Since I started this blog I have interviewed a different blogger every week. Sadly I have to announce that I won’t be able to do a Blogger Interview Saturday every week anymore. The reason for this is that I already interviewed most of the blogger that are close friends of mine and it’s getting more and more difficult to find new blogger to interview. It is actually quite difficult to find bloggers to interview. Also it may not seem like it, but I put a lot of time in the blogger Interview Saturday posts every week and I just can’t seem to do this every week anymore. So I will be trying to do a Blogger Interview once is a while, but not every saturday anymore.
I want to thank all the blogegr who I got the chance to interview, I really enjoyed all the interviews and learning more about you!
To say goodbye to my weekly feature I thought it was a nice idea to interview myself. So today I interview myself from Lola’s Reviews.
Hello Lolita!
Welcome to Lolaβs Reviews! I am so excited to have you on my blog today.
Why did you decide to start blogging?
I started blogging even before I started Lola’s Reviews. First I was a co-blogger over at K-Books. Kay was getting too many review requests to keep up with so she was looking for a co-blogger. I couldn’t imagine starting my own blog, but I did love writing reviews. So I did a few quests reviews for Kay on her blog and then Kay asked me to join her blog. Since then I found out how much I loved blogging and after almost a year Kay and me decided it was best if I started my own blog. That’s when I started Lola’s Reviews.
How did you come up with the name for your blog, Lola’s Reviews?
As soon as I got the idea of starting my own blog I wanted to have it as soon as possible, so I had to come up with a name first. I wanted a nem that made it obvious I was doing reviews here. Because I couldn’t come up with much i thought about including my name in the blog name, but Lolita is a bit too long for a blog name I think and Lola (my nickname) is catchier. So I decided to name my blog Lola’s Reviews.
How old is your blog now?
My blog is now approximately 3 months. I can’t believe how far I have come in those three months already. I already reached 100 gfc followers and I am amazed at how many posts I have already posted here.
What do you enjoy most about blogging?
I enjoy sharing my opinion and thoughts with other people, but I also love the interaction with authors and other bloggers. I met so many amazing people thanks to my blog! And I love it every time someone leaves a comment on my blog and I realize people actually read what I write here.
What do you enjoy the least about blogging?
I think the thing I enjoy least about blogging is my pressure to have a post here every day. I really want to have one of those blogs that have a new post every day and I work very hard to have a post for every day, but sometimes it feels like I focus too much on having a post instead of just going with the flow. For example sometimes I am tempted to just start a short book so I can finish it quick and have a review on my blog. I still have to realize that not having a blog post every isn’t such a big deal, but I really want to have a blog post every day and the pressure can be really annoying at times.
How did you decide on this design for your blog?
Well it was quite sudden that I decided to have my own blog and while I didn’t want to wait long and let someone design my design I did want to have something original. Coincidently a friend of mine had made a pony of me some time ago and I suddenly got the idea to use that as my header, because well the pony was made to look like me and it was reading, so I thought it would be perfect. So I told my friend about the idea and she instantly went to work to make a banner with the pony in it. The rest of my design is just a blogger template. I like the colour green, so I decided to have a green background.
Aside from answering the standard questions I also asked on both facebook and twitter for people to send me questions so here are the questions they came up with and my answers.
Sonnie: Since you use to co-blog w/ Kay, is it very different when you have your own blog vs. co-blogging? Which do you like better?
Yes having my own blog is really different from being a co-blogger. I really liked being a co-blogger and I think it is a great way to get to start blogging, I just love having my own blog now. I love that I can decide everything about my blog myself. Also I am a bit of a control freak and I like having total control about everything on my blog. Another problem with co-blogging is organizing it, for example on my former blog we sometimes both scheduled a blog tour on the same day and I think this isn’t nice. Now I have a blogging agenda and make sure I never have more than one post on a day. Also the feeling of having your own blog is great! On the other hand being a co-blogger is less stressing, because you have two people who blog each one has less work to do for the blog. I certainly notice now that I have my own blog it takes much more time than being a co-blogger. So while I am really glad I started my own blog, being a co-blogger also has it’s good points.
Monique: besides the fact that u love to read, what made you want to start a blog and share your thoughts with the world?
