really liked finding opening lines that gave a feel for the story or characters, so I am glad I succeeded with that.

  2. A good opening line is the best hook to draw me into a book or to reassure me from the start I’m in for a fabulous reading experience. Loved seeing the ones you really liked. I haven’t read any of them… yet!

    • I agree a good opening line can definitely set the stage and draw me into the book. It was fun to check the first lines of books to find some good ones for this book. I also was surprised how many books I did enjoy didn’t really have great opening lines and how important the first chapters can be.

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