Every Saturday I interview a blogger. This week I interview Kate from the blog Epic Chocolate Fantasy.
Hello Kate!
Welcome to Lola’s Reviews! I am so excited to have you on my blog today.
Thanks, I’m happy to be here!
Why did you decide to start blogging?
I joined Goodreads about a year and a half ago, and after discovering the vast and heretofore unexplored world of book blogging, I knew I wanted to join in!
How did you come up with the name for your blog, Epic Chocolate Fantasy?
I like fantasy, especially epic fantasy, and I like chocolate. So really it wasn’t a difficult choice at all 🙂
How old is your blog now?
Almost a year and a half, although I didn’t blog much this past summer and fall, so it feels like less time.
What do you enjoy most about blogging?
The ability to inflict my opinions on other people! Er…I mean…the community. Yeah, the community.
How did you decide on this design for your blog?
I didn’t really settle on a design until I spent basically an entire weekend on it during Bloggiesta last spring. I don’t know that I “decided” on a design so much as worked with different ideas and elements until I got something I liked. I used picnik to make the header, and I really miss that site.
I noticed your blog url and title differ, but both focus on chocolate. Why did you decide to make a book blog and use chocolate in the name of your blog and url?
Actually, there’s no chocolate in the url — “never bake in black” refers to the fact that if you do so, you will soon find your clothing covered in flour, powdered sugar, cornstarch, and/or whatever other white, fluffy ingredients you happen to be using. My blog was originally called Never Bake in Black because I thought I would focus as much on baking as books, but that didn’t really happen, which is why I changed the title.
Thanks Kate for the interview!Thanks, Lolita!
You can find Kate and her blog here:
Blog: http://www.neverbakeinblack.blogspot.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Epic-Chocolate-Fantasy/193181377446823
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/ECFantasy
Do you have a blog and you want me to interview you as part of my Blogger Interview Saturday? Send me an e-mail at lolabookreviews@gmail.com
Hi Lola! Love the interview! I was not familiar with Kate until now, so I am off to check out her blog. Love the banner. WTG Faye.
Thanks :). I hope you like Kate’s blog. And I am really happy with my new banner, Faye really did an awesome job :)!