The 2015 Bookish Resolutions Challenge hosted by A Reader Lives A Thousand Lives and Because Reading is Better Than Real Life.
Every month on the 30th I will be doing my recap of that month, or in this case on the 28th. You can check out my goal post here
February Recap
- Accept no more than 1 book with a deadlines each month. Completed this goal for February and January so far. And then I completely failed this goal by signign-up for two review deadlines in March and two in April. So yeah it’s only the second month and I failed this one, I almost fele bad about it, but they are all books I really want to read and know I will make those deadlines. So now what do I keep reportign progress on this gola or just ignore it as I already failed?
- Read at least 3 (cozy) mysteries. Nope not even one mystery book read this year so far.
- Read at least 3 historical romances. I read 1 historical romance so far: The Mine by John Heldt. It’s actually a bit of a crossover book with time travel and historical romance elements, but I thought the historical romance elements where prominent enough to count it as historical romance.
- Read at least 20 review books this year. I am doing great for this goal, I read 10 review books so far! So I am already halfway to the goal. I only read one non-review book this year, but unfortunately I am not making a dent in my review pile as I keep accepting even more books for review.
- Organize at least 30 tours with Lola’s Blog Tours than last year. I am doing pretty good so far with 10 tours I am organizing. I am on one third of this goal already, while it’s been only two months. And I am in contact with some more authors about upcomign tours. I am really happy with this progress and hope I can even surpass my goal.
You’re doing very good, now you just have to find some motivating cozy mysteries 🙂
Red Iza recently posted…Review / Tracy Tappan : Blood-bonded by force (The community series #3)
Yeah I haven’t really got time to search for some cozy mysteries, maybe next month! I am happy with my progress even though I already managed to fail one challenge.
Lola recently posted…Review: Owl and the Japansese Circus by Kristi Charish
Grouse doing great so far! Don’t worry about that first goal. Reading and reviewing is something you love so it’s not a huge failure:)
S. J. Pajonas recently posted…Conbini!
Sometimes too many deadline books can stress me out, but in this case they are all books I wnat to read and I don’t mind. So I don’t feel too bad about failing that goal. And at least now I don’t have to be too carefull anymore about accepting deadline books as I already failed that goal ;).
I think you’re doing pretty good even if you broke the tour goal. Just pick up after April. 😉
I’ve done a little better with accepting reviews and tours, but not as good as I wanted too. I’ve read more TBR pile books and catching up on older review books, but still a looong way to go. 😉
Sophia Rose recently posted…The Great Pick Up Line with The Gilded Cuff by Lauren Smith #TGPUL #Giveaway
Thanks! The goal I failed, was the one I expected to be the hardest, although I hadn’t expected to fail this soon.
There are just so many great books that are being released this year and if I am going to read it anyway, why not help the author and review it during the tour? I am reading a lot of review books, but I am not really making a dent as I keep accepting more and more new ones.
Lola recently posted…Review: Owl and the Japanese Circus by Kristi Charish
You’re doing great, Lola! Keep up the good work. I only have 3 resolutions and can only seem to work at 2 per month! *ha* But at least we’re working at them, right?
Bookworm Brandee recently posted…Blitz & Giveaway ~ The Complete Submission Box Set ~ CD Reiss
Indeed at least you are working at them! Beside that goal that I failed I am happy with my progress!
Lola recently posted…Review: Shadow Study by Maria v Snyder
Great progress so far! Do you normally read cozy mysteries or is that trying something new?
It’s great to get yourself to read something different but you really are doing awesome! Good luck this month!
Michelle@ Because Reading recently posted…#Review ~ Top Ten Clues You’re Clueless by Liz Czukas
The cozy mysteries is trying something new, but there are so many good books by authors I already kow, that I am not finding much time to try something new. Same with the historical romances. Luckily my goal is pretty low and I still have quite some months. I am really happy with my review book progress, if only I could stop accepting as many new ones as I read.
You’re doing great Lola! As to whether you still report on Resolution one, that’s totally up to you (until Michelle cottons on that there’s a chance for more rules that is!) If you want to see if you can do it for the rest of the months anyway then you could still count it (just not for the giveaway at the end!) or if you wanted to count that as 12 deadlines a year instead of 1 deadline a month (totally may have done that for one of mine…)
Laura @ trips down imagination road recently posted…Book: The Space Captain’s Courtesan by KC Klein
Thanks for the tip, I might change it to 12 deadlines a year, but even then I am afraid I will fail it, but it does give me a bit of a chance ;).
Lola recently posted…Lola’s Ramblings: How do you Rate books?