Blogger Interview Saturday: Caffeinated Book Reviewer

Posted February 9, 2013 by Lola in Blogger Interview / 20 Comments

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Every Saturday I interview a blogger. This week I interview Kimba from the blog Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer.

Hello Kimba!
Welcome to Lola’s Reviews! When I started my own blog I had no idea which memes to follow, but soon I did decide to follow your Sunday post (which is still the only meme I follow). I am really excited to have you on my blog today for this interview!
Aww thanks Lola, I love that you are a part of the Sunday Post and flattered you chose it.

Why did you decide to start blogging? 
Fellow book lovers at Goodreads and B&N Book clubs encouraged me to create my own review blog. I really had no idea people actually reviewed books for publishers or had book review blogs. It has become my passion, my addiction and each week, month, year I grow a little more. I have added features and my reviews have improved as more of my personality seeps into the posts. I did my first Caffeinated Confessions and boy howdy was I nervous, but it was so well received. About 6 months ago I began sharing blogger tips and tricks and it feels good to give back. I remember how lost I was when I began.

How did you come up with the name for your blog, Kimba the “Caffeinated Book Reviewer”?
I wanted a name that reflected me and the “Caffeinated Book Reviewer” was easy as I am addicted to coffee and books. The name Kimba was a nickname my father called me when I was a small child. My first name is Kimberly and he got the nickname from a book/ series called Kimba the White Lion.

How old is your blog now?
My blog was a year old in August of 2012.

What do you enjoy most about blogging?
I love sharing my passion for books and getting to know fellow book lovers and authors.

What do you enjoy the least about blogging?
Drama, I am so not a Drama Mama and some of the things that occur make me cringe. My philosophy is Peace, Love and Books!

How did you decide on this design for your blog?
That was easy I wanted an image that was recognizable and quickly made you think of me. I think I succeeded with my blue coffee cup!

I think the Sunday Post is a great idea that combines displaying all your posts from the last week again, telling plans for the next week and a book haul. There are many other memes that also includes some of these things, so I wonder why did you decide to start the Sunday Post?
While I love sharing my book haul, I also love reading and commenting on reviews but I cannot always make the rounds to my favorite blogs on a daily basis. I wanted a post to show what occurred in the past week on my blog and what was coming for the week ahead. It also allows for a little personal note and a chance to give a shout out to posts we love or events we want to share. Each week new blogs join and it’s great connecting. At this point I visit every blog that links up and I’ve made some lovely bookish friends.

Thanks Kimba for the interview!
Thanks for having me Lola, this was a lot of fun and I love meeting bloggers through your weekly feature. Have an awesome book filled day!

You can find Kimba and her blog here and don’t forget to check out her Sunday Post meme:
Google +

I am looking for new awesome bloggers to interview, so do you have a blog and you want me to interview you as part of my Blogger Interview Saturday? Send me an e-mail at lolabookreviews(at)gmail(dot)com


20 responses to “Blogger Interview Saturday: Caffeinated Book Reviewer

    • Thanks :). I really enjoy doing the blogger interviews, although it is difficult sometimes coming up with the special question for every blog.

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