Well being able to share my thoughts with the world is actually one of the things that made me want to start a blog. I think having my own website and being able to share my thoughts with the world is amazing. Another reason why I wanted to start a blog is because lots of my friend already had a blog and I liked visiting their blogs, but when you don’t have a blog yourself it still feels like you are on the outside of the whole community. having a blog certainly made me feel like being a part of the blogger community. Because I didn’t knew much about starting a website and such I actually decided to not start my own blog, but then Kay asked if I wanted to be her co-blogger and I think that was just the step I needed. In the time I was her co-blogger I learned so much, enough that I could start my own blog without being afraid I didn’t knew enough.Β
Amy: If you could sit down and have dinner with any one book character, who would it be, what would the dinner consist of, and what for dessert?
This is such a difficult question, because choosing a favourite or something like that is really difficult for me. And there are so many awesome characters I would like to meet. I think I would choose for Siena from Fire Country, because I think I would actually like her if I met her and I would love to see her response to some of the food. The dinner would consist of pizza, I love pizza. And ofcourse I would take a vegatarian pizza, I wonder how she would react to that. I am not sure if there are vegatarians in Fire Country. And as dessert we should have ice cream, because really in Fire country they don’t have ice cream and I would love to see Siena’s reaction to that. And pancakes, or even better pancakes with ice cream inside.
Terri: Where do you get your love of reading from?
Aactually for as long as I remember I loved reading. While in elementary school most children hated reading, I actually liked it when it was reading time again. Also my mom always encourages reading and read books to us and told us stories, she often told us stories before going to bed or she read books to us. I always liked reading books and I also told my younger sister imaginary stories often. So I think reading is part of my upbringing, but also part of my love for stories and escaping reality.
Terri: What’s your favorite genre, author and book?
Choosing favourites is something I am really bad at. And everything depends on my mood, for example sometimes I am really in the mood for urban fantasy or sometimes I really want to read a YA book, but it also happens I had enough of YA for a while and really am in the mood for NA or adult books. So I don’t really have a favourite genre, I also think that every genre has some good books even though overal I may not like that genre.
There are some authors that belong to my favourite author list: Kelley Armstrong, Rachel Vincent, Richelle Mead, Jennifer Estep, David Estes, Karen marie Moning and Diana Rowland
And for favourite book, this again isn’t a question I can’t answer. If you want to know some of the best books I read, I would suggest taking a look at the books I gave 5 stars
Terri: What is the one thing you want people to know about you?
Again choosing one thing. Well I think I would go with the fact that I hate lying. I can’t stand it when other people lie to me. I also will never lie, I may not tell the complete truth all times, but I will never tell an outright lie.
So that’s the end of this interview. I hope you enjoyed getting to know more about me and my blog. And thanks for everyone who came up with a question! This was so much fun!
So I hope you all enjoyed my Blogger Interview Saturday posts and I really hope I will be able to still do them sometimes!
Awww, sad to see this one go. Glad to hear you still plan on doing these every once in a while π I really enjoyed reading them!
I just can’t keep doing this every week. I certainly plan on still doing these once in a while and maybe I can even let my folowers come up with questions like I did for todays interview.
I have to say that you did a great job interviewing yourself and thanks for answering my question π I feel like I’ve learned a bit about you today and its nice to know that you were also alittle scared to put yourself out there but did so because of your love of books.
Blog on Lola
Thanks :)! It was actually quite difficult to interview myself and a bit strange :P. It’s really difficult for me to be personal and tell things about myself on my blog and I am trying to change that, so I am glad you think you learned more about me
Wonderful interview and it was cool learning more about you. I can see where this would be a hard feature to do weekly..maybe monthly would work better. If you need bloggers..i would be happy to mention it in my Sunday Post when you are ready π
I think indeed that making this a monthly feature would be so much better. I really wonder what I was thinking when I thought I could do this weekly. I would be honored if you could mention it on your Sunday Post! Maybe doing an interview every first saturday of the month is a good idea. That means I still have two weeks to find someone to interview :p
Loved your answers! After all, who knows Lola best? Lola! Have a fantabulous week and I’ll chat with you later π
HaHa, pancakes with ice cream inside…OMG, yum!
I am glad you liked my answers :). Thanks for coming up with that awesome question! And Pancakes with ice cream inside are awesome!